A Message from the Board of Education
The Board of Education invites you to join us on Thursday, September 12, 2024 at Halftime of the Coginchaug Girls Soccer Game for the dedication and ribbon cutting of the completed Wally Camp Athletic Complex. Game kicks off at 6pm. Come cheer on the girls prior to halftime! https://www.rsd13ct.org/Our-District/Board-of-Education/Board-Communication/index.html
Wednesday, Sep 04 2024
A Message from Board of Education Chairman Lindsay D...
The Board of Education is happy to announce that yesterday the referendum to amend the Regional Plan for District 13 has been successfully passed by the voters of Durham and Middlefield. This outcome reflects the collective commitment of our community to the education and well-being of our students while also respecting future fiscal responsibility of our taxpayers. The Board of Education extends its deepest gratitude to every voter who participated in this important decision. The passage of this referendum enables the board to move forward with a bonding referendum that we are hopeful to include on the November ballot for the funding of the Renovation/Expansion of Memorial School that would bring all PK-5 students together on one campus as well as address any temporary changes to infrastructure that are needed to accommodate our students and staff during construction. With that passage combined with the associated cost savings of closing Brewster and Lyman (once construction is complete) and anticipated state school construction grant reimbursement we can ensure long-term sustainable infrastructure for our students and staff while enhancing the quality of educational programming for our entire district. This includes the upgrading of facilities, investment in modern educational resources, and the expansion of programs that will better prepare our students for future success. We understand that this was a significant decision for many in our community and that this was not a unanimous vote. We do not take this responsibility lightly and the Board is committed to ensuring that the board and administration hear the concerns of our stakeholders and work in collaboration for the best interests of our students and staff. Thank you for your support and trust in our shared mission to provide an exceptional education for every student. We look forward to the continued positive changes and growth that this first step will bring to our district. Lindsay Dahlheimer Chairman Board of Education Regional School District 13
Wednesday, Aug 28 2024
RSD 13 Snapshot June 2024
Attached is Issue 7 of the District Snapshot . Archived editions may be accessed at: https://www.rsd13ct.org/Our-District/Board-of-Education/District-Snapshot/index.html . If you know anyone in the community who would like to receive these types of publications, please refer them to: https://www.rsd13ct.org/Resources/Portals/ParentSquare/index.html for instructions on how to sign-up. Thank you.
Friday, Jun 14 2024
Reminder: Community Forum Registration
Regional School District 13 will be hosting two community forums related to long range facility planning on January 17 and 18. Both forums will be held in the Memorial School Library-Media Center. The January 17 session will begin at 4:00 p.m. and end no later than 6:00 p.m. The January 18 session will begin at 6:00 p.m. and end no later than 8:00 p.m. Although these forums will begin with a short presentation about future facility planning options, the majority of the time will be spent in small groups discussing the ideas presented, asking questions, and sharing your own thoughts. In order to best facilitate the small group conversations, we need to know who is planning to participate. Please register to participate in one of our community forums using this link no later than January 11, 2024. Please enjoy the upcoming holiday; we hope to see you at Memorial School on January 17 or 18! [Monday, Jan 8 at 10:09 AM]
Thursday, Dec 21 2023
RSD 13 Snapshot November 2023
Happy Veterans Day tomorrow and thank you to our veterans for your service to our country. Attached is Issue 5 of the District Snapshot. Archived editions may be accessed at: https://www.rsd13ct.org/Board-of-Education/District-Snapshot/index.html . If you know anyone in the community who would like to receive these types of publications, please refer them to: https://www.rsd13ct.org/Misc/ParentSquare/ for instructions on how to sign-up. Thank you.
Friday, Nov 10 2023
RSD 13 Snapshot June 2023
Attached is Issue 4 of the District Snapshot. Archived editions may be accessed at: https://www.rsd13ct.org/Board-of-Education/District-Snapshot/index.html . If you know of anyone in the community who would like to receive these types of publications, please refer them to: https://www.rsd13ct.org/Misc/ParentSquare/ for instructions on how to sign-up. Thank you.
Thursday, Jun 15 2023
RSD 13 Snapshot March 2023
Attached is Issue 3 of the District Snapshot. Archived editions may be accessed at: https://www.rsd13ct.org/Board-of-Education/District-Snapshot/index.html . If you know of anyone in the community who would like to receive these types of publications, please refer them to: https://www.rsd13ct.org/Misc/ParentSquare/ for instructions on how to sign-up. Thank you.
