SWSD Navigator Newsletter - School Board Workshop Se...
South Whidbey Schools Issue #116| September 5, 2024 Welcome to this week's edition of the South Whidbey School District Navigator Newsletter! We're excited to share the latest happenings and updates from our school community to keep you informed and engaged. Message from Superintendent Moccia Dear South Whidbey Staff, Families, Students and Community, South Whidbey School District takes student and staff safety seriously. Our hearts go out to the staff, students and families at Apalachee High School in Georgia. It is important that our community continues to be diligent in supporting and reporting safety concerns. We continue to take every precaution to keep our students and staff safe. One of our precautions includes keeping our doors locked during the school day. Please remind your student to never prop a door open and to close any outer door if they see it propped open. We follow our district policy 3225 and procedure 3225P regarding threats of harm, follow our safety protocols (linked here), regularly conduct emergency preparedness drills, work with law enforcement directly, and continue personnel training. We take all threats seriously including those made by individuals inside and outside of our school family. Please continue to help keep our schools safe by reporting any perceived threat to law enforcement and to our district. We have a safety tip line and all of our safety and contact information is available on our website. Please continue to speak with your students about their choice of words and speaking up when they find a concern. Any of our staff members can assist a student's concern and direct them to the appropriate person. Together we make a difference to keep our schools safe. Sincerely, Jo Moccia, Superintendent 2024-2025 School Calendar Important Dates - Please Check ParentSquare for School Updates Falcon & Cougar Athletics Home Games; Band Calendar Sept 5: Deadline to Sign Up for PSAT and SAT; Parent Coach Athlete Meeting 5:30pm Sept 6: MS/HS Picture Day Sept 9: Kindergarten First Day; Sept 11: School Board Workshop Sept 12: SWES Curriculum Night 5-7pm Sept 13: Fall Sports Assembly Sept 18: Community Forum - Superintendent Search Sept 19: MS/HS Curriculum Night Sept 20: Coffee with Principal Richards 8:30am Sept 23: SWES/ALE Picture Day Sept 23-27 Falcon Spirit Week Sept 27: Falcon Homecoming Pep Assembly and Football Game (Royalty announced at half time) Sept 28: Falcon Homecoming Dance (Gades 9-12) South Whidbey School Spirit Wear School Updates Picture Day Grades 6-12 Picture Day is Friday, September 6th. Grades Tk-5 and ALE Picture Day is Monday September 23rd Open House/Curriculum NIghts Grades Tk-5 Thursday, September 12 Grades 6-12: Thursday, September 19 Curriculum Nights are a chance for guardians to learn more about their student(s)'s classes, the teacher's expectations, ask questions, and see some of the work your student has thun thus far. Please attend your school's 24-25 curriculum night. Welcome Back To School Awesome First Day of School! Students were welcomed with cheer! Thank you to the staff, volunteers, and student leaders who made the first day fantastic! Here's to a terrific 2024-2025 school year! New Cell Phone Policy On August 28th, OSPI Superintendent Reykdal published guidance for schools to limit cell phones during instructional time. See OSPI Guidance: Cell Phone and Smart Device Use in Schools (August 28, 2024). The recommendation to limit cell phone use during school is a nationwide movement in support of student learning and mental health. “We know that students succeed when they can focus on learning,” said Larry Delaney, President of the Washington Education Association. Our aim is for students to be engaged and attentive in the classroom, and we recognize the significant distraction that cell phones can pose,” said Joel Aune, Executive Director of the Washington Association of School Administrators. Reducing the use of cell phones in class improves concentration and learning, improves mental and physical health, and reduces pressures caused by social media,” said State Superintendent Chris Reykdal in the guidance document. Parent/Guardian/Staff/Student support is greatly appreciated. Additional social media and mental health resources are available on the website linked here. Fall 2024 PSAT and SAT HS Students: Starting August 19th, Sign Up for the PSAT and Senior Only SAT. Sign ups will close on Friday September 5th, the first week of school. The only way to reserve a spot is to pay the testing Fee $18.00 PSAT and $60.00 SAT to Kymy Johnson at the ASB Window. For students who qualify for Free and Reduced meals, the PSAT is Free (however students must still reserve a spot at ASB Window) and the SAT is a reduced Fee. 24-25 Free and Reduced meal applications will be accepted starting August 12th at the District Office or to kmacarro@sw.wednet.edu. 24-25 Falcon ASB Leaders South Whidbey High School's ASB Leadership Team is planning for a fun 24-25 school year Including: Welcome Back/ Fall Sports Assembly Friday, Sep.13th during Advisory Falcon Spirit Week Sep. 23-27 Homecoming royalty nominations assembly announced on Sep. 23rd Homecoming Pep Assembly on Friday, Sep. 27th Homecoming royalty announcement at Football game halftime on Sept 27th Homecoming Dance (grades 9-12) Saturday the 28th from 7-10 pm Follow them on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/swexecasb?