Cedarcreek Weekly Updates
Cedarcreek Elementary Cougars R.O.A.R. R espect self and others O wn your actions A ct safely Show R esponsibility Mission Statement We are committed to high levels of learning for ALL students. Principal’s Message Good evening Cedarcreek Families, I hope you are having a nice long weekend, and are enjoying the extra days with your children. As a reminder, school is closed tomorrow due to Presidents' Day. School will resume on Tuesday, February 18 at 8:10 am. Our student leadership had a fun time selling Valentine's Day Grams all week. This year we are going to have a schoolwide Career Day for our students on April 3 from 8:15-11:00 am. If you are interested in participating and sharing information about your career, please fill out the form below and return it to your student's teacher. There will be a hard copy sent home with your student, and one attached to this newsletter. Restaurant Night on 2/19 at Vincenzo's on Plum Cyn. from 4-9 pm District Flyers Our choir will be performing at the Youth Arts Showcase. Please make sure to come out and support them. Weekly Attendance: Our goal this school year is to achieve and maintain 98% attendance. Our overall attendance was 93.90% last week. Congratulations to our TK students. They had the best attendance last week with 97.92%. Way to go TK. TK- 97.92% K- 96.15% 1st- 93.63% 2nd- 91.33% 3rd- 95.90% 4th- 88.73% 5th- 95.28% 6th- 94.39% Please feel free to contact me with any questions, thoughts, or concerns you may have. I can be reached via Parent Square, phone, or email (661-294-5310, msoni@saugususd.org). Sincerely, Mrs. Soni, Principal Important Dates Coffee with the Principal on 2/18 @ 8:30 am-9:30 am in the MPR. Please make sure to attend our Coffee with the Principal. We will be discussing positive discipline, and Dr. Hawkins, our superintendent will be in attendance. School Site Council on 2/24 @ 4:00 pm- 5:00 pm in Room 11. Around The Campus Valentine Days Grams Sale Last week our student leaders did an excellent job selling Valentine's Day grams for 5 R.O.A.R. tickets each. Zero the Hero visited our TK and K classrooms last week to celebrate the 100th day of school. PTA Upcoming Events Restaurant Night on 2/19 at Vincenzo's on Plum Cyn. from 4-9 pm
Monday, Feb 17 2025
Tesoro Times 2/16/25
Our Mission: Tesoro Staff will ensure ALL students learn at high levels. February 16, 2025 Principal’s Message Dear Tesoro del Valle Families, I hope you’re all having a wonderful weekend, and let's look forward to another great week. Every day, I see our students working hard, supporting one another, and striving for excellence. What a wonderful place Tesoro is to be! One of the key factors in student success is consistent attendance. T hank you for making it a priority. Every day counts, and together, we can ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn and grow to their fullest potential. Thank you for your partnership in making Tesoro del Valle such a special place to learn and grow. Let’s keep up the great work! Grateful to serve at Tesoro del Valle, Cheryl Cameron, Principal Adademic Achievement Mid-Year iReady Diagnostic Benchmark Scores We are happy to see growth in our iReady scores, both from the fall and compared to this time last year. We will be continuing to work to move all students to green, or on grade level, with a strong focus on math, because at Tesoro, it is our mission to ensure that ALL students learn at high levels. ELA SCORES from the recent iReady Diagnostic The bar on top is where Tesoro was this time last year. The bar in the middle is our current diagnostic distribution. The bar on the bottom is where we started in the fall. Green is on grade level, where we want everyone to be! MATH SCORES from the recent iReady Diagnostic Track Your Child's iReady Progress! i-Ready Personalized Instruction provides students with lessons based on their individual skill level and needs, so your student can learn at a pace that is just right for them. These lessons are fun and interactive to keep your student engaged as they learn. Here is an i-Ready Personalized Instruction Family Guidance (English) Video de las lecciones i-Ready en casa (Spanish) video. To see your student’s progress, choose Reading or Math , then choose My Progress . You can see Time-On-Task, Lessons Passed, Lesson Streak and Completed Work. The goal is 45 minutes per week per subject. Thank you for your partnership in your student’s learning journey supported by i-Ready. You play a critical role in your student’s success with i-Ready! Attendance As we strive to improve attendance, did you know: Consistent attendance allows the entire class to stay on track, reducing the need for reteaching and review. Current attendance rates are below. We are reaching targets of at least 96% ADA (average daily attendance) in grades 1-6, and we want to stretch that school-wide goal to 97%. Our chronic absentee rate (students missing more than 10% of enrolled days) is currently higher than last year's. Not only does chronic absenteeism affect academic performance, this is an area measured on the public California school dashboard. We must decrease this rate to under 4%. Congratulations to TK for 100% attendance last week! WOW!! TK/Kindergarten year-to-date rates continue to be an area of concern. Did you know that children who miss too many days in TK and Kindergarten often struggle with reading by third grade? Don't let that be your child! Weekly Perfect Attendance Raffle Winners Week of Jan. 27-31: Syed M, Tahnvi Sri G., Finn A., Hasti P., Charlotte S., Julia P. Week of Feb. 3-7: Oliver M., Blair V., Johan S. Zoe W., Aria N. School News and Photos ENROLL NOW FOR NEXT SCHOOL YEAR! It's very important that any students NEW to Tesoro are enroll NOW for next year! If you our your neighbors have a little one who will be coming to Tesoro for TK or Kindergarten, enroll NOW to ensure there is room here for your child. Also, the new Tesoro Housing Developments are in our attendance areas. If you know anyone who is moving into those homes with elementary age students, please encourage them to enroll NOW so we can ensure we are ready with enough teachers and classes for all of our neighborhood children. See below for information. A .pdf of this information is also attached to this post. If your child is already enrolled at Tesoro, you do not need to re-enroll. Open Enrollment Transfers are also open