LET'S GO SEE THE MARINERS...AGAIN!! Spend time with friends and family with a wonderful fall day in Seattle. -We are selling tickets for two different levels this time around. -$25/ticket for 300 level NO TAX (they retail $39-$59+tax) -$35/ticket for 100 level NO TAX (they retail $60-$100+tax) - ANYONE in our community, ANYONE who knows you or your student (no matter where they live) can get this price. All they have to do is fill out the google form and pay using one of the two QR codes. -Everything is going to be electronic. This is the way the Mariners do their tickets now. If you need an exception, please let us know in the google form. -We encourage groups that want to sit together to order tickets as ONE order. Otherwise, we can't promise that they will all be sitting together. -A large block of seats has been reserved for us on each of the two levels but they are on a first come, first served basis. - DEADLINE TO ORDER IS 9/15/23 Please send this info to ANYONE you know who would enjoy the game. The do not need to be part of our district to get the special pricing. **Check attached flyer for additional information**
Friday, Aug 11 2023
Family Income Survey
Our school is participating in a federal program called the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). This program allows all children in our school to eat at no charge. However, some education programs we provide are funded with state dollars. We will no longer be collecting Free and Reduced-Price Applications every year, instead, we must collect the Family Income Survey. This form helps us collect household information for all students attending CEP schools. Without this information, Selah School District could lose important state funding for educational programs and your child may not qualify for the fee waiver. Complete the Family Income Survey using the link below. If you have any questions, please contact Kristi Irion at 509-698-8037. https://selahsd.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_etv3Az1uy080QPs Nuestra escuela participa en un programa federal llamado Disposición de Elegibilidad Comunitaria (CEP), que permite que todos los niños de nuestra escuela coman de manera gratuita. Sin embargo, algunos de los programas educativos que brindamos son financiados con dólares del estado. Ya no recopilaremos las solicitudes para Comidas Gratuitas y a Costo Reducido de cada año. De ahora en adelante, debemos recolectar la Encuesta de Ingresos Familiares. Este formulario nos ayuda a obtener datos del hogar de todos los estudiantes que asisten a escuelas CEP. Sin esta información, el Distrito Escolar de Selah podría perder importantes fondos estatales para programas educativos y su hijo podría no calificar para la exención de cuotas. Rellene la encuesta sobre la renta familiar utilizando el enlace que figura a continuación. Cuando haga clic en el enlace, cambie inglés por español en la esquina superior derecha. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Kristi Irion al 509-698-8020. https://selahsd.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_etv3Az1uy080QPs
Thursday, Aug 10 2023
Summer Meals Program Continues Next Week
As a reminder, Selah’s Summer Meals Program resumes next week and will continue through July 20. Meals will be served at John Campbell Primary School Monday through Thursday. Breakfast will be served from 8:15 - 8:45 a.m. and lunch service from 12:00 - 12:30 p.m. Following USDA regulations, participants must eat on site. Meal service is open to all Selah children ages 1-18. Please access the nutrition website for menus.
Friday, Jul 07 2023
A Look at June's Community Collaboration
With busy end of the year schedules, if you missed last week's Community Collaboration on the topic of the District's Long-Range Facilities Plan, please access https://youtu.be/Rq28j7cw8UE for a recording of the event.
Wednesday, Jun 21 2023
Recursos para el aprendizaje de idiomas/Language Lea...
Inglés en minutos (EIM) English in Minutes fue creado para ayudar a los trabajadores agrícolas temporales y migrantes de habla hispana con conversaciones completas en Survival English. https://www.idr-consortium.net/StudentEIM.html Guía Bilíngue Inglés–Español Accede a dos guías bilingües con fonética para hispanohablantes. https://www.idr-consortium.net/StudentELL.html
Monday, Jun 19 2023
Reminder—Community Collaboration Event Set for this ...
As a reminder, the Selah School District will be holding its final Community Collaboration event of the school year on this upcoming Wednesday evening, June 7, from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. at the District Board Room . Join Superintendent, Kevin McKay, as he discusses the District’s long-term facilities plan. Superintendent McKay will review the District’s current long-term plan as well as provide insight into the development of a new long-range facilities plan which will provide guidance for the future. If you are unable to attend in person, please access the available zoom link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84653240941 Hope to see you!
Tuesday, Jun 06 2023
Summer Football Camp Flyers
"This event/activity is NOT being sponsored by the Selah School District and the district assumes no responsibility...for the conduct at, or safety of, the event/activity. In consideration for the privilege to distribute these materials, the school district shall be held harmless from any cause of action, claim, or petition filed in any court or administrative tribunal arising out of the distribution of these materials, including all costs, attorney's fees, and judgments or awards, claims, liabilities, damages, expenses, or right of action, directly or indirectly attributed to the activities. Permission to distribute this flyer should not be considered a recommendation of the program by the school district. This is not a school district sponsored activity."
Friday, Jun 02 2023
Mariner Game Opportunity!
NEW DEADLINE IS 6/5/23!! LET'S GO SEE THE MARINERS! Spend time with friends and family with a summer day in Seattle -We are selling tickets for their View Level seats for $20/ticket NO TAX (they retail $41-$66+tax). - ANYONE in our community, ANYONE who knows you or your student (no matter the town, state, community, district, etc.) can get this price. All they have to do is scan the QR code or use the link to pay AND email selahvikingspto@gmail.com with their name, number of tickets, email, and a screenshot of payment so electronic tickets can be sent out closer to game day. -Everything is going to be electronic. This is the way the Mariners do it now. If you need an exception, please let us know in the email. -We encourage groups that want to sit together to order tickets as one order. Otherwise, we can't promise that people will be sitting together. -A large block of seats has been reserved for us but they are on a first come, first served basis. - DEADLINE TO ORDER IS 6/5/23 . This is already closer to game day than they are comfortable with for finalizing numbers and sales. -If you can't make it to this game, we will have AT LEAST one more on the schedule for October 1st. - Please send this info to ANYONE you know who would enjoy the game. They do not need to be part of our district to get the special pricing. Check attached flyer for more information.
Wednesday, May 31 2023