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet&igsh=ZDNlZDc0MzIxNw== Middle School PE Jumping into cooperative games with “Running the Pipe”. Students must work together to get a marble from one end to the other with a variety of limitations and challenges! Two teams compete to see who can master each challenge first!! Good intro activity! Levy Updates HYA will be meeting with the various stakeholder groups (unions, ptas, boosters, student groups, community etc) on September 18th and 19th. Find them at the HS/MS Curriculum Night and the Community Forum Save the Date: Community Forum for Superintendent Search on Wednesday, September 18th at 6:30pm in the SWES Community Board Room. All are welcomed to attend. Superintendent Search Updates Board Corner At our last meeting, the South Whidbey School Board discussed the practice of having a land acknowledgement at the start of our board meetings. We heard from district administrators about a powerful visit from members of the Tulalip tribes, and requested of Dr. Moccia that she continue to strengthen that relationship so that we can appropriately acknowledge, honor, and learn from those who have such a long and enduring relationship with this area. We also approved a relatively minor budget extension for this past school year, approved contracts with the district's classified unions, and approved the purchase of another electric school bus. Our next meeting is a board workshop, where we look forward to hearing from the Port of South Whidbey and WICA about the use of land around the Community Center in Langley, and discuss more details about the ongoing superintendent search (which you can find out more about at: https://www.sw.wednet.edu/our-district/superintendent/superintendent-search-24-25). On Wednesday, September 11, 2024 the South Whidbey School Board will hold a workshop starting at 6:30pm via ZOOM WEBINAR and IN PERSON at the South Whidbey Elementary School Dr. Julie Hadden Community Board Room at 5380 Maxwelton Road, Langley. The agenda is linked HERE. Please click THIS LINK to join the webinar. Passcode: 234129 Webinar ID: 881 5979 3362 Future Meetings: September 25: Business Meeting October 2: Community Forum October 9: Workshop October 23: Business Meeting ----- Brook Willeford, Board President Free & Reduced Meal Application School Meals: Do You Qualify for Free or Reduced Priced Meals? Based on your household income your children could qualify for free or reduced priced meals. To find out if you qualify, annually, you must fill out a National School Lunch & Breakfast Application. 2024-2025 Free and Reduced Meal applications and consent forms are available online linked here. These forms may be submitted via email to kmacarro@sw.wednet.edu. ASB and Sport Fee Waiver Process: Fee waivers will be granted to students who qualify for free or reduced-price meal benefits and have consented to share their data with other programs within the District. Please complete the Consent To Share form linked below to apply free and reduced benefits to additional programs in the district. This form can be delivered to any school secretary or emailed to Kristy Macarro at the district office at kmacarro@sw.wednet.edu. South Whidbey Elementary School (SWES TK-5) qualified for funding through Meals for Washington Students (HB1238 - enacted in July 2023) due to the percentage of enrolled students that were eligible to receive free and reduced meals in 23-24. For the 2024-2025 school year, meals will be provided at no cost to ALL students enrolled at SWES. Still all families are encouraged to submit an application for Free and Reduced Meals to help determine the percentage for next year. Furthermore, meal applications assist in additional funding for the school and the district. Athletic Acclamations 2024-25 Middle School & High School Athletics Registration Now Open Save the dates! PARENT COACH ATHLETE MEETING: Thursday 9/5 at 5:30 - 6:30pm. Cougar Football Parent Meeting, Monday 9/9 at 5-5:30pm Cougar Cross Country Home Invitational Saturday 9/21 at 9:45am Registration is open for all 2024-25 Falcon & Cougar Athletics, this includes high school fall sports that may have summer training sessions. Families can sign up for all sports on FinalForms: https://swhs.sw.wednet.edu/activities/athletics Sign ups must be complete and sport physicals must be up to date to be eligible to participate. Sign up as soon as possible to start receiving emails/communications for the coaches. ATHLETICS FEES: ASB and Athletic fees are not due until the fall when fall sports start. More information on sports fees can be found on the Middle School Athletics and High School Athletics websites. Currently fees can only be paid by cash or check in the 6-12 ASB office. If your student receives Free or Reduced lunch, your family can get a fee waiver for ASB & sports fees. Fill out a 2024-25 Consent to Share form and turn it into the ASB office to have a waiver applied to your students account. This form must be completed annually. SPORTS PHYSICALS: Please check your students FinalForms account to see if they need a new sports physical. It can often take a few months to get an appointment with your family Doctor. Please reach out to Kymy Johnson in the ASB/Athletics office if you have questions. kyjohnson@sw.wednet.edu or 360.221.6808 ext. 5423. Student Supports Peachjar Digital Flyers SWPTA, SWEPTA, Boosters, RTL and Volunteer Opportunities Click Here to join one of the South Whidbey Community Groups that support the schools Performing Arts Booster (PAB), Athletic Booster, 6-12 PTA, SWEPTA (K-5), or the Emergency Notifications Group. Performing Arts Booster meets the first Wednesday of the month at 2:50pm in the Band room. Next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 4th at 2:50pm. SW Athletics Booster is meeting on Monday, September 9th at 6:30pm. Readiness To Learn (RTL) : South Whidbey Parents!. Purchasing supplies for the new school can be expensive. If your budget is too tight to provide everything needed, you’re not alone! At the Family Resource Center, we have a wide variety of school supplies, backpacks, and more for income-eligible families to choose from. Call, email, or register online to schedule an appointment to shop in our no-cost school supply store. Our services are confidential, respectful and led by you! https://bit.ly/RTLBTS2024 South Whidbey Loves Our Volunteers Every two (2) years, ALL volunteers with the South Whidbey School District must complete a SWSD volunteer application, Washington State Patrol form and present a current Washington State Driver's License. Click the button above to complete the online Volunteer form. Paper forms are linked here and available at the schools and district office. You