Tam District Family Newsletter-April 2024
Dear Tam District Families, We hope you are enjoying the spring semester. It is hard to believe we are so close to the end of the school year. As we approach May, which includes National Teacher Appreciation Week (May 6-10th) and National Teacher Appreciation Day (May 7, 2024) I want to extend a sincere thank you to all of our amazing teachers who make the Tam District a wonderful place to learn and work. The National Education Association describes National Teacher Appreciation Day in May “as a day for honoring teachers and recognizing the lasting contributions they make to our lives.” Teachers are the heart and soul of education. They ensure that students have engaging and meaningful experiences each day of the year. Take a moment in the next few weeks to show your appreciation for our teachers. ARAB AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH April is Arab American Heritage Month. " Celebrating the rich and diverse culture and contributions of the diverse population of Arab Americans, National Arab American Heritage Month has been observed during the month of April since 2017" ( History.com ). National Arab American Heritage Month was recognized in April 2021 by President Joe Biden ...“The Arab American community is essential to the fabric of our nation, and I am honored to be part of this celebration of Arab American culture, heritage, and contributions to American society,” Biden wrote in a letter to Arab America and the Arab America Foundation. "The Arab American community exemplifies so much of what our country stands for: hard work, resilience, compassion, and generosity. ( History.com ) Resources for celebrating Arab American Heritage Month: Arab American Heritage Month 202 4-History.com Learning For Justice: Celebrating Arab American Heritage Month San Diego County Office of Education: Guide to Celebrating Arab American Heritage Month STUDENT HIGHLIGHT Congratulations to the Tam High Mock Trial Team who took 3rd place in the state competition. To see the Marin IJ article, click here . LCAP UPDATE LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan ) Goals and action steps indicates the District’s promise to the community and resource allocation. The LCAP is a 3 year document with annual updates. The updates rely on data to inform the impact of our action on the intended outcomes. This year was the start of new three year cycle and our Racial Justice Task Force and LCAP committees combined to undertake the work of revising the District LCAP goals. The draft goals were presented to the Board of Trustees on April 16th LCAP Draft Goals Slide Deck District Webpage about LCAP If you wish to provide feedback on the LCAP, please complete the form linked here . FACILITIES WEBSITE As the District continues on our solar array installation please see our Facilities Modernization webpag e for information about our Facilities Master Plan. Follow the Tam District Twitter @TamDistrict and Instagram TamDistrict for student and district highlights! Contact Information Superintendent Tara Taupier, Ed.D. 415-945-1020 Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Kelly Lara 415-945-1020 Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Wes Cedros 415-945-1027 Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations Corbett Elsen 415-945-1043 DISTRICT CALENDAR 2024-2025 Nation Suicide Prevention Lifeline- 988 Confidential tip lines: Archie Williams: 415-458-3416 Redwood: 415.945.3693 San Andreas: 415-945-3775 Tamiscal: 415-945-3765 Tam High: 415-380-3507 REPORTING FORMS Sexual Harassment and Assault Confidential reporting Form Safety Concern Form Confidential Racial Incident Reporting Form Formulario Confidencial de Igualdad Racial
Friday, Apr 19 2024
Tam District Family Newsletter March 2024
Dear Tam District Families, As we prepare to "spring" our clocks forward this weekend and await the arrival of spring later in the month, we find ourselves at an especially exciting time in the academic calendar. For many of our students, the spring semester marks the anticipation of significant milestones such as prom, graduations, and new adventures. We are grateful to share in these moments as part of their journey. We trust that the current semester is progressing well for both you and your student(s). It's essential to emphasize that regular attendance is strongly linked to student success and their sense of belonging to the school community. To address issues of chronic absenteeism and enhance the connection to campus life, we introduced the role of Dean of Student Success at Archie Williams, Redwood, and Tam High Schools last year. The fostering of a sense of belonging is crucial for our students to flourish. In the district, our focus has been on cultivating stronger relationships with students and ensuring they feel valued and comfortable on our campuses. While we acknowledge there's still work to be done, we actively seek collaboration with parents and caregivers to ensure we are effectively supporting all students. If you require resources regarding attendance or support for your student, please don't hesitate to reach out to your school site. Thank you for your ongoing partnership in the education and well-being of our students. WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH Women’s History Month is a celebration of women’s contributions to history, culture and society and has been observed annually in the month of March in the United States since 1987 .