OSSD Newsletter 1/23/2025
Orange Southwest District Newsletter January 23, 2025 Dear OSSD Community, I hope this newsletter finds you well and staying warm during these cold days. This month, in addition to regular classwork, students are completing district wide assessments in reading and math. These assessments provide valuable insights into academic growth and help us tailor instruction to best meet student needs. This newsletter includes updates on the upcoming OSSD budget presentation, the state proposed plan for education, teacher action research, a report card survey, and upcoming events. The district uses Federal Title grant funds to support student achievment and to engage families in school. Tonight, RES is hosting a mini golf event for families. This event is an example of one way OSSD uses grant funds for family events. Please read below about the upcoming budget presentation on 2/27/2025 which will include a grant funded community dinner. Please save the date. Warmly, Heather Lawler Assistant Superintendent Community Dinner & Budget Presentation Thursday 2/27/2025 On January 8th, the OSSD board approved a budget to be presented to the community. The budget will be presented on Thursday, February 27th at the Randolph Union High School at 6:00 PM. Katie Vincent Roller and her students will be providing a community dinner prior to the presentation and we will send more details as the event gets closer. The meal will be funded by the Stronger Connections grant and while there will be no cost to families to eat and enjoy, all proceeds will fund the next student trip to Morocco! Please save the date and join us for an informative evening that supports our students in learning about the world. Here is a picture of RU students in Morocco from 2023! Governor Scott’s Education Transformation Proposal On Wednesday, January 22, Vermont Secretary of Education, Zoie Saunders, presented Governor Scott's Education Transformation Proposal via livesteam. You can see the video here: Video The plan includes removing local control of schools and consolidating into 5 school districts across the state by 2028. Here are more materials including a map of the proposed consolidated districts: Governor Scott’s Proposal: Slides Policy Brief OSSD will keep you updated on the Governor's plan as it is revised and inform the community of opportunities to communicate with legislators. Teacher Action Research Our Early Release days are always filled with professional learning. All staff across the district collaborate to provide the best possible teaching and learning for students. On Friday, January 17, when students went home for a half day, OSSD Elementary teachers gathered to share their Action Research projects. These projects are all designed to improve student learning and improve student experiences at school. Topics indude: Preschool Class Assessment, ECO Environmental Education, Service Learning, Writing About Math, Teaching Reading with Phenomic Awareness, Farm to School, and many other topics. Safe and Healthy Schools OSSD affirms every student’s right to a safe, supportive and inclusive educational experience. OSSD is committed to providing students with safe and healthy schools, the freedom to be themselves, and opportunities to pursue their dreams. Regardless of race, color, religion, gender, gender expression, national origin, or economic status; OSSD is committed to providing a safe and supportive educational experience for every student. Thank you for your continued partnership and support of all students as we navigate the many changes from both state and federal legislators. Report Card Survey OSSD is currenty engaging in reviewing the report cards provided to students and families. We want our report cards to be useful and infomative and provide a helpful summary of student learning. Elementary school teachers have been meeting to redesign the report cards for next year. Middle and high school teachers have also begun to discuss the current report cards and changes that may be needed. Please take a moment to complete this brief survey to help guide report cards across the district: OSSD Report Card Survey Events February is Black History Month. 1/24 - RES Mini-golf night on Friday, January 24th from 5:30-7:00 1/24 - RU & RTCC Second Marking Period/First Semester grades close - ½ way day! 1/26 - Brookfield School Club Sledding and Bonfire 2:00 - 4:00 2/7 - PTO Craft Night and Family Game Night 2/7 - Randolph Elementary School Valentine Craft and Game Night 2/12 - RTCC Regional Advisor Board & OSSD School Board meetings at RU 2/20 - No Strings Marionettes Performance 6:30pm @ RUHS Auditorium 2/27 - OSSD Budget Presentation and Community Dinner at RU 2/24 to 2/28 - February Vacation - No School 3/3 - Teacher Inservice - No School for Students 3/4 - Town Meeting Day - No School 3/12 - OSSD School Board meeting at Brookfield 3/19 - Career Challenge Day at RTCC 4/4 - RTCC Career FairNTHS Induction Ceremony Save the Date: Thursday, April 10th @ 6pm 4/9 - OSSD School Board meeting at Braintree 4/14 to 4/18 - April Vacation - No School District Newsletters Read more about happenings in OSSD schools by visiting the school newsletters: Braintree Newsletter Brookfield Newsletter Randolph Elementary Newsletter Randolph Union Middle High School Newsletter Randolph Technical Career Center Orange Southwest School District Orange Southwest is committed to safe and healthy schools that provide meaningful learning experiences for all students. The district is comprised of Braintree Elementary School, Brookfield Elementary School, Randolph Elementary School, Randolph Union Middle High School, and Randolph Technical Career Center. OSSD Central Office is located at 24 Central Street, Randolph, VT 05060 and can be reached at (802) 728-5052.