Friday, Mar 31 2023
Memorial School Expansion/Renovation Project
The Regional School District 13 Board of Education and Leadership Team have proposed that we renovate and expand Memorial School to serve all learners in Grades K-5. We will be sharing more details about this exciting project during the next several months, but we wanted to let you know WHY we believe that this is the right decision for our learners, families, employees, and community: Limits school transitions…Learners will only attend 3 schools (Memorial/Strong/Coginchaug) during their K-12 experience Unifies our district…All learners and families will have access to all district educational programming Balances experiences in Durham and Middlefield…Both of our towns will host all of our learners for about the same number of years Aligns with our vision for Learner-Centered Education…All of our K-5 staff, resources, professional learning will focused on a single school In addition to all of these educational benefits, this plan will bring significant savings to the budgets and taxpayers of Middlefield and Durham by: Greatly reducing operational costs Improving operational efficiency and services to learners Taking advantage of state funding…Currently estimated at 52% of the total project cost Please be on the lookout for future project updates, and also let us know what you think about expanding and renovating Memorial School by participating in this ThoughtExchange . We also invite you to watch a short video (embedded in the ThoughtExchange) to learn a little bit more information. [Thursday, Feb 9 at 8:50 AM] Thank you to those who have already participated in our ThoughtExchange related to the proposed expansion/renovation of Memorial School to serve all learners in Grades K-5. If you haven't participated yet, we would welcome your thoughts and ideas, too. The exchange will be active until 2/17/23, so please add your voice to this important conversation. [Thursday, Feb 16 at 8:53 AM] Hi again, We have 228 thoughts and 7609 ratings in our Exchange asking: What are your thoughts and questions about the proposed expansion/renovation of Memorial School to serve all RSD 13 learners in Grades K-5? Take a look at the ideas that have already been shared: Show us current class sizes for each grade at each school and what the class sizes would be in the new proposal. 4.3 (18 Participants) Ranked #1 of 228 What is the time frame for this plan and what will the cost be? 4.2 (54 Participants) Ranked #2 of 228 I’m interested to hear more about how Brewster will be repurposed, and what work would be needed at Memorial School to accommodate all students K-5. 4.2 ( 48 Participants) Ranked #3 of 228 The Exchange will be open until 11:59PM ET on 2/17/23. We invite you to return the Exchange and help prioritize key areas by rating more thoughts: https://my.thoughtexchange.com/scroll/271959409 Thank you in advance for your input.
Thursday, Feb 02 2023
Friday Memo 1.13.23
Dear Memorial Community, Hope everyone enjoys the long weekend. Please see below for important information and updates. Memorial Spirit Wear is coming after the new year! Be on the lookout! No School on Monday, January 16th The district will be closed on Monday, January 16th, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Early Release Day on Thursday, January 26th There will be an early release day on Thursday, January 26th, for professional learning. School will dismiss at 12:05 p.m. Memorial PTC News The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 17th, 2023 at 6pm in the library. Please join us at the meeting to discuss plans for this year. RSD13 SEPTO Information Please consider attending the next meeting in January at Memorial School. The date and time will be posted in the coming weeks. Playing in the Snow Please remember to make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather, especially for recess. If your child would like to play in the snow during recess, please remember that she/he needs to have five items: hat, gloves/mittens, snow pants, jacket, and snow boots. I recommend sending those items in a labeled bag with your child. Items will be kept in lockers. Winter Choral and Band Concerts The date of the grade 4 and grade 5 choral and band concert is January 25th at 6:30 pm in the CRHS auditorium. The fifth grade band AND chorus will be performing, as well as the fourth grade chorus. Pokemon Cards Their popularity has returned! Learners have been looking at and talking about the cards at recess and lunch. Learners can have the cards at school, but should be kept in their backpacks unless it is lunch, recess or if the teacher has given permission. However, they are NOT TO BE traded at all. Lunch/Breakfast Expiration Update Effective Monday, December 12th, the district began charging for breakfast and lunch. Please click on this link for information on menus, prices and free and reduced lunch applications. If you choose to send in payments for breakfast and lunch with students, cash or checks will be fine. Please make checks payable to RSD 13 Food Services, write your child’s name in the memo section of your check. COVID-19 Test Kits Memorial School has a supply of free COVID-19 test kits that are available to learners and families. The kits are first come, first served. Please contact the main office or message our school nurse and we will send the kit(s) home with your child. School Based Health Center Memorial School began the onsite School Based Health Center this week. The counselor is licensed by the Department of Public Health to improve the health and well-being of students and address the health issues that interfere with learning. They operate within the school building and school day, but are not part of the school system. Interested families will be able to seek this service through the flier that is going home or through our school website . Lost and Found Our lost and found collection is growing. If your child is missing any clothing or belongings, please remind her/him to check lost and found. Health Office Update There has been an increase in the number of faculty, staff, and learners at Memorial School that have been sick with different viruses and colds over the past few weeks. If your child is presenting with any symptoms (not