may return these printed paper forms IN PERSON WITH YOUR PHOTO ID to any of the building secretaries or to Kristy Macarro at the District Office at 5476 Maxwelton Rd, Langley, WA 98260. Please remember to check in at the main office with your photo identification every time you volunteer. We look forward to having you as a volunteer. More information for volunteer coaches, drivers, and field trip chaperones linked here. VOLUNTEER APPLICATION Staff Highlights Welcome to Haley Gutierrez! Building/Campus: SWES - North Grades you work with Position: Kindergarten Teacher How long have you worked or SWSD? I am so excited to join the Kindergarten team! Describe your role: I work closely with families and children coming to school for the first time. We sing, move our bodies, make new friends, and build a love of learning together. Favorite thing about your job? Building lasting relationships with families, and the utter magic of Kindergarten! Most interesting thing about your job? There is not one day of teaching that is exactly the same. Everyday in Kindergarten holds a new adventure. All-time favorite movie? It's a Wonderful Life and The Sound of Music Favorite spot on Whidbey? Sunset spots around town. How do you spend a day to yourself? Spending time with someone I love! What is the luckiest thing to happen to you? Meeting my husband and building our beautiful family on Whidbey. What is on your bucket list? Surfing in Spain and Japan. Take away from the pandemic? Giving children time to slow down, and preserve childhood as much as we can. I am grateful for this opportunity, and I am looking forward to making new friends both big and small. --- Haley Employment Opportunities Open Positions! It's a great time to apply and join our team! To see the current open positions and apply, visit our website: https://www.sw.wednet.edu/our-district/district-office/human-resources School Bus Drivers Paraeducator HS Assistant Coach - HS Boys Tennis Maintenance Worker (temporary) Athletic Trainer - Open until filled Also accepting application for substitute teachers, paraeducators, bus drivers, registered nurse, custodian, and food services. South Whidbey School District Comprehensive benefit package for eligible staff, which includes options for health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, long-term disability insurance, and compensated leave. Eligible positions are covered by the Washington State Retirement Plan. For additional information and to apply, visit Fast Track: https://www.sw.wednet.edu/our-district/district-office/human-resources/open-positions Child Find Services: South Whidbey School District is responsible for locating, evaluating, and serving children in the district boundaries who may have a disability in one of the following eligibility categories: Intellectual disability, a hearing impairment (including deafness), a speech or language impairment, a visual impairment (including blindness), an emotional/behavioral disability, an orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairment, a specific learning disability, deaf-blindness, multiple disabilities, or for students, three through eight, a developmental delay and who, because of the disability and adverse educational impact, has unique needs that cannot be addressed exclusively through education in general education classes with or without individual accommodations, and needs special education and related services.( WAC 392-172A-01035). The school district offers free screenings for children ages 3-5 with developmental concerns. The next screening dates are: 10/16/2024 1/22/2025 4/23/2025 Contact us at ahudkins@sw.wednet.edu or 360-221-6808 x 2206. Information is also available on our website at South Whidbey School District (linked here). For students in grade kindergarten – grade 12 with concerns of a special education disability, contact the school counselor or principal. Contact STEPS (360) 679-1039 for children ages birth to 3. A child may be referred by any source that has knowledge about the student. South Whidbey School District serves all children (public school, private school, home school) residing within the school district boundaries. If your family is living in a temporary situation, you may contact the district where you are staying to attend a screening. SPED Records Retention In keeping with the Public Schools Records Retention Schedule by the Office of the Secretary of the State of Washington to retain the special education records of students for a minimum of 6 years when the student is no longer eligible for services or has withdrawn from the district. 2018-2019 will be destroyed August 31, 2025 2019-2020 will be destroyed August 31, 2026 2020-2021 will be destroyed August 31, 2027 2021-2022 will be destroyed August 31, 2028 Contact the special education office at ahudkins@sw.wednet.edu if you would like more information regarding student special education files or to request the file. Records will not be released to parent/guardian if student is age 18+ in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): Once a student reaches 18 years of age or attends a postsecondary institution, he or she becomes an "eligible student," and all rights formerly given to parents under FERPA transfer to the student. Contact Us South Whidbey School District 5476 Maxwelton Road, Langley, WA 98260 Tel. 360-221-6100 FAX 360-221-3835 Questions/Concerns/Stories: Email info@sw.wednet.edu SWHS/SWMS Attendance Line 360-221-0937 (email) 6-12 Questions? Email meaton@sw.wednet.edu SWA Office Attendance Line 360-221-0937 (email) SWA Questions? Email camundson@sw.wednet.edu SWES (North and South Campuses) TK-5 Attendance Line 360-221-0637 (email) TK-5 Questions Email dhouck@sw.wednet.edu ALE K-8 Questions? Email jzundel@sw.wednet.edu Special Education Questions? Email specialed@sw.wednet.edu Athletics Questions? Email kyjohnson@sw.wednet.edu HR Questions? Email hsmith@sw.wednet.edu 988 - Suicide and Crisis Lifeline If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 or chat 988Lifeline.org. Bond Updates
Thursday, Sep 05 2024