Friday, Jan 24 2025
OSSD Newsletter 11/20/2024
Orange Southwest District Newsletter November 20, 2024 Dear OSSD Community, There have been many celebrations across the district including Outstanding Educator awards, and Best Elementary School awards. Student report Cards for the MS/HS have been distributed and elementary report cards will be distributed on December 9. Tonight's board meeting will include a brief feasibility report on the district school buildings and recommendations from the Superintendent for further education and exploration on the topic of OSSD school buildings. The meeting will also include early conversation on the school budget proposal for next year. Meeting minutes will be available on the OSSD website. As we approach the Thanksgiving Holiday, I want to share a deep gratitude for all the teachers and other educators who are dedicated to helping every student achieve their full potential. I am so grateful for all the amazing students in our schools who do their best every day. And most of all, I want to express gratitude for all the families and community members who support OSSD. Thank you all. Happy Thanksgiving, Heather Lawler Assistant Superintendent Braintree Elementary #6 in the state Braintree Elementary has been ranked the #6 elementary school in Vermont by U.S. News & World Report! This recognition reflects the hard work of our students, teachers, and staff, and we’re thrilled to see our community’s efforts celebrated in this way. Braintree school placed among the top 40% of elementary schools in the state of Vermont, making it a U.S. News Best Elementary School. Here’s a look at what was published including new ranking(s) and related data: https://www.usnews.com/education/k12/vermont/braintree-school-205654. Vermont Outstanding Educators Every year the University of Vermont, together with Vermont supervisory unions and school districts, the Vermont Agency of Education, and the Vermont NEA, join to honor the accomplishments of our state’s outstanding educators. This year we honor Janni Jacobs from Braintree Elementary, Caroline Zeilenga from RTCC, and Katie Vincent Roller from Randolph Union Middle High School. Congratulations to these educators for being recognized as Outstanding Teacher of the Year. Below is a picture of KVR who travelled to UVM on November 7th to receive this award. OSSD Grant Activities Orange Southwest School District is committed to improving student experience and outcomes through accessing grant funds. Ongoing grant funded initiatives include Yoga and Mindfulness, Funding for many Field Trips, and a World Music partnership with BarnArts and Chandler Arts. So far this year OSSD students have engaged learning from musical performers from Mozambique, Canada, and Egypt. RTCC College Fair and Dual Enrollment RTCC is increasing student access to earning college credits in the technical programs. This coming spring, 55 RTCC students are enrolled in one or more dual enrollment college classes. RTCC is also hosting a college fair for RU and RTCC students on December 17. OSSD supports all students in exploring options for post secondary success. Events November is American Indian Heritage Month November 20 OSSD Board Meeting 6:00 PM @ RU Media Center November 27-29 No School - Thanksgiving Holiday December 5 Holiday Craft Market at RTCC December 6 RUMSHS Drama presents Dystopian Duet at 7:00 PM December 9 Trimester 1 Elementary Report Cards (MS/HS Quarter 1 Report Cards went home earlier this month) December 12 Randolph Elementary Holiday Concert December 12 Winter Night of the Arts at RUHS December 17 RTCC College Fair December 17 & 18 Brookfield Holiday Concerts December 19 Braintree Holiday Concert December 23 - January 1 No School - Holiday Break District Newsletters Read more about happenings in OSSD schools by visiting the school newsletters! Braintree Newsletter Brookfield Newsletter Randolph Elementary Newsletter RU Newsletter RTCC Newsletter Orange Southwest School District Orange Southwest is committed to safe and healthy schools that provide meaningful learning experiences for all students. The district is comprised of Braintree Elementary School, Brookfield Elementary School, Randolph Elementary School, Randolph Union Middle High School, and Randolph Technical Career Center. OSSD Central Office is located at 24 Central Street, Randolph, VT 05060 and can be reached at (802) 728-5052.
