Grades 9-11 Pictures
Grades 9-11 pictures will take place on Friday, September 20th during social studies classes. Picture order forms were given out in Social Studies classes. If you would like to order pictures for your child, please return the forms to the photographer on picture day. All students should sit for pictures so that they are included in the yearbook. Please reach out to Joanne Prime in the Main Office if you have questions. Senior Portraits are a different process. I will send a separate communication to 12th grade students and families regarding that.
Monday, Sep 09 2024
Bonac Weekly
EAST HAMPTON HIGH SCHOOL BONAC WEEKLY September 6, 2024 PATIO: The new patio outside our cafeteria is nearly finished and looking beautiful. We anticipate being able to do a soft opening next week. It is going to be an inspiring place for students and staff to gather! MORNING DROP OFF: After utilizing the second drop-off entrance, traffic is moving much more quickly and students are making it to their first period class on time. Thank you! BONAC ENRICHMENT CENTER: The Bonac Enrichment Center is located in the library and open to all students for extra help and tutoring. The BEC is staffed with teachers and peer tutors every period. Stop down during your lunch, study hall or after school. CLUB FAIR: The Club Fair is on September 17th at 7:10 in the cafeteria. This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved. Please see the attached list of clubs available this year: Extracurricular Activities . CELL PHONES: Students did an outstanding job of following the cell phone policy this week! When walking around, all students had their cell phones in classroom pockets during class and study hall. Thank you to all our students for adhering to this policy! FOOD DELIVERIES : Food Deliveries such as Uber Eats, etc. are no longer allowed at EHHS. Please refrain from ordering food to the school during school hours. HOMECOMING: We are thrilled to announce that Homecoming will be held at Herrick Park on October 19th! Spotlight athletic games will run throughout the week, the dance will be held on Friday night, followed by a parade, festival and game on Saturday! GO BONAC!! PTSA: Our Charter PTSA meeting is on Monday, September 30th at 6:30 pm. The first meeting will be via Zoom ( meeting link ) and all others will be in person. Information on how to join can be found in a separate Parent Square announcement regarding the upcoming meeting. FOOD PANTRY: Our food pantry is running a bit low. If you would like to donate food or toiletry items, please reach out to school psychologist, Natasha Tumbarello ( natasha.tumbarello@ehschools.org ). Additionally, given our location and change in population from summer to fall, should you know anyone who may be closing up a house for the season, please remind them that we accept food and toiletry donations. Thank you! UPCOMING EVENTS Class Meetings - September 9th and 10th Club Fair - September 17th Grades 9-11 Pictures - September 20 National Honor Society Blood Drive - September 25 Back to School Night - September 26th @ 6 Marking Period 1 Progress Reports - October 4th Homecoming Dance - October 18th Homecoming Parade, Festival and Game - October 19th Hispanic Heritage Fair - October 25th
Friday, Sep 06 2024
The Retreat - Talking to Teens About Healthy Relatio...
Dear Parents and Caregivers, Welcome to another exciting school year! At The Retreat, we understand the importance of nurturing healthy relationships among our youth. As your teens head back to school, now is the perfect time to engage in meaningful conversations about respect, trust, and healthy relationship dynamics. Why This Matters: Empowering youth to navigate relationships with confidence and respect can make a significant difference in their lives. Conversations about these topics are crucial as they help prevent abuse and promote mutual respect in all relationships. According to a survey with East Hampton High School students, 76% of teens go to their parents for support. Know how you can help! Navigating conversations about teen dating relationships, especially in the digital age, can be challenging. Teens in our community have shared valuable insights on how parents/caregivers can better support them in navigating relationships: "I was really fortunate that my mom had absolutely no reservations about talking with me about any variety of subjects." “Parents often give advice based on their experiences, but things are different now, and they need to recognize that.” “Online dating and digital abuse are more common than parents think. Proper safety measures are essential.” “Parents’ reactions to our boundaries affect our views on consent. Modeling appropriate responses is vital.” These perspectives highlight the importance of empathy, digital literacy, and boundary-setting in supporting teens. Here are some conversation starters to help you talk to young