through February 28. See below for information. A .pdf of this information is also attached to this post. Ava A. Advances to State PTA Reflections Competition Congratulations to Tesoro del Valle 4th Grade student Ava A! We are so very proud to share that Ava has advanced to Caifornia State level competition in the PTA Reflections program with her original literature competition on this year's theme, "Accepting Imperfection" Ava won the school, SCV Council, and PTA District PTA Competitions in order to compete at state. Thank you for representing us so well, Ava! Our Tigers are roaring with pride! TK and K Students Mark the 100th Day of School Our TK and Kindergarten classes just celebrated the 100th day of school. In the grand Tesoro tradition, our kindergarteners and their teachers dressed up like 100-year-olds! This photo is Mrs. Friedman's class. Spotlight on Black History Month Ms. Ra y's 5th graders proudly display their artwork inspired by Jean-Michel Basquiat, a groundbreaking artist known for his bold, expressive style that blended graffiti, poetry, and powerful social commentary. Fantastic work, young artists! Tesoro Highlights Kindness this Month! Ms. Ray's class made kindness chains! Mr. Greenfield reads Heartsongs by Mattie Stepanek to his 4th graders during Kindness Month. Mattie, a young poet and peace advocate who lived with a rare disease, shared his heartfelt wisdom through poetry. Inspired by his words, students are learning to be kind to themselves and others—and will write their own heart songs. ❤️ District and Community Flyers Flyers are also attached to this post in .pdf format Upcoming Events Feb 18, 6:30pm SUSD Board Meeting at the District Office Feb 19, 6pm PTA Association Meeting- Virtual Feb 27 8:30am Coffee with the Principal in the Tesoro Library Feb 28, 5-7pm Variety Show, MPR March 3, 4-5pm Tesoro School Site Council in the Tesoro Library March 4, 6:30pm SUSD Board Meeting at the District Office March 5, 3:30-8:30pm Barnes and Noble Night Sponsored by our PTA March 6, 3-5:30pm SUSD Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Meeting (online) March 6, 6-7:30pm SUSD English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) Meeting at Cedarcreek Elementary March 14, 6pm Tesoro PTA Association Meeting- Virtual March 18, 6:30pm SUSD Board Meeting at the District Office March 19, 6pm Tesoro PTA Association Meeting March 21 Upper Grade Minimum Day, Grades 3-6 dismiss at 12:30, TK-2 Dismiss at 2:09 March 25 Spring Picture Day, plus 6th grade promotion and panorama photos March 27, 9:30am Coffee with the Principal in the Tesoro Library Week of March 31 Parent/Teacher Conference Week. Mon-Thurs minimum days (12:30 dismissal) with afternoon conferencing, Friday no school for students, all day conferences March 31, 4-5pm Tesoro School Site Council in the Tesoro Library April 1, 6:30pm SUSD Board Meeting at the District Office April 7-11 Spring Break
Sunday, Feb 16 2025
Panther Weekly Press February 11, 2025
February 11, 2025 Issue 23 PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Welcome to this week's edition of the Plum Canyon Newsletter! We're excited to share the latest happenings and updates from our school community to keep you informed and engaged. I am excited to inform you that our students just completed the 2 iReady Diagnostic. Plum Canyon has shown great improvement. You can now access your student’s results. Be sure to have your student’s Clever username and password available and complete the steps below on a computer or Chromebook. Results cannot be viewed from a cell phone device. If you do not know your student’s Clever username - please contact their teacher If you need your student’s password, follow these steps: Open the ParentSquare App Select your student from the left side and click on their name Select Dashboard at the top Select Overview The Student ID is the Clever password 1. Log in to Clever with Google: clever.com/in/saugus 2. Click the i-Ready tile 3. Select Reading or Math 4. Look at the For Families dropdown at the top and select the For Families report. Select English or Spanish 5. Enter the District Report Code: GG5DLW 6. Choose either subject: Reading or Math 7. Click Get Report Be sure that pop-ups are allowed for i-ready.com in your browser settings to get your report 8. Repeat steps 4-8 to obtain the second subject score report For more information and support, visit the i-Ready Family Center: Understanding Diagnostic Results. Thank you again for your continued partnership and support of your student’s learning. Please contact your student's teacher with any questions regarding specific results. **** See our data below. Just a few Reminders: For the safety of your student please do not drop off before 7:45am as we do not have supervision before that time. We know that we love our Fur Babies, however there are NO Pets allowed on campus with the exception of Service Animals. Thank you for making safety a priority. Driving Safety The safety of our children is of utmost importance. In order to ensure that our students are safe, we have to follow all of the traffic and safety rules during arrival and dismissal. You may not: Block our neighbors' driveways Double park Block intersections Enter the parking lot since it is intended for after school care program caravans Please be considerate of our neighbors and surrounding streets. Dismissal During dismissal please remain behind the concrete seated areas. Please remind your child(ren) to avoid walking on the wall, running, or hanging from the concrete seated area. Early Release Wednesday Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day. Please be patient and considerate as all our students dismiss at the exact time at 1:54pm. Lincoln's Birthday and Presidents' Day In observance and honor of Abraham Lincoln our 16th President of the United States As well as in honor and observance of George Washington our 1st President of the United Sates aka Presidents' Day. There is no school on Friday, 2/14/25 and Monday, 2/17/25 Principal's Award We are proud to honor the Principal's Award to Savannah House for consistently exemplifying the core values of Saugus Union School District of Respect, Integrity, Learning, Teamwork, and Enthusiasm,. Savannah House stands out as a true role model, inspiring others through her dedication, positive attitude, and unwavering commitment to excellence. Her leadership and character