(History.com) This year, the theme of Women's History Month is " “Women Who Advocate for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.” The theme recognizes women throughout the country who understand that, for a positive future, we need to eliminate bias and discrimination entirely from our lives and institutions. Resources for Celebrating Women's History Month: Women's History Month Resources National Women's History Alliance National Women's History Museum Edutopia Women's History Month Resources National Education Association STUDENT HIGHLIGHTS Congratulations to our National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists Redwood August F. Gilmartin Tam High Goldberg, Arthur M. Miller, Ben J. SAN ANDREAS HIGH SCHOOL NAMED MODEL CONTINUATION SCHOOL San Andreas High School has once again been named a Model Continuation High School by the California Department of education. In the recognition letter, Superintendent of Schools for California, Tony Thurman stated, I commend you for demonstrating extraordinary commitment to your students and their families. By providing your students with a myriad of educational options, mental health resources, and other support services, you have addressed their needs, elevated their strengths and assets, and set them on a trajectory for success. You exemplify the power in listening “through this whole student’s ears” to understand, respect, and value their goals, challenges and lived experiences. This comprehensive support has prepared them with the necessary skills to move forward toward successfully completing high school, transitioning to higher education, academic and/or vocational, and entering the workforce. Congratulation to Principal Cathy Flores, the entire staff and student body of San Andreas. PROM POP UPS Students across the District have organized Prom Pop Up events so that students may obtain formal wear free of charge. These student organized and driven efforts are available at the following times and dates: REDWOOD HIGH SCHOOL: THE VILLAGE near Macy's 3/22 - Redwood Only (4-8pm), 3/23-3/24 (11am-5pm), 3/29 (4-8pm), 3/30 (11-5pm) 1618 Redwood Hwy, Corte Madera, CA 94925 Tam High: Donations being accepted until 3/14 at the following locations: Tam High Front Office- 700 Miller Ave, MV MV Community Center, Bloom Marin, French Laundry & Cleaners, KK Swaps, The Store, St. Patrick's Thrift Shop, Sugar Magnolia, Vintage Ruse Please be on the lookout for information from Archie Williams HS about their prom pop up. 2ND ANNUAL MARIN POW WOW BLACK HISTORY AT TAM HIGH EXHIBIT AT MV LIBRARY The Mill Valley Public Library is previewing a new exhibit: "Breaking Through: Black History at Tam High, 1910 to the Present" at the library's Lower-Level Gallery. Co-curated by Lucretia Little History Room and the Marin City Historical and Preservation Society CONTACT INFORMATION Superintendent Tara Taupier, Ed.D. 415-945-1020 Assistant Superintendent Educational Services Kelly Lara 415-945-1012 Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Wes Cedros 415-945-1027 Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations Corbett Elsen 415-945-1043 [Friday, Mar 8 at 8:12 AM]
Thursday, Mar 07 2024
Tam District Family Newsletter: February 2024
Dear Tam District Families, I hope you are doing well, and that our students are enjoying a joyful and engaging semester of learning. February marks Black History Month, offering us a valuable chance to celebrate Black excellence and recognize the significant contributions that Black Americans have made to our society. The initiative to honor and include the contributions of Black Americans in our nation’s curriculum was started by Carter G. Woodson. As the author of " The Miseducation of a Negro ," Woodson aimed to highlight the striking omission of Black stories, voices, and history from our educational materials. What initially began as a week-long observance in February evolved into the designation of Black History Month in 1976. While we focus on Black History this month, encompassing stories, culture, and contributions, it is crucial to remember that Black History is an integral part of American History and should not be confined to a single month but rather integrated throughout our entire curriculum. Our responsibility is to educate ourselves and our students to foster a more just and inclusive community. The Association for the Study of African American Life and History has chosen the theme for Black History Month as " African Americans and the Arts ." Throughout this month, our students will have continued opportunities to delve into deeper learning about Black history, culture, contributions to our country, and the rich history of Black resistance. For additional resources to further these conversations at home, please refer to the information below. Black History Events across Tam District The Legacy of Marin City: A California Black History Story - Exhibit at the Marin County Office of Education ASALH Black History Month Virtual Festival National Museum of African American History and Culture Black History Month Program Library of Congress African American History Month Resources and Programs Learning for Justice: Black History Month: Teaching the Complete History Black History that Moves Us: A Resource List for Educators List of Black History Month Events:Bay Area For the list of upcoming Cultural Heritage Events please see below LUNAR NEW YEAR The Lunar New Year, celebrated on February 10th this year, marks the onset of spring and the start of a new year in the lunisolar calendar. This festive occasion often holds great significance for people around the globe, specifically in China and is widely observed in South Korea, Vietnam, and other regions of the world. Although the official dates of the celebration vary across cultures, those who participate view it as a special time for reconnecting with both immediate and extended family, as highlighted by the National Museum of Asian Art. For information about Lunar New Year, please see below: Asian Art Museum History Channel Bay Area Lunar New Year Celebrations NATIONAL SCHOOL COUNSELING WEEK National School Counseling Week National School Counseling Week 2024 is Feb. 5th-9th. The purpose is to spotlight the unique contributions school counselors make in our schools and communities. National School Counseling Week, sponsored by ASCA, highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. National School Counseling Week is always celebrated the first full week in February. History of National