Wednesday, Nov 20 2024
OSSD Newsletter 10/04/2024
Orange Southwest District Newsletter October 4, 2024 Dear OSSD Community, Autumn is here and across the district students are enjoying outdoor learning experiences and field trips. Some of the learning trips included apple picking at Liberty Orchard, visits to local farms, Philbrick Crenceti bog, and the Ethan Allen Homestead. All OSSD field trips are aligned to learning standards and help to enrich student academic outcomes as well as their sense of community and connection. Beginning of year assessments are finished and instructional teams across the district will be using the assessment data to guide instruction and set academic goals. Teachers and curriculum leaders will be collaborating in teams to review the data and plan for the best teaching and learning we can provide. All schools continue the important work of creating communities of caring and supporting positive behaviors using PBIS & Responsive Classroom practices. The focus has been on empathy, kindness, and belonging. Yoga instruction and social emotional programming continues across the district. We are grateful to families for their support of this work. I hope you all enjoy the beautiful weather and the scenery this weekend, Heather Lawler Assistant Superintendent PS - The picture is an RTCC student explaining how to safely operate a table saw :) Beginning of Year assessments are done! Message from Michael Clark, Superintendent During the 2024 legislative session, a commission was established to study the future of public education in Vermont. Its purpose is to assess and recommend improvements for the state's public education system, ensuring that it meets the evolving needs of students in a rapidly changing world. The Commission will conduct a comprehensive review of Vermont's educational landscape, focusing on several key areas: Identifying Challenges: The Commission aims to pinpoint significant issues facing public education, including funding disparities, access to resources, and the impact of socio-economic factors on educational outcomes. Engaging Stakeholders: The Commission actively seeks input from a wide range of stakeholders, including educators, parents, students, and community members, to gather diverse perspectives and insights on necessary improvements. Exploring Innovative Solutions: The Commission will examine successful models and best practices from other states and countries, considering how innovative approaches can be adapted to Vermont's unique context. Equity and Inclusion: A central focus will be on promoting equity and inclusion within the education system, ensuring that all students have access to high-quality education regardless of their background. Long-Term Vision: The Commission is dedicated to creating a sustainable and adaptable education system that prepares students for the demands of the 21st century, emphasizing critical thinking, collaboration, and digital literacy. I am pleased to share that I have collaborated with the Vermont Agency of Education to arrange for OSSD to host the Commission's meeting and public input session on October 21, 2024. The public meeting will take place from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at RTCC, followed by a public input session at 5:00 p.m. in the RU Auditorium. This presents an important opportunity for the community to share their perspectives with the Commission. Michael J. Clark Orange Southwest School District Superintendent Welcome Ernesto Villalobos - Music and Band Teacher Ernesto Villalobos is a GRAMMY Award-winning composer, singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and bandleader, known for his work with the Villalobos Brothers, a renowned musical group that has graced prestigious stages worldwide. In addition to his new job teaching music at three elementary schools in the Orange Southwest School District, Ernesto is the new Director of String Instrument Studies After-School Program at the Chandler Center for the Arts in Randolph. His recordings and publications through Carnegie Hall’s “Musical Explorers” continue to reach thousands of students all over the world. He is married and has two young daughters, Leah and Nina. Welcome Ernesto! Braintree Farm Field Trip Gifford Flu Shot Clinics for Students OSSD is committed to safe and healthy schools. Gifford will be offering the Flu vaccination to all students again this year through their