Annual Families Giveaway
Junction City Staff and Families, This is the 25th Annual Giveaway - put on by local families/students to help local families. All are welcome to shop this Sunday 12-3:00 pm! Donations and set-up help are very much needed this Saturday 9-3:00 pm! This is a great opportunity for all of us to give a little of what we have to help others in a big way for the holidays. It's also a great way for students to earn community service hours. Questions? Call Jacque at 541-520-9931.
Wednesday, Dec 11 2024
Annual Notice for Oregon’s Student Educational Equit...
2024-25 Annual Notice and Declining Participation Form for the SEED Survey English notice and participation form Spanish notice and participation form
Friday, Nov 01 2024
Attendance Matters
Hello JC Families, With the 2024-2025 school year up and running, we would like to remind you of the importance of students attending school on a regular basis. Last week Governor Kotek signed an Attendance Awareness Month Proclamation , emphasizing the importance of kids attending school regularly. Below are some key points for getting your child to school everyday. Each student adds a unique presence to the learning community, and the learning journey is richer and deeper when classroom peers learn together. Students with regular attendance are much more likely to do well in school and beyond. 1. Attendance and Success: Good attendance is closely linked to doing well in school. When students are in school every day, they have more opportunities to learn and grow. On the flip side, if students are often absent, it's harder for them to stay on track. A. Elementary: Students who attend regularly in grades K-3 are more likely to read on grade level. B. Middle School: By 6th grade, absenteeism is one of three signs that a student may drop out of high school. C. High School: By 9th grade, attendance is a better predictor of graduation rates than 8th grade test scores. 2. Absences Add Up: Every day of school counts towards your child's journey of growth and discovery. Chronic absence is defined as 18 days a year—or just 2 days a month – even if those absences are excused! Missing this much school in kindergarten can lower achievement in 1st grade and, for some students, through 5th grade. 3. Building Confidence: Being present when information is delivered is critical. When your child misses one day or one lesson, that means when they return to school, they may have missed something critical to their understanding of the next several days of instruction. Consistently attending school helps students stay on track and feel confident in their progress. When students are present and they're actively engaged in their learning journey, this boosts their motivation and eagerness to return to school each day. 4. Addressing Barriers: It's important to figure out what's keeping your child away from school and address it as soon as possible. Keep in mind complaints of a stomachache or headache can be a sign of anxiety and not a reason to stay home. Frequent absences can be a sign that a student is losing interest in school, struggling with schoolwork, dealing with bullying or facing some other difficulty. Whether it's transportation issues, health problems, or something else, contact the school to support and help find solutions that can make a big difference in your child's attendance and success. Here is a link to Attendance & Absenteeism Resources on the ODE Website.
Wednesday, Sep 11 2024
New Students to Junction City School District Regist...
Are You New to Junction City Schools? Central Registration August 15, 2024 Welcome families! Register Students in One Location All students who did not attend JCHS, Oaklea Middle, Laurel Elementary or Territorial Elementary in previous school years, (all grade levels) are considered new to the district and can register at Junction City High School during Central Registration. Enter through the front doors of the high school-you will directed to the registration location. Central Registration is for JCHS, Oaklea Middle School, Laurel Elementary & Territorial Elementary. Where: Junction City High School, 1135 West 6th Avenue, Junction City, Oregon For: Grades K-12th When: August 15, 2024 Time: 8:30am to 3:30pm Returning Students If you are returning from a move or change in schools but have had your student enrolled previously: Please visit In-person registration at your student's school August 16, 2024, 8:30am to 3:30pm. If your student was enrolled at the end of June, your student is considered an active student and you do not need to re-register them. Already Registered Via the Online Portal? If you have already pre-registered your student via the online portal you do not have to attend Central Registration. If you have questions, please visit your child's school building on Friday, August 16th.
Wednesday, Aug 14 2024
Sports Physicals for Middle School and High School J...
There are many options this summer for students to get their sports physicals completed before practices begin. BestMed - 355 West 3rd Ave., Junction City, OR 541-998-6750 No appointment necessary. $30 On Call Advantage - 1275 Ivy St., Suite #4, Junction City, OR 541-999-6943. Schedule an appointment for a free physical. Monroe Health Center - 610 Dragon Drive, Monroe, Oregon 541-766-6835. Please make an appointment. There is a fee Pacific Sport and Spine - Offering sports physicals on July 31st and August 14th from 5:00 to 7:00pm at 217 Division Ave. Eugene, 97404. This will be a walk in type of appointment and free of charge.