School Counseling Week National School Counseling Week Event Please take a moment to Thank your counselor!! CONGRATULATIONS TAM HIGH MOCK TRIAL Congratulations to Tam High's Mock Trial team for winning the county competition. The team will complete in the state competition in March. Go Hawks!! SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT CARDS Every year, by February 1st, all schools in California must adhere to state law and publish a School Accountability Report Card (SARC). The SARC provides comprehensive information about the condition and performance of each public school in California. As part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), local educational agencies (LEAs) are obligated to create a Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). This plan outlines how they plan to achieve annual goals for all students, incorporating specific activities to address both state and local priorities. Furthermore, the data presented in an LCAP must align with the data reported in the corresponding School Accountability Report Card (SARC). For easy access to the School Accountability Report Cards for each school site, click on the links provided below. Archie Williams HS Redwood HS San Andreas HS Tam HS Tamsical HS MEASURE A INFORMATION The Tam District Board of Trustees has placed a Facilities Bond, Measure A, on the upcoming March 5, 2024, ballot. Purpose: The bond is specifically earmarked for facilities and buildings within the district. Usage: Bond funds may only be allocated to capital expenses and not to operating expenses like teacher and administrator salaries and pensions. Facilities Master Plan: The district has conducted an audit of our facilities and developed a comprehensive Facilities Master Plan. This plan outlines the necessary updates required for our district facilities. For more detailed information about District Facilities Updates and the Facilities Master Plan, we encourage you to visit our website. Contact Information Superintendent Dr. Tara Taupier 415-945-1020 Assistant Superintendent Educational Services Kelly Lara 415-945-1012 Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Wes Cedros 415-945-1027 Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations Corbett Elsen 415-945-1043 ________________________________ National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988 Confidential tip lines are: Archie Williams: 415-458-3416 Redwood: 415.945.3693 San Andreas: 415-945-3775 Tamiscal: 415-945-3765 Tam High: 415-380-3507 FEBRUARY BREAK 19-23 School Offices will be closed during the February Break. REPORTING FORMS: The forms linked below are confidential and alert district staff to incidents that the reporting party would like the District to investigate. These forms are not monitored 24hrs a day and in the case of an emergency, you should call 911. Staff respond to reports on these forms within 24 hours of reporting . Safety Concern Form Sexual Harassment/Assault Confidential Reporting Form Racial Incident Confidential Reporting Form
Tuesday, Feb 06 2024
Tam District Family Newsletter-January 2024
Dear Tam District Families, Happy New Year. We wish you and your student(s) an excellent semester ahead. As we embark on a new semester, we want to stress the vital role that attendance plays in your academic journey. Regular attendance not only contributes to academic success but also fosters a sense of connection to the school and the broader learning community. Research has shown that attendance is a key indicator significantly correlated with high school graduation, particularly by ninth grade (Allensworth, E., and Easton, J.Q. (2005)). If you have any questions or need assistance regarding attendance for your student, we encourage you to reach out to your school site administration team. They are here to provide support and address any concerns you may have. For detailed information on the Tam District attendance policy, please see the Student/Caregiver Handbook [ here ]. Ensuring student success is a collective, community effort. HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE DAY January 27th is International Holocaust Remembrance Day . This day of remembrance was established by the United Nations on the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau to ensure that the world does not forget this genocide, with the goal of preventing it from ever occurring again. From 1941 to 1945 Nazi Germany and its collaborators committed the systematic murder of over six million Jews. In 2005, the United Nations passed resolution 60/7. “The General Assembly...requests the Secretary-General to establish a programme of outreach on the subject of the “Holocaust and the United Nations” as well as measures to mobilize civil society for Holocaust remembrance and education, in order to help to prevent future acts of genocide.” General Assembly Resolution 60/7, Holocaust Remembrance, A/RES/60/7, (1 November 2005) available from undocs.org/en/A/RES/60/7 . For resources on learning about the Holocaust, to read survivor stories, and gain information on confronting antisemitism please see Echoes and Reflections and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum and the United Nations Holocaust Memorial Ceremony. , and What is Antisemitism and What are Its Impacts . How to Teach Your Children About the Holocaust is another good resource for speaking to our youth about this important topic. MEASURE A The Tam District Board of Trustees has placed a Facilities Bond Measure on the upcoming March 5, 2024, ballot. Purpose: The bond is specifically earmarked for facilities and buildings within the district. Usage: Bond funds may only be allocated to capital expenses and not to operating expenses like teacher and administrator salaries and pensions. Facilities Master Plan: The district has conducted an audit of our facilities and developed a comprehensive Facilities Master Plan. This plan outlines the necessary updates required for our district facilities. For more detailed