SWES/SWA School Meals are FREE for 2024-2025
National School Lunch Program/School Breakfast Program 2024–25 Letter to Households (SWA and SWES) Dear Parent/Guardian: For the 2024-2025 school year, South Whidbey Elementary School and South Whidbey Academy will serve meals each school day at no charge . The monthly menus are on Peachjar linked here: https://app.peachjar.com/flyers/all/districts/3142/ Elementary School Lunch Menu Updated 9/4/24 It is important that you still complete the attached Child Nutrition Eligibility & Education Benefit application (linked here) though as it may qualify you for: reduced fees for other programs and activities, 2025 Summer EBT benefits, and/or help secure funding for your school district. Who should fill out an application? Fill out the application if: Total household income is the SAME or LESS than the amount on the chart below. You receive Basic Food, take part in the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), or receive Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) for your children. You are applying for foster children that are under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court. Turn in the application to Kristina Macarro, kmacarro@sw.wednet.edu , 5476 Maxwelton Road, Langley, WA 98260. Be sure to submit ONLY ONE application per household. We will notify you if the application is approved or denied. If any child you are applying for is homeless (McKinney-Vento), or migrant, check the appropriate box. What counts as income? Who is considered a member of my household? Look at the income chart below. Find your household size. Find your total household income. If members in the household are paid at different times during the month and you are unsure if your household is eligible, fill out an application and we will determine your income eligibility for you. The information you give will be used to determine your child's eligibility for free or reduced-price meals. Foster children that are under the legal responsibility of a foster care agency or court are eligible for free meals regardless of personal use income. If you have questions about applying for meal benefits for foster children, please contact us at Kristina Macarro, kmacarro@sw.wednet.edu . USDA Child Nutrition Program Income Guidelines Effective July 1, 2024–June 30, 2025 Household Size Annual Monthly Twice Per Month Every Two Weeks Weekly 1 $27,861 $2,322 $1,161 $1,072 $536 2 $37,814 $3,152 $1,576 $1,455 $728 3 $47,767 $3,981 $1,991 $1,838 $919 4 $57,720 $4,810 $2,405 $2,220 $1,110 5 $67,673 $5,640 $2,820 $2,603 $1,302 6 $77,626 $6,469 $3,235 $2,986 $1,493 7 $87,579 $7,299 $3,650 $3,369 $1,685 8 $97,532 $8,128 $4,064 $3,752 $1,876 For each add’l family member, add: $9,953 $830 $415 $383 $192 HOUSEHOLD is defined as all persons, including parents, children, grandparents, and all people related or unrelated who live in your home and share living expenses. If applying for a household with a foster child, you may include the foster child in the total household size. HOUSEHOLD INCOME is considered to be the income each household member received before taxes. This includes wages, social security, pension, unemployment, welfare, child support, alimony, and any other cash income. If including a foster child as part of the household, you must also include the foster child’s personal income. Do not report foster payments as income. What must be on the application? For households not getting any assistance : Student name(s) Names of all household members Income by source for all household members Adult household member's signature Last 4 digits of social security number of the adult household member who signs the application (or if the adult signing does not have a social security number, check the associated box). Complete Parts 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 ; Part 6 is optional. For households with only foster child(ren) Student’s name Adult household member signature Complete Parts 1 and 5 . Part 6 is optional. You may also send the school a copy of the court documentation showing the foster child(ren) was/were placed with you instead of filling out an application form. Last 4 digits of SSN are not required for B. For a family getting Basic Food/TANF/FDPIR : List all student names Enter a case number Adult household member's signature Complete Parts 1 , 2 , 4 , and 5 . Part 6 is optional. Last 4 digits of SSN are not required for C . For household with a foster child(ren) and other children : Apply as a household and include foster children. Follow the directions for “ A. For households not getting any assistance: ” and include the foster child’s personal use income. What if I’m not receiving basic food dollars? If you have been approved for Basic Food but do not actually receive Basic Food dollars, you may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals. You must apply for meal benefits by filling out a meal application and returning it to your child’s school. Do my children automatically qualify if they have a case number? Yes. Children on TANF or Basic Food may get free meals and children receiving some Medicaid benefits may be eligible for free or reduced-price meals without the household having to complete an application. These children are identified by the school using a data matching process. This matched list is then made available to your child’s school food service staff. The students on this list get free meals if their schools have the free and reduced-price breakfast and/or lunch program (not all schools do). Please contact us immediately if you feel your children should be receiving free meals and are not. If you do not want your child to participate in the free meal programs using this method, please notify the school. If anyone in my household has a case number, will all children qualify for free meals? Yes. If someone else in the household has a case number, other than a foster child, you must fill out an application and send it to your student’s school. Please contact us immediately if you feel other children in your household should be receiving free meals