Thursday, Jul 25 2024
Stoops' Scoop June 7, 2024 Edition 23
KEIVON RILEY SIGNS COMMITTMENT TO PLAY BASKETBALL AT LANE COMMUNITY COLLEGE JCHS Senior Keivon Riley and family gathered on June 5th to sign a letter of intent to attend and play basketball for Lane Community College Titans. The ceremony was emceed by the voice of the Tigers, Jeff Curran. Head Coach CJ Edwards and assistant coach DeAndre Wade were on hand to welcome Keivon to their program. Retiring Athletic Director and coach of the JC Tigers Basketball team for 43 years, Craig Rothenberger also shared his thoughts and appreciation for Keivon's contribution to JC athletics. The work "opportunity" came up several times throughout the ceremony. Keivon, we wish you the best. JUNCTION CITY BOND MEASURE FAILS TO GET ENOUGH VOTES The District would like to thank all of the staff, families and community members who advocated for and supported district efforts with the recent Bond Measure to improve JC Schools. We appreciate your continued support and commitment to the current and future conditions of our facilities. Junction City voters made a strong statement by voting down the proposed bond measure by a 13.56% margin on May 21st. After working on the proposal for two years, the district will need to go back to committee work to determine next steps. Failure to pass the bond removes the district's eligibility for the $6 Million matching OSCIM Grant from Oregon Department of Education and potentially the assistance of up to 70% contribution from the Community Sports Development Council for completing the three turf sports fields at Junction City High School. JCSD will continue to work at providing learning spaces that are safe, welcoming. This will require having a better understanding of what the JC community values, and is willing to invest in for our current an future students. Please take a moment to fill out the anonymous Post Election Survey below. We will share the results in our next newsletter. English Post Election Survey Spanish Post Election Survey FREE MEALS FOR ALL JCSD STUDENTS NEXT YEAR Junction City School District Food Services Department has qualified for the Community Eligibility Provisions Program (CEP) for the 2024-2025 school year. This means that all K-12 students attending Junction City Schools will receive free breakfast and free lunch. Parents won't even need to complete any paperwork for eligibility. The application process goes away with this program and is no longer required. The CEP program provides one free breakfast and one free lunch for each student, each school day. There is a charge for additional meals and a charge for milk if you bring your own lunch and wish to purchase a milk. Due to recent changes in eligibility for this programs JC Schools can now ensure that every student is fed at no cost. A big thank you to Gwenda Bauman, Food Services Director for her leadership and advocacy for our student's health and well being. A LITTLE JUNCTION CITY HISTORY A time of transition in the fast-growing Junction City School District of the 1930's. Central Elementary (still in use today as Christ Center) in 1932 had replaced the wood-frame Junction City Grade School at 7th & Juniper built in 1892. Junction City Union High School (still in use as the East Wing) would see its first graduating class in 1937, replacing the wood-frame Washburne High which was built in 1908 in what is now Washburne Park. Multiple individuals in this photo of the production team for the high school annual, with the Washburne building in the background, would experience life in both high school buildings and make their graduation march with that Class of '37. HIGH SCHOOL GRANDSTANDS ARE READY FOR GRADUATION The grandstands at Peden Field on the Junction City High School campus were condemned by inspectors during the annual inspection last fall. The JCSD Maintenance Department partnered with Jordan Adams and Paramount Ironworks to make the required improvements to get the grandstands back in operational condition. Thank you all, we appreciate you, We Are JC! HARRISBURG-JUNCTION CITY FOOTBALL AND CHEER SELAH COUNSELING IS OPEN ALL SUMMER JCSD is providing office space in the East Wing of the high school campus to make mental health services more available to our community. Selah can bill private and Oregon Health Plan clients. Selah will be open all summer. You can get more information on their website at https://selahcounselingandwellness.com/, or click on the Selah image to the right. MESSAGE FROM THE JCSD SCHOOL BOARD Board agendas, minutes and meeting links can be found on our website at this link . The next Junction City School Board Regular Meeting is Monday, June 24, 2024 at 6:00pm in the Junction City District Office Board Room at 325 Maple St. Public is welcome to attend. You may also participate remotely at the link on our websit e. LICENSED & CLASSIFIED SUBSTITUTES NEEDED Junction City School District contracts with EduStaff for hiring licensed and classified substitutes. You can visit their website at the link above, or call them directly at 877-974-6338. They will assist you with registering or answer any questions you might have. We are always in need of substitutes. When you sign up, you have the option of where you want to substitute and what days you are available. We encourage you to consider joining EduStaff and working in Junction City Schools. All applicants are now paid for all required trainings. OREGON DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION'S INTEGRATED GUIDANCE PLANS The district's Integrated Guidance Plans are posted on our website. The Integrated Guidance includes district information for our High School Success Plan (formerly Measure 98), Student Investment Account, Continuous Improvement Plan, Early Indicator & Intervention Systems and Longitudinal Performance Growth Targets. This plan is presented to the Junction City School Board and opportunity for public input is provided. Troy Stoops, Superintendent 325 Maple St., Junction City, Oregon 97448 541-998-6311 tstoops@junctioncity.k12.or.us
Friday, Jun 07 2024
HS Math Curriculum Adoption
Dear parents, families and community members, Last year, Kindergarten through eighth grade adopted math curriculum that will be used until 2030 and the high school postponed their adoption until this year. Due to the change in standards and the new 2+1 model in high school math, the state has allowed and encouraged more time to adopt at the high school level. The recommendation of Illustrative Math for Algebra and Geometry will be presented at the May board meeting. Please see links below for more information and give input. Illustrative Math Rating Sheet Please take time to review the links above and give us your input. 1) To view the materials, click on the Publisher name to access their website to get an overview. 2) The Rating Sheet link gives the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) score and how the state scored the curriculum based on the criteria. 3) Once you have viewed the materials please fill out this form . If you would like to view the materials in-person, set up an appointment with Erika Vaughn, Director of Instruction, evaughn@junctioncity.k12.or.us .
Thursday, May 16 2024