School Based Health Center. The CDC recommends a yearly flu vaccine for everyone 6 months of age and older as the first and most important step in protecting against this serious disease. For more information on the flu vaccine please visit: cdc.gov/flu/prevent/keyfacts.htm. If you are interested in having your child vaccinated at school, please fill out the attached paperwork. Flu Vaccine Consent Form PAWS recognitions - part of the PBIS plan Events September 15 to October 15 is National Hispanic American Heritage Month October 9, 2024 OSSD Board Meeting 6:00 PM October 10, 2024 World Mental Health Day October 14, 2024 - No School - Indigenous Peoples Day October 15, 2024 - Half Day for Students November 21, 2024 Future of Education Meeting at RU 5:00 PM November 8, 2024 - Half Day November 11, 2024 - No School - Veterans Day November 13, 2024 OSSD Board Meeting 6:00 PM November 21, 2024 Future of Education Meeting at RU 5:00 PM November 27-29, 2024 - No School - Thanksgiving Holiday RES trip to Philbrick Crenceti bog District Newsletters Read more about happenings in OSSD schools by visiting the school newsletters! Braintree Newsletter Brookfield Newsletter RES Newsletter RUHS Newsletter RTCC Newsletter Orange Southwest School District Orange Southwest is committed to safe and healthy schools that provide meaningful learning experiences for all students. The district is comprised of Braintree Elementary School, Brookfield Elementary School, Randolph Elementary School, Randolph Union Middle High School, and Randolph Technical Career Center. OSSD Central Office is located at 24 Central Street, Randolph, VT 05060 and can be reached at (802) 728-5052.
Friday, Oct 04 2024
OSSD Newsletter 09/06/2024
Orange Southwest District Newsletter September 6, 2024 First Weeks of School Dear OSSD Community, It was a busy week at all the schools as students, teachers, and staff began the year. Every school has a renewed commitment to creating communities of caring and supporting positive behaviors using PBIS & Responsive Classroom practices. Open house season has begun! Each school has scheduled events to share the learning spaces with the community and promote family engagement in our schools. We hope you will attend. Wishing you a safe and healthy weekend, Heather Lawler, Assistant Superintendent OSSD School Counselors Orange Southwest extends our sorrow and condolences to victims of the incident at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia on September 4th. If you or someone you know is experiencing anxiety or grief connected with this incident, please access the school counselors for support. We are committed to safe and caring schools where all are valued. Rebecca Walter, School Counselor, Braintree Elementary Sonya Cattanach, School Counselor, Brookfield Elementary Cassandra Desranleau, School Counselor, Randolph Elementary Kara Merrill & Kayla Ball, School Counselors, Randolph Union Middle High School Kate Noonkester, CTE School Counseling Coordinator, Randolph Technical Career Center Below is a link to Save the Children and articles related to talking with students about difficult topics. Save the Children Articles Title I Funding - Annual Information Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act provides financial assistance to state and local educational agencies to meet the needs of at-risk children. The goal of Title I is to provide instructional services and activities which support students in meeting the state’s challenging performance standards. Title I—Schoolwide Programs: Braintree Elementary Brookfield Elementary Randolph Elementary Randolph Union Middle High School All these schools receive grant money through the federal government to serve students at risk of not meeting the standards for their particular grade level. The Orange Southwest School District uses multiple sources of data to identify the students that are at risk. The sources include standardized test scores, common assessment data, educational progress monitoring tools, and teacher observations. Improve Teaching and Learning Enable Students to meet Academic Performance Standards Promote Parent Involvement Get Involved! Contact the Principal for more information about the parent/family engagement opportunities at your school! Patti Sprague, Braintree Elementary Cara Houston, Brookfield Elementary Melinda Robinson and Mindybeth Pike, Randolph Elementary Lisa Floyd and Herb Perez, Randolph