reflect the highest standards of our school community, making Savannah a deserving recipient of this prestigious honor. Congratulations, Savannah House! Staff Unlocking Success This year, we will be highlighting two staff members per week that were voted on by their colleagues for Unlocking Success at Plum Canyon. Congratulations to Mrs. Edwards and Mrs. Young! i-Ready Identifying Strengths and Growth Opportunities i-Ready diagnostic assessments provide valuable insights into your child's strengths and areas for growth in both math and reading. By pinpointing their individual needs, we can tailor instruction to meet them where they are and help them progress. Resources for Parents i-Ready Flyer in English i-Ready Flyer en espanol i-Ready Report Parent Directions iReady Growth Reading iReady Growth Math Attendance Our new Attendance Goal for the 2024-2025 school year is 97%. Weekly Attendance Report February 3, 2025 to February 7, 2025 Grade Level Percentages TK ~ 94.89% an increase from 94.47% Kinder~ 93.08% a decrease from 92.52% 1st ~ 94.41% a decrease from 95.32% 2nd ~ 95.31% an increase from 95.16% 3rd ~ 94.80% a decrease from 96.42% 4th ~ 95.00% an increase from 92.81% 5th ~ 93.76% a decrease from 97.80% 6th ~ 93.45% a decrease from 95.80% Top Class Borja ~ 97.50% Karzin ~ 95.50% Skrifvars ~ 97.80% Reams ~ 97.70% Jackson/Smith ~ 97.10% Morda ~ 99.30% Gutierrez ~ 99.20% Strength ~ 99.30% Weekly Perfect Attendance Raffle! Would you like your own parking spot during pickup and drop off? Principal Hamilton and Assistant Principal Ticas will be giving up their parking spots each week! Any parent who's student has 96% or higher attendance rate the week prior will be entered into a raffle. Our two winners selected to win a reserved spot for the entire week: Congratulations to: Luis Karlman Zoey Hughes Black History Month Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Also known as African American History Month, the event grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month. The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), the group sponsored a national Negro History week in 1926, choosing the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. The event inspired schools and communities nationwide to organize local celebrations, establish history clubs and host performances and lectures. This week we honor: Kelly Miller Kelly Miller was a mathematician and the first Black man to attend Johns Hopkins University. Miller graduated from Howard University in 1886 and then became the first Black man admitted to study at Johns Hopkins, where he did post-graduate work until 1889. He studied math, physics, and astronomy. In 1865, Miller became the first person to teach sociology at Howard University. He went on to become the dean of Howard’s College of Arts and Sciences in 1907. He continued to teach until he died in 1939 at his home on the school’s campus. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports At Plum Canyon, we believe that fostering a positive school environment relies on a strong partnership between home and school. As you know we are focusing on our PRIDE expectations, which are essential values that guide students in becoming their best selves: Positivity, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Excellence. Here’s how you can help us reinforce these values at home: Positivity: Encourage your child to approach challenges with optimism and an open mind. Talk about ways to stay positive, even when things are tough. Respect: Model and discuss respect for others’ ideas, feelings, and property. Remind them that treating others with kindness builds a stronger community. Integrity: Emphasize the importance of honesty and taking responsibility for one’s actions. Reinforcing integrity at home helps students make good choices at school. Determination: Celebrate perseverance! Remind your child that effort and hard work are essential in overcoming obstacles. Excellence: Encourage them to strive for their personal best in all areas, whether it’s academics, sports, or relationships. Together, we can create a nurturing environment that promotes these values, helping all students feel safe, valued, and motivated to succeed. Thank you for being an important part of our school community and for supporting our PRIDE expectations at home. PBIS Student Store Wishlist Community Flyers Upcoming Events February 14th ~ Lincoln’s Birthday (No School) February 17th ~ Presidents' Day (No School) February 21st ~ Career Day February 21st ~ Fire Drill February 24th ~ School Site Council Meeting @ 4PM February 28th ~ Coffee with the Principal @ 8:20AM Volunteer Information School Day Cafe Menus Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our office is open from 7:30am to 4pm each day. Our office number is 661-294-5365.
Wednesday, Feb 12 2025
Cedarcreek Weekly Updates
Cedarcreek Elementary Cougars R.O.A.R. R espect self and others O wn your actions A ct safely Show R esponsibility Mission Statement We are committed to high levels of learning for ALL students. Principal’s Message Good evening Cedarcreek Families, I hope you had a nice weekend. We have a four-day weekend coming up. School will be closed on Friday, February 14 and Monday, February 17 due to Lincoln's Birthday and Presidents Day. School will resume on Tuesday, February 18. School Closed on 2/14 and 2/17 District Flyers Our choir will be performing at the Youth Arts Showcase. Please make sure to come out and support them. Weekly Attendance: Our goal this school year is to achieve and maintain 98% attendance. Our overall attendance was 90.90% last week. Congratulations to our third grade students. They had the best attendance last week with 94.43%. Way to go third grade. TK- 88.33% K- 87.69% 1st- 93.33% 2nd- 88.57% 3rd- 94.43% 4th- 87.45% 5th- 91.15% 6th- 93.47% Please feel free to contact me with any questions, thoughts, or concerns you may have. I can be reached via Parent Square, phone, or email (661-294-5310, msoni@saugususd.org). Sincerely, Mrs. Soni, Principal Important Dates Coffee with the Principal on 2/18 @ 8:30 am-9:30 am in the MPR. School Site Council on 2/24 @ 4:00 pm- 5:00 pm in Room 11. Around The Campus Latino Literacy Class Our parent liasions led the their first Latino Literacy class this school year. We didn't get to capture all of the parents who joined the class, but here a few. Thank you for attending! PTA Upcoming Events