information about District Facilities Updates and the Facilities Master Plan, we encourage you to visit our website CALIFORNIA SCHOOL DASHBOARD UPDATE The California Department of Education states that, The California School Dashboard is designed to : " To help parents and educators identify strengths and areas for improvement, California reports how districts, schools (including alternative schools), and student groups are performing across state and local measures. " To see the full dashboard, please click here . The Dashboard is an important metric for the school district and our students. When colleges and universities look to compare our district to others in the state, it is important that our dashboard truly reflect the achievement of our students, the only way to ensure that is t o have 95% participation on the CAASPP and CAST assessments. The Dashboard uses a color coded system to assign an Academic Indicator. Academic Indicators are determined by Performance AND Participation The state requires 95% participation and if a district does not meet that threshold, t he state penalizes the District in the Academic Indicator Categories. From the California Dashboard FAQ : If a local educational agency, school, or student group does not meet the 95 percent participation rate, does it impact the Academic Indicators? Yes . The Every Student Succeeds Act requires that all schools and students groups meet the 95 percent participation requirement for ELA and mathematics and that the participation rate be factored into the Academic Indicators. As a result, the Distance from Standard will be reduced for those districts, schools, and student groups that did not meet the 95 percent participation rate target. For more information on the calculation, please review the Academic Indicators mini-guide available on the Dashboard Technical Guide . For the 2022-23 school year, the Tam District DID NOT meet the required 95% participation rate, therefore our indicators on the dashboard for the CAASPP and CAST do not reflect the achievement levels of the students who took the test. Scores for 2022-23 ELA 77% at or above standard Math 58% at or above standard The overall CAASPP scores from 2022-23 were a slight improvement over the 2021-22 school year scores , however, we had only a 70% participation rate in 2022-23 therefore, our Dashboard Academic Indicator is ORANGE for ELA and Math for 2022-23 . The District's CAASPP scores have improved since the 2018-19 year. 2018-19 school year scores: ELA 71.7% at or above standard Math 57.9% at or above standard However, in 2018-19 we reached the 95% participation so our Academic Indicator was GREEN for ELA and Math in that year. Please click here to see the visual of this comparison. Parents have the ability to opt students out of taking the assessments, however, we are asking that ALL 11th Grade students take the CAASPP and CAST assessments this spring so that the dashboard will truly reflect the achievement level of our students. TAM4WARD PLAN-SUPPORTING STUDENT SUCCESS Tam4Ward MTSS is a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) plan for students within the Tamalpais Union High School District (TUHSD), synthesizing and maximizing resources to support students at the district’s five high schools, Redwood High School, Tamalpais High School, Archie Williams High School, Tamiscal High School, and San Andreas High School. MTSS utilizes district and community resources to support student academic, social-emotional, and behavioral needs. The District engaged in a year long study of services, strategies and practices already being implemented within the district in order to identify highlights, gaps and to systematize the good work that is occurring. The research was conducted by current District staff, including teachers and administrators. The Tam4Ward Plan was an outgrowth of that research. To read the details of the plan, please click here . Contact Information Superintendent Dr. Tara Taupier 415-945-1020 Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Kelly Lara 415-945-1012 Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Wes Cedros 415-945-1027 Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations Corbett Elsen 415-945-1043 Nation Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988 Confidential tip lines are: Archie Williams : 415.458.3416 Redwood : 415.945.3693 San Andreas: 415.945.3775 Tamiscal : 415.945.3765 Tam High : 415.380.3507 Reminders: Spring sports begin on February 5th. For more information, please see your school sites' athletics webpage. February Break:19th-23rd No school for students REPORTING FORMS: The forms linked below are confidential and alert district staff to incidents that the reporting party would like the District to investigate. These forms are not monitored 24hrs a day and in the case of an emergency, you should call 911. Staff respond to reports on these forms within 24 hours of reporting. Safety Concern Form Sexual Harassment/Assault Confidential Reporting Form Racial Incident Confidential Reporting Form
Monday, Jan 22 2024
Tam District Family Newsletter: December 2023