and are not. Basic Food - Can I qualify for assistance in buying food? Basic Food is the state’s food stamp program. It helps households make ends meet by providing monthly benefits to buy food. Getting Basic Food is easy! You can apply in person at the local DSHS Community Service Office, by mail, or online. There are other benefits too. You can learn about Basic Food by calling 1-877-501-2233 or by logging on to https://www.dshs.wa.gov/esa/community-services-offices/basic-food . We are in the military. Do we report our income differently? Your basic pay and cash bonuses must be reported as income. If you get any cash value allowances for off-base housing, food, or clothing, it must also be included as income. However, if your housing is part of the Military Housing Privatization Initiative, do not include your housing allowance as income. Any additional combat pay resulting from deployment is also excluded from income. My child’s application was approved last year. Do I need to fill out a new one? Yes. Your child’s application is only good for that school year and for the first few days of this school year. You must send in a new application unless the school told you that your child is eligible for the new school year. What if some household members have no income to report? Household members may not receive some types of income we ask you to report on the application or may not receive income at all. Whenever this happens, please write a 0 in the field. However, if any income fields are left empty or blank, those will also be counted as zeroes. Please be careful when leaving income fields blank, as we will assume you meant to do so. Health Coverage To inquire about or apply for health care coverage for kids in your family, please visit http://www.wahealthplanfinder.org or you may call Washington Health Plan Finder at 1-855-923-4633. What if my child needs special foods? If your child needs special foods, contact the school/district food service office. Proof of Eligibility The information you provide may be verified at any time. You may be asked to send additional information to prove your child is eligible to receive free and reduced-price meals. Fair Hearing If you do not agree with the decision on your child's application or the process used to prove income eligibility, you may talk with Paul Field , pfield@sw.wednet.edu, the fair hearing official. You have the right to a fair hearing which may be arranged by calling the school/school district at this number 360-221-6808 ext 2245. Reapplication You may apply for benefits any time during the school year. If you should have a decrease in household income, an increase in household size, or become unemployed, or receive Basic Food, TANF, or FDPIR, you may be eligible for benefits and may fill out an application at that time. USDA Non-Discrimination In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity. Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at: https://www.usda.gov/sites/default/files/documents/ad-3027.pdf , from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by: mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; or fax: (833) 256-1665 or (202) 690-7442; or email: Program.Intake@usda.gov This institution is an equal opportunity provider. The South Whidbey School District #206 (SWSD) does not discriminate, and Title IX requires the schools not to discriminate, on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, marital status, honorably discharged veteran or military status, sexual orientation including gender expression or identity, the presence of any sensory, mental, or physical disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal by a person with a disability in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following employees have been designated to handle questions and complaints of alleged discrimination: Affirmative Action/Title IX/ RCW 28A.640 /RCW 28A.642 compliance officer, John Patton, jpatton@sw.wednet.edu, or Section 504/ADA coordinator, Superintendent Jo Moccia, jmoccia@sw.wednet.edu , 5476 Maxwelton Road, Langley, WA 98260, 360-221-6100. SWSD Title IX training is available to all employees and is linked on our website here.
Tuesday, Sep 03 2024
REMINDER: High School Fall Sports Start Monday Augus...
Hello Falcon Families - Football practices started this week. Cross Country kicks off with camp on Monday and Girls Swim with Coach Erickson at Kamiak. Reach out to the head coaches if you have questions about either sport. Volleyball, Girls Soccer & Boys Tennis also start Monday August 26th , times and meeting practice venues are as follows: Volleyball: 9am - 12pm at SWHS Aux Gym Girls Soccer: 9:30am-12pm at Elementary School Soccer fields Boys Tennis: Coach Buck will send out a FinalForms email to all those registered with the time & location. Fall sports practice and game times/locations may be changed at times due to rain. Make sure to look for communications for coaches regularly. Game Schedules can be found here, choose Fall and then the sport of your choice, then click on the schedule tab. https://southwhidbeyfalconsathletics.com/ Families can still sign up for all sports on FinalForms: https://swhs.sw.wednet.edu/activities/athletics Sign ups must be complete and sport physicals must be up to date to be eligible to participate. Sign up as soon as possible to start receiving emails/communications for the coaches. If you have any questions about FinalForms and paperwork please contact athletic secretary Kymy Johnson, at kyjohnson@sw.wednet.edu or call 360-221-6808 x5423.
Friday, Aug 23 2024
Save the Date: Fall Sports - Parent, Athlete & Coach...
Hello Falcon Families - We will be having our fall sports Falcon PAC meeting (mandatory) for Parents, Athletes & Coaches on Thursday, September 5th at 5:30pm . The meeting will start in the auditorium, and then break into smaller sport specific meetings. Let’s Go Big Blue! Kymy Johnson South Whidbey High School/Middle School ASB/Athletics Office kyjohnson@sw.wednet.edu 360.221.6808 ext. 5423
Friday, Aug 23 2024
SWSD Navigator Newsletter - School Board Business Me...