Monday, Feb 10 2025
2.10.25 Highlands Hawk Pride: Celebrating I-Ready G...
Dear Highlands Familia! We want to thank our teachers and parents for all the hard work that has gone into a successful administration of our 2nd trimester I-ready Diagnostic. We are all working hard to ensure we close the learning gaps and move ALL students to grade-level proficiency! Please see below for the I-ready results. We have a short week this week. Please remind students to be kind, keep their hands to themselves, and respect personal space. We need all the reminders we can get help with to continue to foster a kind and safe learning environment here at Highlands. The picture above was taken during our Kindness club meeting led by Mrs. Miranda last week. We are working on being kind ALL year long! With gratitude, Dr. Aguilar & our amazing Highlands Staff! Is this information getting home? Thank you so much for reading our posts and appreciating our messages. 30 APPRECIATES last week This is an indicator of the number of parent views on PS! We APPRECIATE YOU! Upcoming Events: 100th Day of School Monday, February 10th SUSD Board Meeting Tuesday, 12th 6:30 pm @ District Office Red and Pink Day Thursday, February 13th Lincoln's Birthday- No School Friday, February 14 President's Day- No School Monday, February 17th PFO Meeting (Virtual) Thursday, February 20th @ 6pm Parent/Principal Chat Wednesday, February 26th @ 8:15 am in the MPR Bell Schedule PLEASE make every effort to be on campus BEFORE 7:55. Teachers are to pick up students at their line at 7:55. THANK YOU!! Arrival - 7:25 - 7:55 (School Begins) Primary Dismissal (TK -2nd) - 1:54 Upper Dismissal (3rd - 6th) - 2:44 Early Release Wednesday (TK - 6th) - 1:34 Minimum Day (TK - 6th) - 12:15 Unexcused Attendance: Did you know??? CONGRATS to: 5th GRADE for the BEST attendance LAST week 95.8%. Did you know about UNEXCUSED ABSENCES??? Unexcused absences count are reported as truancies to the state of California. This is because the school does not receive notification as to WHY a student is absent. Please help us in the accuracy of our records and make sure you call in your child's absence the day of their absence. You can call our office or email us at hiattendance@saugususd.org Are you going to miss 1 or more days???? Ask us about our Independent study contract! Your CHILD gets credit for completing it! Independent Study Contracts can HELP us! A HUGE thank you to many of you who have asked for Independent Study Contracts (ISC). Remember you can ask for an ISC for as little as ONE day this year. Please contact your child's teacher to help you get the process started if you know your child has an upcoming absence. Weekly Attendance Update We are trying to help with chronic absenteeism. Short weeks are exceptionally challenging. Please bring your child to school if they are healthy or ask for an ISC from your child's teacher. Thank you for your support! Every day matters for their learning! I- Ready results are in! We are Celebrating GROWTH! I-Ready English Language Arts We are excited to celebrate the growth we have seen in our I-ready results. Thank you parents for communicating the importance of focusing and doing the very best on this assessment. This is a comprehensive assessment and is just ONE indicator of the GREAT things that are happening at Highlands! Check out the following: Growth in Green from the first diagnostic to the 2nd. Closing the RED from the first to the 2nd Diagnostic! The promising YELLOW. I-Ready Math Results: We have made growth in our foundational math as well! How can parents help us close the learning gaps? We are all busy parents and we understand that. Here are some routines that can help support your child in ELA and math that are readily accessible to your child: I-ready practice (30 min per subject per week) Break it up and have them work on completing lessons. Read nightly Listen to them read out loud Practice multiplication facts for students 3rd -6th. practice counting to 100 by ones, 2's, and 5's. Practice counting backwards from 20 for kids K-2nd. Talk to your kids about anything that makes them happy and connect with them on their interests. Bring students to school when they are healthy. Attendance directly impacts continuity of learning. There is not enough time in our instructional day to provide students with the amount of practice required to be proficient in every standard. With any small amount of practice and focus at home, we will see significant gains! Thank you for your support! I-Ready Reports are coming home this week. You will receive your child's I-ready reports this week. Please contact your child's teacher if you have any questions. Take time to celebrate growth! Your child has been working hard! Make goals for the end-of-the-year diagnostic. Thank you for your partnership! Congratulations to our Principal's Award Recipient: Aeris Smith Last week we celebrated Aeris Smith at our district board meeting. This is what we had to say about her: Aeris is kind to everyone on campus. She is respectful and is a hard worker no matter the challenge. She is a strong leader in our grade level! We are so proud of you Aeris! Thank you for showing and modeling how we Soar to Success here at Highlands! PBIS Spotlight: What are HAWK HOORAYS??? Hawk Hoorays are tickets students earn for following our school expectations: Have Respect Act Responsibly Work Together Keep safe Soar to Success Do you know the Hawk Pledge? Ask your child if he/she knows it: As a Highlands Hawk, I pledge to: Have respect, act responsibly, work together, keep safe, and soar to success. We are Hawks Watch us SOAR! Why should you reward behavior that SHOULD be expected? Students need opportunities to learn exactly what is meant by respect and responsibility. Behavior MUST be explicitly taught and rewarded until it becomes intrinsic and students CARE about others and themselves. We need your partnership with this. Ask your child when they received a Hawk Hooray and for what? February is Black History Month Every February, National Black History Month is an occasion to celebrate the contributions of so many black American patriots who have indelibly shaped our Nation's history. Students will learn about these contributions. Below is Mrs. Blassio's class art work of the legendary Jackie Robinson. 5th Grade Happenings! We recently had the pleasure of welcoming Dr. Asinas, an orthodontist, to our classroom. She provided valuable information on the importance of oral health, reinforcing the need to maintain good hygiene, make healthy food choices, and seek professional care when needed. Her presentation served as a great reminder of the essential steps we can all take to keep our teeth and gums healthy. We appreciate Dr. Asinas for sharing her expertise and encouraging our students to prioritize their oral health! Happy National Crossing Guard Day is February 12th! We would like to thank our crossing guard, Maria for keeping our families safe here at Highlands! She is reliable, dependable and always shows up rain or shine! Please help us celebrate her on Feb.12th for National Crossing Guard Day! Congratulations Stars of Honor Recipients! Congrats to all our Stars of Honor recipients! These students were invited guests of honor to the UCLA basketball game on February 5th and were recognized for their achievements this year in either behavior or academics! Thanks for representing Highlands! We are so proud of you! Every Wednesday is Kindness Wednesday! We would like to continue to be mindful and intentional about kindness every week. To celebrate and begin this tradition here at Highlands, we ask that students wear a Kindness shirt every Wednesday. This can be any kind of message that spreads kindness! Excited to build on this tradition! Staff Spotlight... News from our School Social Worker: Mrs. Miranda Check out our February Newsletter below: Kindergarten/UTK Enrollment for 2025-26 Opens Feb 1 Thank you to all families who have filled out the intent to return. This helps us navigate our staffing needs for next year. If you have a NEW kindergarten to Transitional Kindergarten student for next year, please be sure to register starting February 1st. Please share this information with any friends or neighbors who may also need to register as well. If your child is already enrolled in UTK this year and will be moving to kindergarten next year, you do not need to re-enroll. How to become a Volunteer??? Review the General Guidelines and register at: https://tb2cdn.schoolwebmasters.com/accnt_533114/site_533115/Documents/Volunteers.pdf