Dear Tam District Families, The fall semester is coming to a close and I am so grateful to our staff, students and families for a wonderful semester. We saw great performances from our drama and music students, exciting sporting events and some amazing championships, and students showing their school spirit! Congratulations to all of our performers, athletes, volunteers, students and families on a successful semester. I want to acknowledge that circumstances in our world today remain challenging for many of us, for a number of reasons. I wish for you all to have a restful winter break an a very healthy and joyful 2024. WELLNESS RESOURCES DURING BREAK Para leer en español, haga clic aquí HOLIDAY BREAK SAFETY REMINDERS Resources: OD-Free Marin website : information on how to obtain Narcan Be the Influence Blog : Explaining Good Samaritan Laws and some measures youth can take to protect themselves and each other Contact the 24/7 Mental Health & Substance Use Access & Assessment Hotline (888-818-1115) to get help for a friend or loved one struggling with substance abuse. Many people will gather this break to celebrate holidays and be with family and friends. We are providing some information to ensure your teens make informed and healthy decisions and know where to find support if they encounter a situation that is not safe. FENTANYL overdoses are on the rise and fentanyl is often found in counterfeit prescription drugs sold for recreational use. For more information on fentanyl please see the earlier communication linked here . For more information on what to do if you are concerned about fentanyl, please see the the OD-Free Marin website. SAFE DRIVING Driving while under the influence of Cannabis is illegal and unsafe. The National Institutes of Health tells us that “marijuana significantly impairs judgment, motor coordination, and reaction time, and studies have found a direct relationship between blood THC concentration and impaired driving ability.” However, many teens report either driving under the influence of Cannabis or being a passenger when someone was driving under the influence. WHAT CAN TEENS DO A HELP A FRIEND? Teens often report not knowing how to seek help when a friend is blacked out from alcohol or under the influence of drugs and unresponsive and report fearing "getting in trouble". Teens need to hear from adults that being safe always takes precedent over getting in trouble. The Good Samaritan Laws prevent legal action against someone, and by calling the police or paramedics, they could save a friend's life. BOND MEASURE UPDATE At the November 14, 2023 board meeting, the TUHSD Board of Trustees placed a bond measure on the Match 5, 2024 ballot, Measure A . The Measure is a $517 million school facilities improvement bond that would cost approximately $30 per $100,000 of a property’s assessed value (not market value) and would begin to address identified repairs and upgrades at all TUHSD campuses. For the median homeowner with an Assessed Value (not market value) of $1,096,500, this would represent an increase of $329 on their annual property tax bill. To learn more, please visit our Facilities Modernization Website. GUN SAFETY INFORMATION AND REMINDERS Access to firearms presents a significant increase in risk for youth. Please do your part to keep any firearms properly stored. Under California law, parents and guardians are responsible for protecting children through safe firearm storage. Gun owners are criminally liable if they store a loaded gun where a child is likely to gain access to it. Safe gun storage also reduces the risk of suicide by slowing down what is often an impulsive act, providing more time to get help. For more information on proper gun storage and where to find free locks, please click here . You can learn more about keeping youth safe at the following websites: Besmartforkids.org Projectchildsafe.org Marin Sheriff Firearm Safety/ Free Gun Locks Marin County Office of Education Gun Safety Resources Contact Information Superintendent Tara Taupier, Ed.D 415-945-1020 Assistant Superintendent Educational Services Kelly Lara 415-945-1012 Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Wes Cedros 415-945-1027 Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations Corbett Elsen 415-945-1043 Nation Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988 Confidential tip lines are: Archie Williams: 415-458-3416 Redwood: 415.945.3693 San Andreas: 415-945-3775 Tamiscal: 415-945-3765 Tam High: 415-380-3507 Safety Concern Online Form for reporting any situation they may pose a threat to safety of the school community or students Title IX Form for reporting sexual harassment and sexual assault Racial Incident Reporting Form for any incident of racial harm, harassment or hate motivated behavior. Reminders: Winter Break: Dec. 25th-Jan 5th Jan 10th is the first student day of spring semester. _______________________________ Board of Trustees Meetings : What to Expect Flyer Board of Trustees Members: Leslie Harlander Karen Loebbaka Cynthia Roenisch Kevin Saavedra Emily Uhlhorn
Thursday, Dec 14 2023
Tam District Family Newsletter-November 2023
Dear Tam District Families, These past few weeks have been difficult for many members of our community for various reasons. We understand the impact of the ongoing violence in Israel and Gaza, another incident of mass violence in our country and local incidents of racism. In these trying times, it is important for us all to exercise compassion and understanding. I know from past events that our community is resilient and kind and I am confident that we will continue to show up for each other in those ways. As a reminder, social media can be especially challenging right now. It is difficult to discern what is accurate information. Below, please find some resources for our families: How to talk to kids about violence, crime and war -Common Sense Media Supporting youth affected by the violence in Israel and Gaza -National Association of School Psychologists How to talk to your children about conflict and war -UNICEF How to talk to your kids about race and racism - UNICEF Resources for talking about race and racism Talking to Kids about Antisemitism and Hate Violence How to Talk to Your Children about Antisemitism and Why It Is Important Starting a Conversation with Your Teen About Antisemitism Talking to Your Children About Islamophobia Countering Islamophobi a November is Native American Heritage Month . While we must honor, include and elevate the voices of the first people of this land all year, as the National Congress of American Indians states: The month is a time to celebrate rich and diverse cultures, traditions, and histories and to acknowledge the important contributions of Native people. Heritage Month is also an opportune time to educate the general public about tribes, to raise a general awareness about the unique challenges Native