South Whidbey Schools Issue #115| August 22, 2024 Welcome to this week's edition of the South Whidbey School District Navigator Newsletter! We're excited to share the latest happenings and updates from our school community to keep you informed and engaged. 2024-2025 School Calendar Important Dates - Please Check ParentSquare for School Updates Falcon & Cougar Athletics Home Games; Band Calendar Aug 26-27: KinderCamp 9:00am - 11:00am Aug 26: HS Student Schedules Released Aug 29: ES/MS Student Schedules Released Aug 28: ALL STAFF Back to School Meeting; School Board Meeting Aug 29: Blood Drive at South Campus; Popsicles with SWES Principal 4-5pm; SWMS "Business Day" for NEW MS students 12-2pm. New HS students can contact Mary Eaton for HS tours Sept 2 NO SCHOOL - Labor Day Observance Sept 3: FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL (grades 1-12) Sept 3-5: Kindergarten Family Connections Meetings Sept 5: Deadline to Sign Up for PSAT and SAT; Parent Coach Athlete Meeting 5:30pm Sept 6: MS/HS Picture Day Sept 9: Kindergarten First Day; Sept 12: SWES Curriculum Night 5-7pm Sept 19: MS/HS Curriculum Night Sept 20: Coffee with Principal Richards 8:30am South Whidbey School Spirit Wear Blood Drive at South Campus We’re calling on you to pump up the NW blood supply by donating at the S. Whidbey School District Office on Thursday, August 29th. To make an appointment, call 1-800-398-7888 or visit https://www.bloodworksnw.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/redirectgroup.html?s=402C As an added bonus, anyone who donates blood in August can ENTER Bloodworks Northwest’s Sweepstake for a chance to win tickets to see Taylor Swift in Vancouver B.C. AND a chance to win a $3000 Tango gift card! For more details, visit https://www.bloodworksnw.org/about/news/win Sign up link: https://www.bloodworksnw.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/redirectgroup.html?s=402C Eligibility Information page: www.bloodworksnw.org/eligibility If you have a question regarding eligibility or need help scheduling an appointment, please call 1-800-398-7888 or visit www.bloodworksnw.org/giveblood School Updates Cougars 'Business Day' August 29th We are doing a "Business Day' for 6th grade and NEW MS students on the 29th from 12-2pm. We will have the following: -chromebook check out for 6th graders and new students -Skyward support -schedules (for those not using skyward well yet) -registration and fees for sports and ASB -student led tours every 15 minutes Back To School Supply Lists Grades: ITK - 5th linked here 6th- 8th linked here High school supply lists will be provided by individual teachers during the first week of classes. Students will start with their Chromebooks, a notebook, and a pen/pencil. 1:1 Chromebook Program -- We believe that providing one device per student promotes equity in education. Our 1:1 student technology program reflects our commitment to provide the necessary tools and skills for collaborating, creating, and learning for all students. As a result, they are immersed in an environment that reflects the technology-rich world students will experience after graduation. Technology Handbook for Chromebook 1:1 Program If there is a hardship in attaining school supplies, please contact Readiness to Learn for assistance. Readiness to Learn - Back to School Program 360-221-6808 ex. 4321 rtlfprograms@readinesstolearn.org Fall 2024 PSAT and SAT HS Students: Starting August 19th, Sign Up for the PSAT and Senior Only SAT. Sign ups will close on Friday September 5th, the first week of school. The only way to reserve a spot is to pay the testing Fee $18.00 PSAT and $60.00 SAT to Kymy Johnson at the ASB Window. For students who qualify for Free and Reduced meals, the PSAT is Free (however students must still reserve a spot at ASB Window) and the SAT is a reduced Fee. 24-25 Free and Reduced meal applications will be accepted starting August 12th at the District Office or to kmacarro@sw.wednet.edu. Spokane Virtual Learning (SVL) registration information SWSD is excited to continue our partnership with Spokane Virtual Learning (SVL) to offer fully remote online learning for SWSD students. Any student interested in remote learning should review the information pages 1 and 2 and contact Kayla Phillips (kphillips@sw.wednet.edu) for the next step in enrollment. Registration will open on August 5, 2024 and is rolling through the first week of the school year. Registration information forms here SVL Information Site Free & Reduced Meal Application School Meals: Do You Qualify for Free or Reduced Priced Meals? Based on your household income your children could qualify for free or reduced priced meals. To find out if you qualify, annually, you must fill out a National School Lunch & Breakfast Application. 2024-2025 Free and Reduced Meal applications and consent forms are available online linked here. These forms may be submitted via email to kmacarro@sw.wednet.edu. ASB and Sport Fee Waiver Process: Fee waivers will be granted to students who qualify for free or reduced-price meal benefits and have consented to share their data with other programs within the District. Please complete the Consent To Share form linked below to apply free and reduced benefits to additional programs in the district. This form can be delivered to any school secretary or emailed to Kristy Macarro at the district office at kmacarro@sw.wednet.edu. South Whidbey Elementary School (SWES TK-5) qualified for funding through Meals for Washington Students (HB1238 - enacted in July 2023) due to the percentage of enrolled students that were eligible to receive free and reduced meals in 23-24. For the 2024-2025 school year, meals will be provided at no cost to ALL students enrolled at SWES. Still all families are encouraged to submit an application for Free and Reduced Meals to help determine the percentage for next year. Furthermore, meal applications assist in additional funding for the school and the district. Athletic Acclamations 2024-25 Middle School & High School Athletics Registration Now Open Save the date! PARENT COACH ATHLETE MEETING: THursday September 5th at 5:30 - 6:30pm. Registration is open for all 2024-25 Falcon & Cougar Athletics, this includes high school fall sports that may have summer training sessions. Families can sign up for all sports on FinalForms: https://swhs.sw.wednet.edu/activities/athletics Sign ups must be complete and sport physicals must be up to date to be eligible to participate. Sign up as soon as possible to start receiving emails/communications for the coaches. ATHLETICS FEES: ASB and