people about healthy relationships: Stay Connected! Follow us on social media ( @allagainstabuse ) and visit our website for more resources and updates. Sharing our content with your network helps spread the word about the importance of healthy relationships. Participate throughout the year in events and workshops with The Retreat addressing relationship health. Attend The Retreat Teen Leadership Council (TLC) Fall Info Session for teens and parents on Thursday, September 12th at 6:00pm . Sign Up Here for the TLC Info Session The first meeting of the Teen Leadership Council (TLC) Fall Session will start on Thursday, September 19 at 6:00pm. Contact Us If you have any questions about the TLC program, please email Courtney Hyland, Associate Director of Education, at chyland@theretreatinc.org . Thank you for your continued support in promoting healthy relationships within our community. Warm regards, The Retreat Team This project was supported by Grant No. 15JOVW-23-GG-01404-CY awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Department of Justice. The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed in this publication/program/exhibition are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice. Estimados padres y cuidadores, ¡Bienvenidos a otro emocionante año escolar! En el Retreat, entendemos la importancia de fomentar relaciones sanas entre nuestros jóvenes. A medida que sus hijos regresan a la escuela, ahora es el momento perfecto para participar en conversaciones significativas sobre el respeto, la confianza y la dinámica de relaciones saludables. Por qué es importante: Capacitar a los jóvenes para desenvolverse en las relaciones con confianza y respeto puede marcar una diferencia significativa en sus vidas. Las conversaciones sobre estos temas son cruciales, ya que ayudan a prevenir el abuso y promover el respeto mutuo en todas las relaciones. Según una encuesta realizada a estudiantes de East Hampton High School, el 76% de los adolescentes buscan apoyo de sus padres. ¡Sepa cómo puede ayudar! Navegar por las conversaciones sobre las relaciones de noviazgo entre adolescentes, especialmente en la era digital, puede ser un reto. Los adolescentes de nuestra comunidad han compartido valiosas ideas sobre cómo los padres/cuidadores pueden apoyarles mejor en la navegación de las relaciones: «Tuve mucha suerte de que mi madre no tuviera absolutamente ninguna duda en hablar conmigo de cualquier tema.» «Los padres a menudo dan consejos basados en sus experiencias, pero las cosas son diferentes ahora, y tienen que reconocerlo.» «Las relaciones en línea y el abuso digital son más comunes de lo que los padres creen. Es esencial tomar medidas de seguridad adecuadas.» «Las reacciones de los padres a nuestros límites afectan a nuestras opiniones sobre el consentimiento. Ser un modelo de respuestas apropiadas es vital.» Estas perspectivas muestran la importancia de la empatía, la alfabetización digital y el establecimiento de límites para apoyar a los adolescentes. Estos son algunos temas de conversación para ayudarte a hablar con los jóvenes sobre relaciones sanas: ¡Manténgase Conectado! Síguenos en las redes sociales ( @allagainstabuse ) y visita nuestro sitio web para obtener más recursos y actualizaciones. Compartir nuestro contenido con tu red ayuda a difundir la importancia de las relaciones sanas. Participa a lo largo del año en eventos y talleres con el Retreat sobre salud en las relaciones. Participa en la sesión informativa de otoño del Consejo de Liderazgo Adolescente (TLC) de el Retreat para adolescentes y padres el jueves 12 de septiembre a las 18:00. Inscríbase aquí para la sesión informativa sobre el TLC La primera reunión de la Sesión de Otoño del Consejo de Liderazgo de Adolescentes (TLC) comenzará el jueves 19 de septiembre a las 6:00pm. Contáctenos Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre el programa TLC, envíe un correo electrónico a Courtney Hyland, Subdirectora de Educación, a chyland@theretreatinc.org . Gracias por su continuo apoyo en la promoción de relaciones sanas dentro de nuestra comunidad. Un cordial saludo, El Retreat Este proyecto ha contado con el apoyo de la subvención nº 15JOVW-23-GG-01404-CY concedida por la Oficina contra la Violencia sobre la Mujer del Departamento de Justicia de EE.UU. Las opiniones, hallazgos, conclusiones y recomendaciones expresadas en esta publicación/programa/exposición son las de su(s) autor(es) y no reflejan necesariamente los puntos de vista del Departamento de Justicia de los Estados Unidos. Our Contact Information/ Información de contacto The Retreat 13 Goodfriend Dr East Hampton, NY 11937 631-329-4398 http://allagainstabuse.org
Wednesday, Sep 04 2024
East Hampton High School PTSA Charter Meeting