people have faced both historically and in the present, and the ways in which tribal citizens have worked to conquer these challenges. The Library of Congress theme for this year is: The Land Carries our Ancestors For more information on events and activities for Native American Heritage Month, please see these resources: Coast Miwok of Marin Native American Heritage Month: Library of Congress Marin County Library List of Events PBS: Native American Heritage Month Programmin g The Coast Miwok — San Geronimo Valley Historical Society (sgvhistoricalsociety.org) Coast Miwok at Point Reyes - Point Reyes National Seashore (U.S. National Park Service) (nps.gov) Native American Heritage Month | United States Courts (uscourts.gov) National Native American Heritage Month - For Teachers Museum of the American Indian (marinindian.com) Native-Land.ca | Our home on native land VETERANS DAY The theme for Veterans Day 2023 is "Service." "Veterans are proud of their military service in defending our Nation. Honor reflects the military value and tradition of answering the call to duty. There is distinct honor in serving to protect our way of life and the Constitution of the United States of America." Veterans Affairs. History of Veteran's Day In November 1919, President Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day (the end of WWI) with the following words: " To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations …" The purpose of Veterans Day: A celebration to honor America's veterans for their patriotism, love of country, and willingness to serve and sacrifice for the common good. For more information on the history of this day, please click here . Be sure to honor our veterans and thank them for their service on this important day of remembrance . There is no school on Friday, November 10th in honor of Veteran's Day . Veteran's Day Events: Bay Area Veteran's Day Events SCREENING OF LOWBALLED The San Anselmo Racial Equity Committee presents a free screening of Our America: Lowballed - at Archie Williams High School on Thursday, November 16th 2023 at 6:30pm . "Our America: Lowballed" follows Black and Latino families as they fight for fair home values after lower-than-expected appraisals. ABC's Julian Glover's 18-month investigation explores appraisal discrimination and solutions to a problem potentially costing families billions in equity. The documentary features a Marin City family, who got an appraisal on their house that seemed unusually low, they took down art and photos that identified them as Black and asked a white friend to stand in as the homeowner with a new appraiser. That appraisal came back nearly half a million dollars higher. This incident is one of many, as the documentary introduces us to a few more families. You can learn more about the event by clicking the link. The event is free, but you do need to register. To register, please click here UPDATE ON FACILITIES MASTER PLAN PROJECTS Local Funding to Repair & Upgrade TUHSD Schools Because the state does not provide funding for facility improvements, local schools cannot maintain modern classrooms, labs, infrastructure and technology without a local funding source. Local funding dedicated to school facility upgrades and improvements could help TUHSD continue to prepare students for college and careers and ensure they have the same state-of-the-art educational facilities as other students in Marin County already have. At their upcoming meeting, the TUHSD Board of Trustees is therefore considering placing a school facilities improvement bond measure on the March 2024 ballot. If approved by voters, funds from the measure would be used to help address the most urgent improvements needed at all TUHSD high school campuses. To learn more, please visit our Facilities Modernization Website Contact Information Superintendent Tara Taupier, Ed. D 415-945-1020 Assistant Superintendent Educational Services Kelly Lara 415-945-1012 Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Wes Cedros 415-945-1027 Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations Corbett Elsen 415-945-1043 Thanksgiving Recess: Nov 20th-24th School Calendars: 2023-24 School Year 2024-25 School Year ______________________________ Nation Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988 _______________________ Confidential tip lines are: Archie Williams: 415-458-3416 Redwood: 415.945.3693 San Andreas: 415-945-3775 Tamiscal: 415-945-3765 Tam High: 415-380-3507 FALL SPORTS HIGHLIGHTS An enormous THANK YOU to our Athletic Directors, Coaches and family members who supported our fall sports season. Many of our student athletes had successful seasons and it could not be done without the amazing support our student athletes receive. Please click here to see the full listing. MCA L =Marin County Athletic League NCS =North Coast Section D =division
Thursday, Nov 09 2023
Tam District Family Newsletter October 2023
Dear Tam District Families, I want to acknowledge that these past few weeks have been difficult for many members of our community for various reasons. The District is grateful for the ongoing support of our families in ensuring that our students can attend schools in which they feel safe, welcomed and valued. The District continues to engage in work with staff and students around addressing issues of racism, bias, and discrimination of all kinds. Our goal is to instill in our students that to be a constructive, contributing member or our community, one must see and value the humanity of all other human beings. There is still work to be done and we are committed to continuing on our journey. We wish to reiterate that social media platforms can be harmful to our youth. As always, we aim to keep our students safe and encourage you to speak to your children about the dangers of social media. Reso urces for Parents: Talking to Kids About Race and Racism : PBS Talking to Kids About Race, Racism and Radicalization : Center for Racial Justice Talking to Kids About Racism and Violence : Child Mind