Upload a copy of a valid TB Test to Raptor Volunteer Application Contact the teacher to be included in the volunteer schedule Thank you for volunteering! We appreciate your support and participation! News from our PFO! Step It Up Updates: Step It Up, our largest fundraiser of the year, is happening NOW. We are raising money for Student Activities, Innovative Learning Tools and Field Trips. Thank you to everyone who has participated thus far. This week you can participate by turning in your good vibe or kindness vouchers. There is a box outside the front office. These can be turned in before or after school. Make sure to check out the Lost and Found while you are there. More raffle prizes will be handed out this week, including the Meta-headset and Nintendo Switch. Follow us on Instagram or find our Facebook group (Highlands Hawks PFO) to see the daily winners. IMPORTANT Yearbook Information The last day to order yearbooks is April 22nd. Softcover $45 Hardcover $55 Parent Ads - For 6th Grade ONLY **(6th Grade Dedication Pages) On sale until April 1st These can be ordered through the yearbook website. $20 - 1/4 page or $35 - 1/2 page Lovelines - Open to all grades (Cute little note to your child(ren)) On Sale until April 1, 2025 $10 each paid via Venmo ONLY There is a 40 word maximum on lovelines. If anyone has any questions, please email Highlandshawksyearbook@gmail.com School Day Cafe Students can bring their own snack and lunch each day, or they may get it from the cafeteria for free. Breakfast is served during recess. All children should bring a refillable water bottle to school each day to stay hydrated. School Menus (Click Here) Flyers Contact Info If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. You can reach out via the following: Phone: 661-294-5320 (office) Email (first initial, last name@saugususd.org) Direct ParentSquare Message Principal eaguilar@saugususd.org (Please allow 24-48 hours to respond as there is a high volume of emails daily). For immediate assistance call the office or contact your child's teacher. Address: 27332 Catala Ave, Saugus, 91350
Monday, Feb 10 2025
Panther Weekly Press February 4, 2025
February 4, 2025 Issue 22 PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Welcome to this week's edition of the Plum Canyon Newsletter! We're excited to share the latest happenings and updates from our school community to keep you informed and engaged. Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Also known as African American History Month, the event grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month. The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), the group sponsored a national Negro History week in 1926, choosing the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. The event inspired schools and communities nationwide to organize local celebrations, establish history clubs and host performances and lectures. Just a few Reminders: For the safety of your student please do not drop off before 7:45am as we do not have supervision before that time. We know that we love our Fur Babies, however there are NO Pets allowed on campus with the exception of Service Animals. Thank you for making safety a priority. Driving Safety The safety of our children is of utmost importance. In order to ensure that our students are safe, we have to follow all of the traffic and safety rules during arrival and dismissal. You may not: Block our neighbors' driveways Double park Block intersections Enter the parking lot since it is intended for after school care program caravans Please be considerate of our neighbors and surrounding streets. Dismissal During dismissal please remain behind the concrete seated areas. Please remind your child(ren) to avoid walking on the wall, running, or hanging from the concrete seated area. Early Release Wednesday Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day. Please be pat i-Ready Identifying Strengths and Growth Opportunities i-Ready diagnostic assessments provide valuable insights into your child's strengths and areas for growth in both math and reading. By pinpointing their individual needs, we can tailor instruction to meet them where they are and help them progress. All K-6th grade students will be taking the iReady Diagnostic #2 Assessment January 21st - February 7th. We would like for you to partner with us and encourage your child(ren) to do their very best on the assessment. Resources for Parents i-Ready Flyer in English i-Ready Flyer en espanol i-Ready Report Parent Directions Attendance Our new Attendance Goal for the 2024-2025 school year is 97%. Weekly Attendance Report January 27, 2025- January 31, 2025 Grade Level Percentages TK~ 94.47% Kinder~ 92.52% 1st Grade~ 95.32% 2nd Grade~ 95.16% 3rd Grade~ 96.42% 4th Grade~ 92.81% 5th Grade~ 97.80% 6th Grade~ 95.80% Top Class Borja ~ 95.80% Menchaca ~ 98.40% Zeldin/Berns ~ 97.80% Augustine ~ 97.80% Smith/Jackson ~ 97.80% Morda ~ 98.10% Stangl ~ 99.20% Strength ~ 98.00% Black History Month Black History Month is an annual celebration of achievements by African Americans and a time for recognizing their central role in U.S. history. Also known as African American History Month, the event grew out of “Negro History Week,” the brainchild of noted historian Carter G. Woodson and other prominent African Americans. Since 1976, every U.S. president has officially designated the month of February as Black History Month. The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH), the group sponsored a national Negro History week in 1926, choosing the second week of February to coincide with the birthdays of Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglass. The event inspired schools and communities nationwide to organize local celebrations, establish history clubs and host performances and lectures. This week we honor: Violet Hill Gordon Violet Gordon (née Askins) graduated from the Women’s Auxiliary Army Corps’ first Officer Candidates School class in the summer of 1942. She served as an officer in the WAC’s 32nd Company, as well as with the 6888th Central Postal Directory Battalion. Violet and her unit became the only all African-American female unit to serve overseas in England and France during World War II. Violet believes her experiences in WAC changed her from a shy, introspective person into a leader. Violet left the service as a Captain. Violet Gordon credits her time in the WAC with helping to inform her professional and political goals, and she served as a social worker, political activist, and volunteer for many years after leaving the military as a Captain. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports At Plum Canyon, we believe that fostering a positive school environment relies on a strong partnership between home and school. As you know we are focusing on our PRIDE expectations, which are essential values that guide students in becoming their best selves: Positivity, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Excellence. Here’s how you can help us reinforce these values at home: Positivity: Encourage your child to approach challenges with optimism and an open mind. Talk about ways to stay positive, even when things are tough. Respect: Model and discuss respect for others’ ideas, feelings, and property. Remind them that treating others with kindness builds a stronger community. Integrity: Emphasize the importance of honesty and taking responsibility for one’s actions. Reinforcing integrity at home helps students make good choices at school. Determination: Celebrate perseverance! Remind your child that effort and hard work are essential in overcoming obstacles. Excellence: Encourage them to strive for their personal best in all areas, whether it’s academics, sports, or relationships. Together, we can create a nurturing environment that promotes these values, helping all students feel safe, valued, and motivated to succeed. Thank you for being an important part of our school community and for supporting our PRIDE expectations at home. PBIS Student Store Wishlist Community Flyers Upcoming Events February 7th ~ Earthquake Drill February 10th ~ ELD Bootcamp begins February 14th ~ Lincoln’s Birthday (No School) February 17th ~ Presidents' Day (No School) February 21st ~ Career Day February 21st ~ Fire Drill February 24th ~ School Site Council Meeting @ 4PM February 28th ~ Coffee with the Principal @ 8:20AM Volunteer Information School Day Cafe Menus Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our office is open from 7:30am to 4pm each day. Our office number is 661-294-5365.