Hello East Hampton Community! The East Hampton High School PTSA is almost up and running! The following is important next step information- Our charter meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday, September 30, 2024 at 6:30PM. The Zoom link is below. The bylaws committee met after the Pre-Charter meeting and the proposed PTA unit's bylaws are attached for your review and can also be viewed here: https://suffolkregion2020.givebacks.com/public/uploads/c13185b3-9b8a-431d-a143-22469efa5298 The nominating committee met after the bylaws committee completed its task and the following is the proposed slate of officers for the PTSA: President - John Dunchick Vice President - Tracey Early Secretary - Meryl Katz Treasurer - Steven Dorn If any other person would like to run for one of these positions from the floor, per the attached bylaws, Article VII, Section 3.(f), the intent to do so (with the position desired) and letter of recommendation must be submitted in writing to the nominating committee chairperson, John Dunchick, at jdunchick@gmail.com by end of day Thursday, September 26, 2024. Our charter meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday, September 30, 2024 at 6:30PM. The Zoom link is below. At this meeting, we will vote to approve the bylaws of the PTA as well as elect the slate of officers. We need 25 paid members present on the Zoom meeting to conduct this business. Please note that each member must be signed in on a different device to count towards the minimum 25 people quorum . Here are the links to become a member: First Family Membe r: https://suffolkregion2020.givebacks.com/store/items/1016275 Additional Family Member : https://suffolkregion2020.givebacks.com/store/items/1016277 Student Member : https://suffolkregion2020.givebacks.com/store/items/1016278 Teacher/Staff Member : https://suffolkregion2020.givebacks.com/store/items/1016290 Please share the links with whomever you feel would support our PTSA. The charter meeting and memberships are open to ALL persons (adults, children, staff, faculty, community members, family members, etc) who support our children and the community, so please share, share, share this information. Thank you for your support!!! Suffolk Region PTA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: East Hampton High School PTSA Charter Meeting Time: Sep 30, 2024 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86707515378?pwd=luyaqzBAutGN2yT6aolpUFikX31Mze.1 Meeting ID: 867 0751 5378 Passcode: 495292 --- One tap mobile +16469313860,,86707515378#,,,,*495292# US +19292056099,,86707515378#,,,,*495292# US (New York) --- Dial by your location • +1 646 931 3860 US • +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) • +1 309 205 3325 US • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) • +1 305 224 1968 US • +1 253 205 0468 US • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) • +1 360 209 5623 US • +1 386 347 5053 US • +1 507 473 4847 US • +1 564 217 2000 US • +1 669 444 9171 US • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) • +1 689 278 1000 US • +1 719 359 4580 US Meeting ID: 867 0751 5378 Passcode: 495292 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcUlzgqhNV
Wednesday, Sep 04 2024
OLA Presentation
Please see the attached link to the event hosted by OLA: Risk Behaviors in Teens .
Tuesday, Sep 03 2024
Welcome Back!
EAST HAMPTON HIGH SCHOOL BONAC WEEKLY August 30, 2024 Dear Students, I hope you had a wonderful and restful summer! We are looking forward to seeing you on September 3rd! Your course schedules are available to view in SchoolTool. Please contact the technology office if you are having any problems getting into your account. Remember that the new SchoolTool URL is: https://esb.schooltool.com/eh . Have a wonderful Labor Day weekend and we will see you on Tuesday! Mrs. Smith STUDENT SCHEDULES: Students, your schedules are available to view in SchoolTool. If you need a hard copy, schedules and ID cards will be given out on the first day in the following locations: 9th Grade - cafeteria, 10th Grade - gym, 11th Grade - auditorium, 12th Grade - front lobby. BUS INFORMATION: If you need any information regarding your child’s bus, please contact your home district’s bus garage. CELL PHONES: It is school policy that cell phones MUST be in classroom pockets in all academic spaces, including study hall. Earbuds and headphones may not be worn in academic spaces. PTSA: Our Charter PTSA meeting will be on Monday, September 30th at 6:30 pm. The first meeting will be via Zoom ( meeting link ) and all others will be in person. Information on how to join can be found in a separate Parent Square announcement regarding the upcoming meeting. FOOD PANTRY: Our food pantry is running a bit low. If you would like to donate food or toiletry items, please reach out to school psychologist, Natasha Tumbarello ( natasha.tumbarello@ehschools.org ). Additionally, given our location and change in population from summer to fall, should you know anyone who may be closing up a house for the season, please remind them that we accept food and toiletry donations. Thank you! UPCOMING EVENTS Club Fair - September 9 Grades 9-11 Pictures - September 20 National Honor Society Blood Drive - September 25 Back to School Night - September 26th @ 6 Marking Period 1 Progress Reports - October 4 Homecoming Dance - October 18 Homecoming Parade, Festival and Game - October 19