Union Middle High School Nika Oakes and Clayton Squires, Randolph Technical Career Center New Trail at Braintree To wrap this newsletter up with a joyful note, here are some photos from the first all student assembly at Braintree this week. A new trail on the campus was recently completed by Apex Trailworks. Zac Freeman came out to Braintree to lead students along the trail that runs from the multipurpose room up and along the hill to the outdoor classroom and then traverses down to the playground. This trail was constructed with Universal Access principals and is designed to accommodate all people including those using wheelchairs or other assistive devices for mobility. Upcoming Events 09/10/2024 RU Family and Community Advisory Board @ 5:00PM 09/11/2024 RTCC Regional Advisory Board meeting @ 5:00 PM and OSSD Board Meeting @ 6:00 PM 09/17/2024 RU Fall Festival Dinner and Open House @ 5:30 PM 09/19/2024 Brookfield Elementary School Open House @ 6:00PM 09/23/2024 Braintree Elementary School Open House @ 5:30 PM 09/27/2024 Half Day for students - Professional Learning day for faculty and staff Orange Southwest School District Orange Southwest is committed to safe and healthy schools that provide meaningful learning experiences for all students. The district is comprised of Braintree Elementary School, Brookfield Elementary School, Randolph Elementary School, Randolph Union Middle High School, and Randolph Technical Career Center. OSSD Central Office is located at 24 Central Street, Randolph, VT 05060 and can be reached at (802) 728-5052.
Friday, Sep 06 2024
OSSD Newsletter 08/30/2024
Orange Southwest District Newsletter August 30, 2024 Welcome back! All of us at the OSSD schools were so happy to welcome students back to school this week. Schools across the district engaged in the important work of building relationships and creating caring learning communities. This newsletter includes some photos from this week, important annual notifications of educational rights, welcome to new board member Rachel Fish, a welcome message from Superintendent Michael Clark, and upcoming events around the district. Thank you for all for your ongoing support of OSSD schools and welcome back! Have a wonderful long weekend, Heather Lawler, Assistant Superintendent Introduction and Welcome from Michael Clark I’m Michael Clark, and I’m thrilled to introduce myself as the new Superintendent of the Orange Southwest School District. With over 28 years in education, including 21 years in school administration, I have dedicated my career to cultivating vibrant and supportive learning environments where every student has the opportunity to thrive. From my start as a high school teacher to my roles as principal and superintendent, I’ve embraced diverse challenges and opportunities to enhance educational outcomes READ MORE Welcome Dr. Rachel Fish! At a recent Special Meeting of the OSSD Board, Dr. Rachel Fish was unanimously approved as Braintree representative to the board. Rachel will be replacing Katja Evans who resigned at the August meeting. OSSD is grateful to Katja for her years of service and is also grateful to Rachel for offering to complete the term until the next election. Annual Notices OSSD is required to provide annual notification of these important laws and rights: FERPA PPRA Title I Please review these notices that include information about educational records and your rights. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your building principals or administrative assistants. Upcoming Events 09/02/2024 Labor Day - no school 09/05/2024 Randolph Elementary School Open House grades 1-6 @ 4:30 PM 09/10/2024 RU Family and Community Advisory Board @ 5:00PM 09/17/2024 RU Fall Festival Dinner and Open House @ 5:30 PM 09/19/2024 Brookfield Elementary School Open House @ 6:00PM 09/23/2024 Braintree Elementary School Open House @ 5:30 PM 09/27/2024 Half Day for students - Professional Learning day for faculty and staff Orange Southwest School District Orange Southwest is committed to safe and healthy schools that provide meaningful learning experiences for all students. The district is comprised of Braintree Elementary School, Brookfield Elementary School, Randolph Elementary School, Randolph Union Middle High School, and Randolph Technical Career Center. OSSD Central Office is located at 24 Central Street, Randolph, VT 05060 and can be reached at (802) 728-5052.
Friday, Aug 30 2024