Institute Tips for Talking to Kids About Racism : Save the Children Talking to Kids about Antisemitism and Hate Violence How to Talk to Your Children about Antisemitism and Why It Is Important Starting a Conversation with Your Teen About Antisemitism Talking to Your Children About Islamophobia Countering Islamophobi a Social Media Basics for High School Aged Students Guide to Combating Hate Speech Online Where kids find hate online We are just about half way through the fall semester and I hope you and your students are enjoying a successful school year so far. October brings many things to the fore; Latino/a Heritage, Breast Cancer Awareness and International Mental Health day, just to name a few. Last month we shared resources for Latino/a Heritage Month. Please see information regarding activities for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, here. For Mental Health Day and Awareness, please see the Talk Saves Lives website , here . Also, October 8th-14th was California School Administrators Week , which is an opportunity for all to thank their school administrators for the care, support, and love with which they lead their schools. Being a school based administrator is a very challenging and incredibly rewarding job, one that comes with long hours and requires resiliency and deep commitment to students. Please take a moment this month to thank a school administrator for all they do. Youth Truth Survey This month, our school community is participating in the Youth Truth Survey to learn more about the student and family experience at our schools. The Youth Truth survey asks questions about school climate and culture; social-emotional wellness; and diversity, equity, and inclusion. The schools will use the data from the survey to plan programs and professional development for staff. In the coming days, each high school will send out the family survey link for their schools. You can also access the survey using this link: ytsurvey.org/tuhsdfamily23 The survey is offered in a variety of languages and will work on any web browser. Please take a few moments to complete the family surv ey by Octobe r 27th . Thank you for participating in this valuable survey and for helping us to make our schools even better. FACILITIES MASTER PLAN UPDATE The Tam District provides students with a high-quality education, however, our classrooms, lab spaces, and overall facilities and school technology are in need structural repairs and improvements to help keep pace with the evolving environment and in order to support modern learning. Redwood and Archie Williams are both over 60 years old, with Tam High over 100 years old. Additionally, San Andreas and Tamiscal were built more than 25 years ago. The last significant upgrades to Tam District facilities occurred when voters approved Measure A bond funding back in 2006. Those bonds are scheduled to be paid off in the next several years, partly due to the successful refinancing the district secured when interest rates were low. The refinancing saved our taxpayers over $23M. The Facilities Master Plan (FMP), which was conducted over a 10 month period and included broad stakeholder and community participation, identified needed repairs and upgrades for aging classrooms, labs, buildings and infrastructure at all Tam District campuses. In total the Facilities Master Plan identified over $500 million of necessary repairs and improvements. To learn more about TUHSD’s plan to address facilities needs please visit our Facilities Modernization Website. Our students deserve safe, clean, and engaging facilities in which to learn. Facilities Update Presentations: FMP Redwood Facilities Update Presentation FMP Tam High Facilities Update Presentation General School Facilities Construction Overview STUDENT HIGHLIGHTS National Hispanic Recognition Program Commended Students Archie Williams High School: Alegra Moran Ethan Frankel Jasmin Desruisseau NATIONAL MERIT SCHOLARSHIP SEMIFINALISTS: Redwood High School August Gilmartin Archie Williams High School Calvin Arnold Noah Holden Bennett James Maxwell Maderis Thomas Rodskog Tyler Wolin WELLNESS SPOTLIGHT TUHSD Wellness Spotlight Connect to Protect! Drugs in the Age of Fentanyl In Marin County, drug overdose is the leading cause of accidental death for residents age 55 and younger and has taken the life of many in our community, including young adults and adolescents. Youth ages 14-23 suffer the highest rate of Fentanyl involved drug deaths, more than any other age group and F entanyl is the most common substance involved in overdose deaths. Fentanyl, a powerful synthetic drug that is 100 times stronger than morphine, has been described by the Drug Enforcement Administration as the single deadliest drug threat our nation has ever encountered. In 2021, almost 70% of drug overdoses involved fentanyl, and many of them were unaware they were digesting the substance. Here is what you can do to help keep your child safe: * Learn more about fentanyl by watching last year's Song for Charlie Parent/Caregiver presentation HERE (Passcode: %1pKb?9i) * Talk with your child about fentanyl. See resources below to help support these conversations: The New Drug Talk: Connect to Protect is a first-of-its-kind educational web platform designed to equip California families to educate themselves about the widespread availability of fentanyl-laced pharmaceutical pills (“fentapills”), the dangers of self-medication and experimentation, and how to have meaningful, high-impact conversations about the rapidly changing drug landscape. Let’s Talk - Let’s Talk is a resource for parents and caregivers, centered around the idea that with a lot of solid science, and a lot of heart, we can support our youth as they navigate substance mis/use. OD Free Marin - a comprehensive website with local information and resources. Contact Information Superintendent Dr. Tara Taupier 415-945-1020 Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Kelly Lara 415-945-1012 Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Wes Cedros 415-945-1027 Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations Corbett Elsen 415-945-1043 ______________________________ Nation Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988 ______________________________ Confidential tip lines: Archie Williams : 415-458-3416 Redwood : 415.945.3693 San Andreas: 415-945-3775 Tamiscal : 415-945-3765 Tam High: 415-380-3507 Safety Concern Form Confidential Racial Incident Reporting Form S exual Harassment/Assault Reporting Form ___________________________