Friday, Aug 30 2024
Student Schedules
Dear EHHS, Please be reminded that student schedules are available to view in SchoolTool. Additionally, Schedule Change Day is tomorrow, August 27, 2024 from 8-11 and 12-2:30. Counselors will meet with students on a first-come, first-served basis. Schedule changes will be limited to courses that are missing or incorrect. Requesting to change a teacher and/or lunch period will not be accommodated. Please reach out to your counselor via email if you have any questions. Thank you, Mrs. Smith
Monday, Aug 26 2024
East Hampton High School PTSA Charter Meeting
Hello East Hampton Community! The East Hampton High School PTSA is almost up and running! The following is important next step information- Our charter meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday, September 30, 2024 at 6:30PM. The Zoom link is below. The bylaws committee met after the Pre-Charter meeting and the proposed PTA unit's bylaws are attached for your review and can also be viewed here: https://suffolkregion2020.givebacks.com/public/uploads/c13185b3-9b8a-431d-a143-22469efa5298 The nominating committee met after the bylaws committee completed its task and the following is the proposed slate of officers for the PTSA: President - John Dunchick Vice President - Tracey Early Secretary - Meryl Katz Treasurer - Steven Dorn If any other person would like to run for one of these positions from the floor, per the attached bylaws, Article VII, Section 3.(f), the intent to do so (with the position desired) and letter of recommendation must be submitted in writing to the nominating committee chairperson, John Dunchick, at jdunchick@gmail.com by end of day Thursday, September 26, 2024. Our charter meeting will be held via Zoom on Monday, September 30, 2024 at 6:30PM. The Zoom link is below. At this meeting, we will vote to approve the bylaws of the PTA as well as elect the slate of officers. We need 25 paid members present on the Zoom meeting to conduct this business. Please note that each member must be signed in on a different device to count towards the minimum 25 people quorum . Here are the links to become a member: First Family Membe r: https://suffolkregion2020.givebacks.com/store/items/1016275 Additional Family Member : https://suffolkregion2020.givebacks.com/store/items/1016277 Student Member : https://suffolkregion2020.givebacks.com/store/items/1016278 Teacher/Staff Member : https://suffolkregion2020.givebacks.com/store/items/1016290 Please share the links with whomever you feel would support our PTSA. The charter meeting and memberships are open to ALL persons (adults, children, staff, faculty, community members, family members, etc) who support our children and the community, so please share, share, share this information. Thank you for your support!!! Suffolk Region PTA is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Topic: East Hampton High School PTSA Charter Meeting Time: Sep 30, 2024 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86707515378?pwd=luyaqzBAutGN2yT6aolpUFikX31Mze.1 Meeting ID: 867 0751 5378 Passcode: 495292 --- One tap mobile +16469313860,,86707515378#,,,,*495292# US +19292056099,,86707515378#,,,,*495292# US (New York) --- Dial by your location • +1 646 931 3860 US • +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) • +1 309 205 3325 US • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) • +1 305 224 1968 US • +1 253 205 0468 US • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) • +1 360 209 5623 US • +1 386 347 5053 US • +1 507 473 4847 US • +1 564 217 2000 US • +1 669 444 9171 US • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) • +1 689 278 1000 US • +1 719 359 4580 US Meeting ID: 867 0751 5378 Passcode: 495292 Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcUlzgqhNV
Thursday, Aug 22 2024
Advanced Placement Registration
EAST HAMPTON UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT EAST HAMPTON HIGH SCHOOL 2 LONG LANE EAST HAMPTON, NEW YORK 11937 Main Office 631-329-4130 • Fax 631-329-4210 SARA SMITH, Principal JILL COLLINS, Assistant Principal MICHAEL BUQUICCHIO, Assistant Principal Dear East Hampton High School, Taking the Advanced Placement exams is an important part of all AP courses. East Hampton High School desires that all students take AP exams for the AP classes that they have taken. Scoring well on an AP exam can often earn students college credit for their high school class, saving a significant amount on tuition. For the 2024-25 AP exams, students at East Hampton High School will be registering online. This registration will take a few minutes