K - 8 Parent/Guardian Literacy Curriculum Night: Dec...
K - 8 Parent/Guardian Literacy Curriculum Night December 11th, 2024 6:00 - 7:30 PM BHS Auditorium with Dr. Gail Lovette (Literacy Consultant), Dr. Lisa Chen, and Dr. Bonnie Nichols The Literacy Task Force has been involved in reviewing literacy curriculum for Grades K-8 for 2025-2026. * Learn what has occurred with the Literacy Task Force and next steps. * Discuss the selection process of the final two literacy core curriculum for K-8. * Publishing companies will be available on site to preview the program two choices. If you are attending, please RSVP by Friday, December 6 by 8:00 p.m to ensure translation services. BPS Accessibility Statement If you need assistance accessing our facilities, please contact Burlington Public Schools at burlingtonpublicschools@bpsk12.org and we will work with you to provide the information you need. For those who are deaf or hard of hearing, or who do not use voice channels to communicate, please contact us via email or via 711 or other relay services. Title IX The Burlington Public Schools prohibit sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates. Individuals may report concerns or questions to the Title IX Coordinator for students, Lisa Chen, or Title IX Coordinator for staff, Joanne Faust. The notice of nondiscrimination is located at our district website here.
Thursday, Nov 21 2024
ADOPT - A - CLASS 2029: Code 1 BBQ
Code 1 BBQ 211 Main Street, Wilmington Order your food in advance, and pick it up on November 20th at Code 1 BBQ. Pickup time: 4:00-6:00pm Online Orders taken until 8:00pm on November 17 at BCSFboxoffice.org 10% of sales will be donated to Adopt-A-Class 2029
Friday, Nov 08 2024
Adopt-A-Class 2028 Crumbl Cookie Fundraiser
Adopt-A-Class 2028 Crumbl Cookie Fundraiser Place your preorders for a 4-pack cookie combo beginning NOW until Friday, November 29. Each pack sells for $22. Choose from the following two 4-packs options: (Combo Pack #1) 2 Milk Chocolate Chip and 2 Cookies and Cream Milkshake (featuring Oreo) (Combo Pack #2) 1 Milk Chocolate Chip; 1 Caramel Sheet Cake; 1 Cookies and Cream Milkshake; 1 Birthday Cake (Holiday edition) Place your orders by visiting bcsfboxoffice.org Order Pickup- Choose from: Burlington High School Cafeteria entrance (just inside doors)- 3:00-5:30pm Chateau Restaurant in Burlington- 6:00-8:00pm **also a DINE-OUT fundraiser night** Any questions please email aac2028@bcsfds.org
Friday, Nov 08 2024
Adopt - A - Class 2033 Fundraiser- Holiday Fudge
HOLDAY FUDGE Nothing is sweeter than some fudge for the holidays! Order your holiday fudge on shopbcf.org Each half - pound box is sold for $9. Sales close on November 24th. Visit the site to place your order and view all flavors and ingredients.
Friday, Nov 08 2024
SEPAC Meeting: Nov 4th Topic Tiered Focus Monitoring...