Athletic fees are not due until the fall when fall sports start. More information on sports fees can be found on the Middle School Athletics and High School Athletics websites. Currently fees can only be paid by cash or check in the 6-12 ASB office. If your student receives Free or Reduced lunch, your family can get a fee waiver for ASB & sports fees. Fill out a 2024-25 Consent to Share form and turn it into the ASB office to have a waiver applied to your students account. This form must be completed annually. SPORTS PHYSICALS: Please check your students FinalForms account to see if they need a new sports physical. It can often take a few months to get an appointment with your family Doctor. Please reach out to Kymy Johnson in the ASB/Athletics office if you have questions. kyjohnson@sw.wednet.edu or 360.221.6808 ext. 5423. Levy Updates Board Corner Our last board workshop was a big one for the board and the district, as we discussed the course of the superintendent search with HYA, the firm coordinating the search. We talked timeline, steps, and preferences, making sure that we can get substantive input from the community on what you want in a new superintendent. The whole discussion is up on the district's YouTube page if you would like to watch it. We also voted to declare an emergency in response to flooding in the Middle School/High School gym, so that our facilities director and finance director can react quickly with our insurance to make the gym whole again. These efforts should be entirely (or almost entirely) covered by insurance, and so should not take away from the bond work. Our next meeting should be more sedate -- we will be voting on a (very) small budget extension for the 23-24 school year budget because of how payments worked out, and we will be voting on the contracts negotiated between the district and our classified staff unions. On Wednesday, August 28, 2024 the South Whidbey School Board will hold a business meeting starting at 6:30pm via ZOOM WEBINAR and IN PERSON at the South Whidbey Elementary School Dr. Julie Hadden Community Board Room at 5380 Maxwelton Road, Langley. The agenda is linked HERE. Please click THIS LINK to join the webinar. Passcode: 234129 Webinar ID: 881 5979 3362 Future Meetings: September 11: Workshop September 25: Business Meeting October 2: Community Forum ----- Brook Willeford, Board President Superintendent Search Updates HYA will be meeting with the various stakeholder groups (unions, ptas, boosters, student groups, community etc) on September 19th and 20th. Find them at the HS/MS Curriculum Night, and Coffee with Principal Richards. New Student Registration is Linked Here Bond Updates South Whidbey Loves Our Volunteers Every two (2) years, ALL volunteers with the South Whidbey School District must complete a SWSD volunteer application, Washington State Patrol form and present a current Washington State Driver's License. Click the button above to complete the online Volunteer form. Paper forms are linked here and available at the schools and district office. You may return these printed paper forms IN PERSON WITH YOUR PHOTO ID to any of the building secretaries or to Kristy Macarro at the District Office at 5476 Maxwelton Rd, Langley, WA 98260. Please remember to check in at the main office with your photo identification every time you volunteer. We look forward to having you as a volunteer. More information for volunteer coaches, drivers, and field trip chaperones linked here. VOLUNTEER APPLICATION Student Supports Peachjar Digital Flyers SWPTA, SWEPTA, Boosters, RTL and Volunteer Opportunities Click Here to join one of the South Whidbey Community Groups that support the schools Performing Arts Booster (PAB), Athletic Booster, 6-12 PTA, SWEPTA (K-5), or the Emergency Notifications Group. Performing Arts Booster meets the first Wednesday of the month at 2:50pm in the Band room. Next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 4th at 2:50pm. SW Athletics Booster is meeting on Monday, September 9th at 6:30pm. Readiness To Learn (RTL) :; South Whidbey Parents!. Purchasing supplies for the new school can be expensive. If your budget is too tight to provide everything needed, you’re not alone! At the Family Resource Center, we have a wide variety of school supplies, backpacks, and more for income-eligible families to choose from. Call, email, or register online to schedule an appointment to shop in our no-cost school supply store. Our services are confidential, respectful and led by you! https://bit.ly/RTLBTS2024 Back To School is made possible by community donations, to find out how YOU can help families and students, visit our website https://readinesstolearn.org/happenings/getting-ready-for-back-to-school Child Find Services: South Whidbey School District is responsible for locating, evaluating, and serving children in the district boundaries who may have a disability in one of the following eligibility categories: Intellectual disability, a hearing impairment (including deafness), a speech or language impairment, a visual impairment (including blindness), an emotional/behavioral disability, an orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, other health impairment, a specific learning disability, deaf-blindness, multiple disabilities, or for students, three through eight, a developmental delay and who, because of the disability and adverse educational impact, has unique needs that cannot be addressed exclusively through education in general education classes with or without individual accommodations, and needs special education and related services.( WAC 392-172A-01035). The school district offers free screenings for children ages 3-5 with developmental concerns. Contact us at ahudkins@sw.wednet.edu or 360-221-6808 x 2206. Information is also available on our website at South Whidbey School District (linked here) for the date of the next screening. For students in grade kindergarten – grade 12 with concerns of a special education disability, contact the school counselor or principal. Contact STEPS (360) 679-1039 for children ages birth to 3. A child may be referred by any source that has knowledge about the student. South Whidbey School District serves all children (public school, private school, home school) residing within the school district boundaries. If your family is living in a temporary situation, you may contact the district where you are staying to attend a screening. SPED Records Retention In keeping with the Public Schools Records Retention Schedule by the Office of the Secretary of the State of Washington to retain the special education records of students for a minimum of 6 years when the student is no longer eligible for services or has withdrawn from the district. 