and can be completed from any computer with internet access. This year each AP exam costs $105.00. East Hampton High School desires that every student be able to take their AP exams. Students requiring financial assistance should contact Ms. Lynne Brown, lynne.brown@ehschools.org , in the East Hampton High School to learn more. Online AP Exam registration will begin on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 at 7:35 AM and end on Monday, November 4, 2024 at 11:59 PM. In order to register, students should click on the link provided in the Guidance section of the EHHS website. To complete registration, students must answer all of the required questions. Registration is not complete until students have printed the PDF of the confirmation page that is provided at the end. We know that parents may desire to register their students for exams. We strongly recommend that parents and students are both present while registering to ensure that the correct exams are ordered. In addition to registering for exams, students then need to enroll in their AP classes on the College Board site. AP teachers will be reviewing these steps during the first few days of school. East Hampton High School is excited to offer families the convenience of paying exam fees online at the time of registration. Please be sure to have a credit card or debit card available before beginning registration. Paying online is a great way to make sure that payment has been made. Here are the important dates for the registration process: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 - Registration Begins Friday, November 1, 2024 (11:59 p.m.) - Registrations and payments after this date will incur a $75 late fee per registration. Monday, November 4, 2024 - Registration Ends. Registrations that have not been paid for will be canceled and exams will not be ordered. Friday, November 15, 2024 - Last day to cancel an exam and receive a full refund. Please contact Ms. Lynne Brown, lynne.brown@ehschools.org , if you have any questions. Estimado East Hampton High School, Tomar los exámenes de Colocación Avanzada es una parte importante de todos los cursos AP. East Hampton High School desea que todos los estudiantes tomen exámenes AP para las clases AP que han tomado. Obtener una buena puntuación en un examen AP a menudo puede hacer que los estudiantes obtengan créditos universitarios para su clase de la escuela secundaria, ahorrando una cantidad significativa en la matrícula. Para los exámenes AP 2024-25, los estudiantes de East Hampton High School se registrarán en línea. Este registro tomará unos minutos y se puede completar desde cualquier computadora con acceso a Internet. Este año cada examen AP cuesta $105.00. East Hampton High School desea que todos los estudiantes puedan tomar sus exámenes AP. Los estudiantes que requieran asistencia financiera deben comunicarse con la Sra. Lynne Brown, lynne.brown@ehschools.org , en East Hampton High School para obtener más información. La inscripción al examen AP en línea comenzará el martes 3 de septiembre de 2024 a las 7:35 a. m. y finalizará el lunes 4 de noviembre de 2024 a las 11:59 p. m. Para registrarse, los estudiantes deben hacer clic en el enlace proporcionado en la sección Orientación del sitio web de EHHS. Para completar el registro, los estudiantes deben responder todas las preguntas requeridas. La inscripción no estará completa hasta que los estudiantes hayan imprimido el PDF de la página de confirmación que se proporciona al final. Sabemos que los padres pueden desear inscribir a sus alumnos para los exámenes. Recomendamos fuertemente que tanto los padres como los estudiantes estén presentes durante el registro para garantizar que se ordenen los exámenes correctos. Además de registrarse para los exámenes, los estudiantes deben inscribirse en sus clases AP en el sitio de College Board. Los maestros de AP revisarán estos pasos durante los primeros días de clases. East Hampton High School se complace en ofrecer a las familias la conveniencia de pagar las tarifas de los exámenes en línea al momento de la inscripción. Asegúrese de tener una tarjeta de crédito o débito disponible antes de comenzar el registro. Pagar en línea es una excelente manera de asegurarse de que se haya realizado el pago. Estas son las fechas importantes para el proceso de inscripción: Martes 3 de septiembre de 2024 - Comienza la inscripción Viernes 1 de noviembre de 2024 (11:59 p.m.): las inscripciones y los pagos posteriores a esta fecha incurrirán en un cargo por pago atrasado de $75 por inscripción. Lunes 4 de noviembre de 2024 - Finaliza la inscripción. Las inscripciones que no hayan sido pagadas serán canceladas y no se ordenarán exámenes. Viernes 15 de noviembre de 2024: último día para cancelar un examen y recibir un reembolso completo. Comuníquese con la Sra. Lynne Brown, lynne.brown@ehschools.org , si tiene alguna pregunta.
Tuesday, Aug 20 2024