This month's open meeting on November 4 at 6:00 p.m. will be offered in person at the BHS Library in conjunction with the ELPAC meeting. Dr. Joan Brinckerhoff and Ms. Dee Wyatt of the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education will be sharing with you what the integrated monitoring review will entail for Burlington Public Schools from 6:00 p.m. to 6:40 p.m. During this online presentation, you will have the opportunity to ask questions about this review. If for some reason, you are unable to join us in person, please click on this link below. Shortly, after this presentation, Dr. Lisa Chen, the Assistant Superintendent for Learning, and Dr. Bonnie Nichols, the Interim Literacy Coordinator K-8, will host a session about the recent training of DIBELS 8 (which is the universal screener used for all students K-5) and next steps in the reading program. We hope that you will be able to join us at the BHS Library for a night of information, community and connection. Join the meeting now< https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MmYyODkxZGMtMmZkMy00Yjg0LWJjYzktYjFhZWEyNDBhYmUx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%223e861d16-48b7-4a0e-9806-8c04d81b7b2a%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%226d5398ee-b8d8-430d-89a4-c5be4638a16a%22%7d > Meeting ID: 285 409 273 815 Passcode: xg7k7a
Thursday, Oct 31 2024
SEPAC Information
The Burlington Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC) is a parent volunteer community that fosters connection, support and education for the parents and caregivers of children with disabilities. Every district within Massachusetts is required by state law to establish a SEPAC. The law that governs this organization requires that we fulfill both an advisory and participatory role working with the school district and community. In an effort to do this, we fulfill a variety of crucial roles that include, but are not limited to, acting as liaison between parents and school district administration, advising the school district on the unique needs and perspectives of the special education community and providing parents with resources and support in navigating the world of special education. It is our goal to prioritize and protect the equal opportunities of the special needs population in all arenas of our schools and community. Joining SEPAC provides parents with a supportive network of individuals with a shared experience. We work together to be a positive voice for special education within our community. https://burlingtonsepac.org/ burlingtonsepac@gmail.com https://www.instagram.com/burlingtonsepac/ https://www.facebook.com/burlingtonsepac
Wednesday, Oct 30 2024
Adopt-a-Class 2030: Thanksgiving Pie Fundraiser
THANKSGIVING PIE FUNDRAISER You take care of the turkey and let Adopt-a-Class take care of the pies. Adopt-a-Class has partnered with Wilson Farm* to make your Thanksgiving table complete! Orders must be placed online by November 10th. Visit burlingtonpies.com for ordering details. Proceeds benefit Adopt-a-Class 2030. These frozen pies are not made at Wilson Farm.
Wednesday, Oct 30 2024
Adopt-a-Class 2033: Announce the first Snow Day for ...
ANNOUNCE THE FIRST SNOW DAY FOR BURLINGTON PUBLIC SCHOOLS! Enter Adopt-a-Class’s raffle for a chance to announce the FIRST SNOW DAY IN BURLINGTON!! How it works: For $10 a ticket (or 5 for $40), you are entered into a drawing to win the best prize in town. You will be the one to announce the first snow day in Burlington! The winning student will record a video message that Superintendent Dr. Conti will share via ParentSquare for all of Burlington’s students and teachers when he calls the first snow day of the year. Visit snowdayraffle.com to purchase your tickets. Sales close and the winner will be drawn at 12 PM on November 17th. Details: One winner will be drawn randomly and notified on November 17th. The winner will work with Adopt-a-Class and the Superintendent’s office to record an approved video sharing the news with the town. The video may include all students from the winning family. If there are no snow days in Burlington this year, the winner will be awarded with an alternate message to share later in the school year. All proceeds benefit Adopt-a-Class 2033 and the Burlington Community Scholarship Foundation.
Wednesday, Oct 30 2024
Complete our Community Health Needs Assessment befor...
Good Afternoon Burlington Community, Beth Israel Lahey Health is conducting its Community Health Needs Assessment. The information from this survey will assist them to prioritize the health needs of the community and develop future programs. Hearing from local residents is critical to their process. Your surveys will be confidential and respondents will have the opportunity to enter into a drawing for a $100 Visa gift card courtesy of Beth Israel Lahey Health . It should take about 10 minutes to complete. The survey is open from now until November 1st. Survey: https://survey.jsi.com/s3/FY25-BILH Please reach out with any questions. Best, Gloria Wojtaszek Family and Community Engagement Office (781) 272-3470 Cell (781) 460-9923 wojtaszek@bpsk12.org In partnership with: Michelle Snyder Beth Israel Lahey Health Regional Manager, Community Benefits/Community Relations
Monday, Oct 28 2024
Help Support Adopt-A-Class 2035
We’ve partnered with Three Rivers Wreath & Plant Company to offer you fresh & fragrant balsam fir wreaths, indoor seed kits, winter bulbs, and more for holiday decorating and gift-giving. Visit threeriversfundraising.com and enter our group code 40A29E to shop from our fundraising page. Orders can be placed now through December 1, with direct shipment to you.
Monday, Oct 21 2024