Informative Workshop: Stay Informed / Taller Informa...
In partnership with Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights , we're hosting a Informative Workshops: Stay Informed on Thursday, December 19 at Linda Verde School . Daycare and refreshments will be provided. ✅ Session 1: 9am-10am Session 2: 5pm-6pm En asociación con Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights , estamos organizando Talleres Informativos: Manténte Informado el Jueves, 19 de Diciembre en Linda Verde School . Cuidado de Ninos y refrigerios serán proveídos. ✅ Sesion 1: 9am-10am Sesion 2: 5pm-6pm
Thursday, Dec 12 2024
Town Hall Meeting: Dashboard Focused on the Whole Ch...
[Sunday, Dec 15 at 7:36 PM] We look forward to seeing you at our Final Town Hall Meeting of the Calendar Year. Make sure to get your voice out there as we continue the conversation around grading your students.
Monday, Dec 09 2024
Food Distribution/ Distribución de Comida 🍎
Join our biweekly food distribution this Friday, October 4 starting at 9:30am. Will be open until supplies last! Acompáñanos a nuestra distribución de comida este Viernes, 4 de Octubre empezando a las 9:30am. Estará abierto hasta que los alimentos alcancen!Thursday, Oct 03 2024