Wednesday, Feb 05 2025
Cedarcreek Weekly Updates
Cedarcreek Elementary Cougars R.O.A.R. R espect self and others O wn your actions A ct safely Show R esponsibility Mission Statement We are committed to high levels of learning for ALL students. Principal’s Message Good evening Cedarcreek Families, I hope you had a nice weekend. We have in rain in the forecast this week. That means students will eat and stay indoors during their play time. Our students had a great time with our Great Kindness Week activities. We are extremely grateful for our school social worker, Mrs. R who worked closely with our student council and kindness embassadors to make Great Kindness Week fun and exciting! i-Ready Diagnositc 2 Students will continue taking the i-Ready Diagnostic 2 this coming week. This is the last week. Their performance on this diagnostic assessment will impact their individual learning path for the next four months. Students must try their best to ensure that they are set up for success. Please encourage your student to take their time and do their best. District Flyers Weekly Attendance: Our goal this school year is to achieve and maintain 98% attendance. Our overall attendance was 94.75% last week. Congratulations to our first grade students. They exceeded our goal with 98.04%. Way to go first grade! TK- 95.83% K- 90.26% 1st- 98.04% 2nd- 94.26% 3rd- 95.16% 4th- 93.33% 5th- 93.46% 6th- 97.14% Please feel free to contact me with any questions, thoughts, or concerns you may have. I can be reached via Parent Square, phone, or email (661-294-5310, msoni@saugususd.org). Sincerely, Mrs. Soni, Principal Important Dates Coffee with the Principal on 2/18 @ 8:30 am-9:30 am in the MPR. School Site Council on 2/24 @ 4:00 pm- 5:00 pm in Room 11. Around The Campus Miss Carranza's second grade students enjoying a garen lesson led by Mr. John. Mrs. Rodriguez's students engaged in a garden lesson led by Mr. John. Great Kindness Week PTA Upcoming Events
Monday, Feb 03 2025
Panther Weekly Press January 28, 2025
January 28, 2025 Issue 21 PRINCIPAL'S MESSAGE Plum Canyon Families Thank you so very much for trusting us to protect, care for and to keep our babies safe. Thank you for your understand and patience during the Hughes Fire. Thank you to our wonderful staff for their clam, caring, flexible and companionate way that they helped and supported during this time. We are truly grateful to be partnering with our families and community. Just another example why Plum Canyon is the Best School in the World! Just a few Reminders: For the safety of your student please do not drop off before 7:45am as we do not have supervision before that time. We know that we love our Fur Babies, however there are NO Pets allowed on campus with the exception of Service Animals. Thank you for making safety a priority. Driving Safety The safety of our children is of utmost importance. In order to ensure that our students are safe, we have to follow all of the traffic and safety rules during arrival and dismissal. You may not: Block our neighbors' driveways Double park Block intersections Enter the parking lot since it is intended for after school care program caravans Please be considerate of our neighbors and surrounding streets. Dismissal During dismissal please remain behind the concrete seated areas. Please remind your child(ren) to avoid walking on the wall, running, or hanging from the concrete seated area. Early Release Wednesday Every Wednesday is an Early Release Day. Please be patient and considerate as all our students dismiss at the exact time at 1:54pm. Kindness Week This week is The Great Kindness Challenge Week, at Plum Canyon! The week is dedicated to promoting kindness, empathy, and positive actions both within our school and the community. Throughout the week, students will engage in various activities, including acts of kindness, kindness-themed lessons, that is designed to encourage positive behavior. We encourage all families to participate by discussing the importance of kindness at home and modeling positive actions. We hope this challenge will inspire our students to not only be kind to one another but to make kindness a part of their daily lives. Thank you for your support, and we look forward to an impactful and meaningful week! Above and Beyond Award Congratulation to Antonio Robles! Going above and beyond are the perfect words to use when talking about Antonio. His showcase of Panther P.R.I.D.E has been a consistent part of his character evident from the first day of school. His positivity in and out of the classroom promotes an atmosphere of enthusiasm among fellow students without fail. He is respectful to all those around him. His integrity is unmatched. Determination and excellence is not only showcased through his studies but through his actions when faced with a challenge. Antonio surpasses expectations every day and that says a lot about the role models he has at home. i-Ready Identifying Strengths and Growth Opportunities i-Ready diagnostic assessments provide valuable insights into your child's strengths and areas for growth in both math and reading. By pinpointing their individual needs, we can tailor instruction to meet them where they are and help them progress. All K-6th grade students will be taking the iReady Diagnostic #2 Assessment January 21st - February 7th. We would like for you to partner with us and encourage your child(ren) to do their very best on the assessment. Resources for Parents i-Ready Flyer in English i-Ready Flyer en espanol i-Ready Report Parent Directions Attendance We know that many are dealing with illnesses during this season. We are here to support. We need to partner to ensure students are on campus learning as we know If You Miss School, You Miss Out! Our new Attendance Goal for the 2024-2025 school year is 97%. Weekly Attendance Report January 21st - January 24th. Grade Level Percentages TK~ 90.43% Kinder~ 92.76% 1st Grade~ 89.19% 2nd Grade~ 94.14% 3rd Grade~ 95.73% 4th Grade~ 92.77% 5th Grade~ 95.64% 6th Grade~ 92.02% Top Class Borja ~ 90.60% Karzin ~ 97.20% Berns ~ 97.30% Shute 2nd grade ~ 100% Shute 3rd grade ~ 100% Edwards ~ 97.60% Gutierrez ~ 98.00% Strength ~ 95.10% Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports At Plum Canyon, we believe that