allergies) and/or has a fever, please have your child stay home and continue to monitor symptoms. If you have any questions, please reach out to our school nurse, Fran Ciarleglio. Attendance Protocols - Some reminders regarding absences per BOE policy and Connecticut General Statutes: The first nine (9) days of absence will be excused upon receipt of a signed note from the student’s parent/guardian, a signed note from a school official that spoke in person with the parent/guardian regarding the absence, or a note confirming the absence by the school nurse or by a licensed medical professional, as appropriate. For the student’s tenth (10th) absence, and all absences thereafter, documentation of the absence must be submitted, and must also include the reason for the absence and the following additional information: A signed note from a medical professional Religious holidays Mandated court appearances Funeral or death in the family, or other emergency beyond the control of the student’s family Extraordinary educational opportunity "Truant" - any student five to eighteen years of age who has four (4) unexcused absences from school in any one month or ten (10) unexcused absences from school in any school year. The complete BOE policy can be found on the district website here . 2023-2024 District Calendar Please see the attached recently approved district calendar for the 2023-2024 school year. RSD13 Strategic Plan Update Please see the Action Team Newsletter for the recently adopted district strategic plan. Additionally, this will be shared on our district website under the Learning tab. Community Flyers Please click the link to access the district’s Community Flyers page in order to stay up-to-date on community events and happenings. Community Flyers Respectfully, Noelle Durkin, Principal
Friday, Jan 13 2023
Friday Memo 1.6.23
Dear Memorial Community, Happy New Year! I wish all of you and your families a happy and healthy 2023! Please see below for important information and updates. Memorial Spirit Wear is coming after the new year! Be on the lookout! Memorial PTC News The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 17th, 2023 at 6pm in the library. Please join us at the meeting to discuss plans for this year. The PTC has approved the funding of a whole assembly focused on core values, kindness and bullying with presenter Chris Poulos . The entire Memorial School community enjoyed the engaging presentation. See the link for details about his program. Thank you PTC!!! RSD13 SEPTO Information Please consider attending the next meeting in January at Memorial School. The date and time will be posted in the coming weeks. No School on Monday, January 16th The district will be closed on Monday, January 16th, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Early Release Day on Thursday, January 26th There will be an early release day on Thursday, January 26th, for professional learning. School will dismiss at 12:05 p.m. Playing in the Snow Please remember to make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather, especially for recess. If your child would like to play in the snow during recess, please remember that she/he needs to have five items: hat, gloves/mittens, snow pants, jacket, and snow boots. I recommend sending those items in a labeled bag with your child. Items will be kept in lockers. Winter Choral and Band Concerts The date of the grade 4 and grade 5 choral and band concert is January 25th at 6:30 pm in the CRHS auditorium. The fifth grade band AND chorus will be performing, as well as the fourth grade chorus. Winter Art Club The next session of the Art Club is looking for interested artists for the winter session. Please see the attached documents for further information. Sign ups are limited to the first 24 learners. Pokemon Cards Their popularity has returned! Learners have been looking at and talking about the cards at recess and lunch. Learners can have the cards at school, but should be kept in their backpacks unless it is lunch, recess or if the teacher has given permission. However, they are NOT TO BE traded at all. Lunch/Breakfast Expiration Update Effective Monday, December 12th, the district began charging for breakfast and lunch. Please click on this link for information on menus, prices and free and reduced lunch applications. If you choose to send in payments for breakfast and lunch with students, cash or checks will be fine. Please make checks payable to RSD 13 Food Services, write your child’s name in the memo section of your check. COVID-19 Test Kits Memorial School has a supply of free COVID-19 test kits that are available to learners and families. The kits are first come, first served. Please contact the main office or message our school nurse and we will send the kit(s) home with your child. School Based Health Center Memorial School began the onsite School Based Health Center this week. The counselor is licensed by the Department of Public Health to improve the health and well-being of students and address the health issues that interfere with learning. They operate within the school building and school day, but are not part of the school system. Interested families will be able to seek this service through the flier that is going home or through our school website . Lost and Found Our lost and found collection is growing. If your child is missing any clothing or belongings, please remind her/him to check lost and found. Health Office Update There has been an increase in the number of faculty, staff, and learners at Memorial School that have been sick with different viruses and colds over the past few weeks. If your child is presenting with any symptoms (not allergies) and/or has a fever, please have your child stay home and continue to monitor symptoms. If you have any questions, please reach out to our school nurse, Fran Ciarleglio. RSD13 Strategic Plan Update Please see the Action Team Newsletter for the recently adopted district strategic plan. Additionally, this will be shared on our district website under the Learning tab. Community Flyers Please click the link to access the district’s Community Flyers page in order to stay up-to-date on community events and happenings. Community Flyers Respectfully, Noelle Durkin, Principal
Friday, Jan 06 2023