2017-2018 will be destroyed August 31, 2024 2018-2019 will be destroyed August 31, 2025 2019-2020 will be destroyed August 31, 2026 2020-2021 will be destroyed August 31, 2027 2021-2022 will be destroyed August 31, 2028 Contact the special education office at ahudkins@sw.wednet.edu if you would like more information regarding student special education files or to request the file. Records will not be released to parent/guardian if student is age 18+ in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA): Once a student reaches 18 years of age or attends a postsecondary institution, he or she becomes an "eligible student," and all rights formerly given to parents under FERPA transfer to the student. Welcome New Staff! Welcome to our newest employees and changes in assignment: Anna Jaros - ALE Teacher .4 Leave Replacement Levi Buck - HS Boys Head Tennis Coach Melanie Readshaw - HS/MS - Speech Language Pathologist Sean Olsen - HS - Teacher - Science Christopher Broderick - MS - Teacher - Science (8th Grade) Haley Gutierrez - ES - Teacher (Kindergarten) Staff movements within the district Karlie Hutson - Certified Behavior Tech Robert Merritt - Leave Replacement Head Cook Jamie Zundel - ALE Secretary II Caden Spear - MS Asst Football Coach Shawna Brown - Food Service Supervisor -Chartwells John Sommer - TOSA Director of Athletics and Student Safety Nicole McNeil - MS - Teacher Math Sue Ann Brewer - MS - Teacher Science John LaVassar - ES - PE Teacher Brighid Carlson - ES - ITK Teacher Karyn Hanson - ES - Teacher (2nd Grade) Aubrey Waldron - ES - Leave Replacement for 3rd Grade) Susan Milan - ES - Teacher (4th Grade) Heather Dubendorf - ES - Teacher (4th Grade) Betsy Hofius - ES - Teacher (5th Grade) Lindsey Demots - ES - Teacher (5th Grade) Nels Bergquist - ES -Teacher (5th Grade) (Please see the school board personnel reports for current and past changes in district personnel) Staff Highlights Welcome to Melanie Readshaw! Building/Campus: SWMS/HS and ES Campus Grades you work with Position: Speech-Language Pathologist for all grades How long have you worked or SWSD? New to the district! Describe your role: I work with students to improve overall communication including receptive/expressive language, social language, articulation (speech sound errors), and augmentative and alternative communication systems and devices (AAC). Favorite thing about your job? I LOVE working with students who have not yet learned how to use their voice. By that, I mean those who are non-speaking or minimally speaking. Finding ways to support these students, letting them understand that their words matter, celebrating autonomy and individualization, and helping all of my students find the confidence they need to advocate for themselves are some of my very favorite parts of my job. Most interesting thing about your job? I am always learning! In the Speech-Language Pathology profession, there is always something new to learn, be it a new technology, best practice, therapy structure, etc. This job definitely keeps me on my toes and I love learning and implementing new things to help ensure our students are successful. All-time favorite movie? This one is too tough to answer. I love most genres of movies (even some of the scary ones!), so I can't pick a favorite! Too many good ones out there! Favorite spot on Whidbey? That is tough. Having moved here from Arizona, I love being by the water, as that is not a normal occurrence where I'm from. I love being by the water with friends and family. That is my favorite place to be. How do you spend a day to yourself? I enjoy listening to various podcasts and hanging out with all of my animals. We have two dogs, one cat, and six chickens. Our chickens are obsessed with blueberries. I love all of the different personalities that our animals have. What is the luckiest thing to happen to you? The luckiest thing that has ever happened to me is meeting and marrying a man from Whidbey Island. Not only is he one of the nicest, most giving human beings on earth, but he encouraged us to move here last summer from Arizona and I couldn't be more grateful. Moving to the Island has been a life-changing decision for our family, in the best way possible. I am the luckiest girl in the world. What is on your bucket list? I would love to explore the San Juan Islands and go to Canada! Adding a picture of my family and I at one of our first Seahawks games this past season. We have one son in 8th grade at SWMS and another son (20 years old) who lives in South Carolina. -- Melanie Employment Opportunities Open Positions! It's a great time to apply and join our team! To see the current open positions and apply, visit our website: https://www.sw.wednet.edu/our-district/district-office/human-resources 5th Grade Teacher (Leave Replacement) MS Jazz Band Advisor Garden/Ceramics/Science Teacher (Leave Replacement) TOSA - Technology Assistant Coach MS Volleyball Paraeducator MS (Temporary) Paraeducator (Leave Replacement) Assistant Coach - HS Boys Tennis Assistant Cook (Leave Replacement) Athletic Trainer - Open until filled Also accepting application for substitute teachers, paraeducators, bus drivers, registered nurse, custodian, and food services. South Whidbey School District Comprehensive benefit package for eligible staff, which includes options for health insurance, dental insurance, vision insurance, long-term disability insurance, and compensated leave. Eligible positions are covered by the Washington State Retirement Plan. For additional information and to apply, visit Fast Track: https://www.sw.wednet.edu/our-district/district-office/human-resources/open-positions Contact Us South Whidbey School District 5476 Maxwelton Road, Langley, WA 98260 Tel. 360-221-6100 FAX 360-221-3835 Questions/Concerns/Stories: Email info@sw.wednet.edu SWHS/SWMS Attendance Line 360-221-0937 (email) 6-12 Questions? Email meaton@sw.wednet.edu SWA Office Attendance Line 360-221-0937 (email) SWA Questions? Email camundson@sw.wednet.edu SWES (North and South Campuses) TK-5 Attendance Line 360-221-0637 (email) TK-5 Questions Email dhouck@sw.wednet.edu ALE K-8 Questions? Email jzundel@sw.wednet.edu Special Education Questions? Email specialed@sw.wednet.edu Athletics Questions? Email kyjohnson@sw.wednet.edu HR Questions? Email hsmith@sw.wednet.edu 988 - Suicide and Crisis Lifeline If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 or chat 988Lifeline.org.
Thursday, Aug 22 2024