fostering a positive school environment relies on a strong partnership between home and school. As you know we are focusing on our PRIDE expectations, which are essential values that guide students in becoming their best selves: Positivity, Respect, Integrity, Determination, and Excellence. Here’s how you can help us reinforce these values at home: Positivity: Encourage your child to approach challenges with optimism and an open mind. Talk about ways to stay positive, even when things are tough. Respect: Model and discuss respect for others’ ideas, feelings, and property. Remind them that treating others with kindness builds a stronger community. Integrity: Emphasize the importance of honesty and taking responsibility for one’s actions. Reinforcing integrity at home helps students make good choices at school. Determination: Celebrate perseverance! Remind your child that effort and hard work are essential in overcoming obstacles. Excellence: Encourage them to strive for their personal best in all areas, whether it’s academics, sports, or relationships. Together, we can create a nurturing environment that promotes these values, helping all students feel safe, valued, and motivated to succeed. Thank you for being an important part of our school community and for supporting our PRIDE expectations at home. PBIS Student Store Wishlist Community Flyers Upcoming Events January 29th ~ Drug Awareness Assembly 4th/5th @8:30-10:10AM January 31st ~ Coffee with the Principal @ 8:20AM February 1st ~ Saturday School February 7th ~ Earthquake Drill February 10th ~ ELD Bootcamp begins February 14th ~ Lincoln’s Birthday (No School) February 17th ~ Presidents' Day (No School) February 21st ~ Career Day February 21st ~ Fire Drill February 24th ~ School Site Council Meeting @ 4PM February 28th ~ Coffee with the Principal @ 8:20AM Volunteer Information School Day Cafe Menus Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our office is open from 7:30am to 4pm each day. Our office number is 661-294-5365.
Wednesday, Jan 29 2025
Bridgeport Breeze 1/27/25
Principals' Message January 27, 2025 Dear Bridgeport Dolphins, We hope you and your family are healthy and safe during the events of the last week. We appreciate our first responders' hard work, and we look forward to peaceful days ahead! As part of our ongoing commitment to promoting well-being and emotional regulation, last week teachers were trained about the implementation of Calm Spots in the classroom. Calm Spots are designated spaces designed to help students manage their emotions and regulate stress. These areas offer a safe and quiet retreat where children can practice self-soothing techniques, helping them refocus and find a sense of calm amidst challenging emotions. Read more below about some ways to support this implementation at home! Students in grades K-6 will continue to complete their iReady Diagnostic Two this week. Thank you for encouraging your child to take their time and do their best. We can't wait to see everyone's growth! We value your partnership and welcome your conversations to help support all students' personal and academic growth. Have a great week! Mrs. Velikorodnyy, principal Mrs. Standley, assistant principal Calm Spot Follow Up at Home We believe that a collaborative effort between school and home is essential for the success of our implementation of Calm Spots. Here are some ways you can support and reinforce the concept of Calm Spots.: TIP: Initiate conversations about emotions during family time. Encourage your child to express their feelings openly. Model talking about things that went well or times you needed help in your day. Why it matters: Asking directly about their emotions makes it normal and safe for children to talk about their feelings. It also makes it more likely that they will seek out a caring adult when experiencing strong emotions. TIP: Designate a place in the home where your students can go to relax. Create a “calm down box” that includes items the child finds calming. This does not need to be a separate room. It can be a designated seat at the table or a designated space on the couch. Why it matters: It will encourage students to practice the skills they are learning at school. The more relaxed your child is, the more relaxed you will be! TIP: Praise your child any time you see them making an effort to calm themselves down. Let them know you see thei. Let them know you see their effort, and encourage them to do it again! Why it matters: We want to make sure that children know that taking steps to calm themselves is not something to be embarrassed about, but instead it is something worth celebrating. Thank you for your support! Welcome, Nurse Kathy! Last week our new Nurse, Mrs. Kathy Clarke, started in the Bridgeport office. She is friendly, helpful, compassionate, and skilled. We're so glad she's here! The Great Kindness Challenge January 27-31 brings us The Great Kindness Challenge filled with learning about and practicing acts of kindness. In addition to classroom lessons, students will receive a handout of suggestions for acts of kindness. We want to be kind every day, and a focus week like this helps us review why! Thank you for your support. Above and Beyond Award: Congratulations, Max Gee! On January 21, 2025, Max Gee, a Bridgeport fifth grader, received the Above and Beyond award at the Saugus Union School District Board Meeting. Max was nominated by his teacher due to his diligence and hard work ethic in the classroom. He also serves on campus as a Junior Coach on the playground. Max includes others, and he follows school and class expectations. Way to go, Max! Monday Morning Assembly Each week the staff and students view the Monday Morning Assembly. Click here to see what's going on at Bridgeport. Volunteer Process Watch the Volunteer Orientation here. (Start at minute 30:00) Review the General Guidelines and register at: https://tb2cdn.schoolwebmasters.com/accnt_533114/site_533115/Documents/Volunteers.pdf Upload a copy of a valid TB Test to Raptor Volunteer Application Contact the teacher to be included in the volunteer schedule Thank you for volunteering! We appreciate your support and participation! Recordings Parent Principal Chat 8/15/24: Welcome Back to School and Volunteer Training Parent Principal Chat 9/19/24: PBIS Matrix Revision Parent Principal Chat 10/24/24: School Data Parent Principal Chat 12/5/24: Writing TOSA and Writing at BP Handout for Parent Principal Chat 12/5/24 Attendance Matters Thank you for bringing your child to school every day he/she is healthy. Students who come to school regularly are able learn more and thrive in their classroom community. Please don't hesitate to contact me if I can help support your child. When your child is absent, please send Mrs. Sharon Sushinsky a Parent Square message to tell the office your child will not be at school. Thank you to ALL of our families who have been taking advantage of asking for an Independent Study Contract. We have had several families reach out to the office to request an ISC. If you know you’re going to be gone for 1 or more days, please call the office at 661-294-5375 or Parent Square Mrs. Sharon Sushinsky who can help you get the process started. Last week Ms. Burns, Mrs. Beaton, and Mrs. Rollins's classrooms earned the stuffed dolphin for their classrooms. They had the highest attendance rates for their grade level span! Their attendance also earned them an extra recess. Way to go, Dolphins! We are working toward 97% daily average attendance. Last week 87.20% was our daily average attendance schoolwide. Here are the grade level daily average attendance numbers: TK: 82.87% K: 89.95% 1: 84.78% 2: 86.32% 3: 90.00% 4: 87.17% 5: 85% 6: 89.46% If your child has an absence this year, he/she can attend Saturday school at another school in our district to earn back a day of attendance. Please call the office at 294-5375 for more information. PTA Updates We have a wonderful PTA that works to create events and opportunities to support our students and families. Please join the PTA! It does not commit you to anything, but it does give support to this organization, our children, and our school. Click here. Also, each Friday at Bridgeport, staff and students wear Bridgeport spirit wear to encourage school spirit and community. Here is the most recent PTA post from January 14. Did you know you can monitor your child's progress in i-Ready? i-Ready Personalized Instruction provides students with lessons based on their individual skill level and needs, so your student can learn at a pace that is just right for them. These lessons are fun and interactive to keep your student engaged as they learn. Here is an i-Ready Personalized Instruction Family Guidance (English)Video de las lecciones i-Ready en casa (Spanish) video. To see your student’s progress, choose Reading or Math, then choose My Progress. You can see Time-On-Task, Lessons Passed, Lesson Streak and Completed Work. The goal is 45 minutes per week per subject. If you then click on the Completed Work, you can see the lesson topic and score of each lesson. Thank you for your partnership in your student’s learning journey supported by i-Ready. You play a critical role in your student’s success with i-Ready! Upcoming Events January 27-31: The Great Kindness Challenge Monday: Wear Superhero Shirt Tuesday: Match Your Class Wednesday: Wear your favorite sport shirt or hat or jersey Thursday: PJ Day (Please follow dress code!) Friday: Bridgeport Spirit Wear or Blue January 29: Career Day February 10: 100th Day of School February 14 and 17: No School for Presidents Weekend Governing Board: Katherine Cooper- Patricia Garibay - Anna Griese- Christopher M. Trunkey - Matthew Watson Superintendent: Colleen Hawkins, Ed.D. Saugus Union School District Office Number 661.294.5300
Monday, Jan 27 2025
Cedarcreek Weekly Updates
Cedarcreek Elementary Cougars R.O.A.R. R espect self and others O wn your actions A ct safely Show R esponsibility Mission Statement We are committed to high levels of learning for ALL students. Principal’s Message Good evening Cedarcreek Families, I hope you had a nice weekend. I am glad to see we are getting some rain! We have in rain in the forecast tomorrow. That means students will eat and stay indoors during their play time. i-Ready Diagnositc 2 Students began taking the i-Ready Diagnostic 2 last week, and will continue testing this coming week. Their performance on this diagnostic assessment will impact their individual learning path for the next four months. Students must try their best to ensure that they are set up for success. Please encourage your student to take their time and do their best. PTA Meeting on 1/28 @ 7:00 pm via Zoom Please make sure to attend our virtual PTA meeting to find out about the events they have planned for our students. Click on the link below. Zoom Link Great Kindness Week is coming up on the week of 1/27. Please see the Spirit Week Flyer below. On Friday students will be participating in "Color Wars." This means that whatever grade has the most students wearing their assigned color will earn extra recess with the principal. Please see the grade levels below to find out what their assigned color is. TK & K-Green 1st- Yellow 2nd- Red (Carranza and Ramsey) 3rd- Blue 4th- Orange (Burman and Hough) 5th- Yellow 6th-Green (Carr and Rodriguez) * Combination classes were assigned a grade level to pair up with. PTA Restaurant Night on 1/29 from 4:00-8:00 pm District Flyers Weekly Attendance: Our goal this school year is to achieve and maintain 98% attendance. Our overall attendance was 94.36% last week. Congratulations to our TK students. They exceeded our goal with 100% attendance last week. Way to go TK! TK- 100% K- 91.67% 1st- 91.67% 2nd- 94.90% 3rd- 93.95% 4th- 92.16% 5th- 96.63% 6th- 96.44% Please feel free to contact me with any questions, thoughts, or concerns you may have. I can be reached via Parent Square, phone, or email (661-294-5310, msoni@saugususd.org). Sincerely, Mrs. Soni, Principal Important Dates Family Math Night on 1/29 @ 6:00-7:30 pm Around The Campus Miss Carranza's second grade students highly enaged in an English Language Devlepment lesson. Mrs. Carr's students engaged in a garden lesson led by Mr. John. Mrs. Smith's TK students participating in "Support Chairs" which is a Capturing Kids' Hearts strategy in which students support their classmate who is sharing out. PTA Upcoming Events 1/28 PTA Virtual Meeting @ 7:00 pm 1/29 PTA Restaurant Night from 4:00 -8:00 pm at Las 3 Marias
Monday, Jan 27 2025