Monday, Oct 16 2023
Tam District Family Newsletter: September 2023
Dear Tam District Families, I hope the school year is off to a great start. We in the District are grateful for how smoothly staff and students transitioned back to school this year and look forward to a successful, joy filled year of learning ahead. Across the District, we are focusing on building strong, positive relationships. To see some of the resources we are using to reach that goal, please click here . NATIONAL HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH National Hispanic Heritage Month traditionally honors the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latin Americans as we celebrate heritage rooted in all Latin American countries. While we cannot relegate the many contributions of our Hispanic and Latin American community members to a month, and Hispanic and Latin American culture and history are American history, this month is a reminder to be inclusive of all voices and perspectives, to celebrate our diversity and honor our Hispanic and Latin American community members. The theme this year is: Latinos: Driving Prosperity, Power, and Progress in America. Resources for Celebrating National Hispanic Heritage Month Hispanic Heritage Month Hispanic Heritage Month Toolkit Smithsonian Latino/a Center Resources Books to Consider Reading The Latinos Documentary Film Series UPDATE ON FACILITIES MASTER PLAN PROJECTS In April 2022, the Tam District completed a long-term Facilities Master Plan (FMP), that included a 10 month community engagement process of gathering input from students, staff, parents, and broader community members. Part of the FMP process was an assessment of each school site, inclusive of infrastructure and educational needs, compliance with current building/safety codes including ADA ( Americans with D isabilities A ct ) compliance and needed renovations and repairs. Given the age of some of our classrooms, we identified necessary updates. The results of the assessment informed our FMP and the exploration of a potential capital bond for the March 2024 election. The Board of Trustees has not yet made a decision on the bond measure but will continue to explore the possibility this fall. Over the past several months, our TUHSD Facilities Leadership Team has presented information during Board of Trustee meetings, at Back to School Nights, PTSA and Foundation meetings and will continue to present updates and information throughout the year. To find out the most up to date information on the FMP Projects and to view presentations, please see our Facilities Modernization Website. Presentations: Tam High STEAM Building Presentation ( STEAM=Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math )-September 5, 2023 Redwood High School Arts, Student Commons, Dining Building Presentation - September 19, 2023 SCHOOL ACCOUNTABILITY REPORT CARDS Below, please see the School Accountability Report Cards for each school site. Hard copies of the SARC reports can be made available at the school site upon request. Please reach out to your student's school site if you wish to have a hard copy provided to you. Archie Williams High School Accountability Report Card 2022 Redwood High School Accountability Report Card 202 2 San Andreas High School Accountability Report Card 2022 Tamalpais High School Accountability Report Card 2022 Tamiscal High School Accountability Report Card 2022 SUICIDE PREVENTION AND AWARENESS September is National Suicide Prevention and Awareness month. We are sharing these important resources again in case anyone did not see them in an earlier communication. It is the practice of The TUHSD Wellness and Counseling programs to spearhead in-depth suicide prevention and mental health awareness campaigns later in the fall semester. These prevention and awareness campaigns are developed collaboratively with students at each site to raise awareness and show our youth that there is always support available to them and their friends during times of struggle. These campaigns will be held on each school campus in November and early December to align with times of heightened anxiety for teens such as college application deadlines, final exams and college acceptance windows. If you have a concern about a student, you can also complete the Safety Concern Form, linked here . School tip lines: Archie Williams: 415-458-3416 Redwood: 415-945-3693 San Andreas: 415-945-3775 Tamiscal: 415-945-3765 Tam High: 415-380-3507 Nation Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 Crisis Text Line Text BAY to 741741 Marin Suicide Prevention and Crisis Hotline 1-415- 499-1100 California Youth Crisis Line 1-800-843-5200 National Suicide Prevention Hotline 1-800-273-8255 or text ANSWER to 839863 E-BIKE SAFETY Many students utilize pedal and motor powered bicycles and scooters to travel to and from school and to move about our community. While these modes of transportation may reduce the carbon imprint on the environment, they can also be dangerous if not handled properly. We have received some complaints and inquires from concerned citizens about young people riding e-bikes at fast speeds on walking paths around the schools. If your child rides an e-bike or scooter, please remind them to always be safe and consider the safety of those around them as well. Please take a moment to read t he legal guidelines from local Law Enforcement about the use requirements for bicycles and scooters on streets and byways and speak with your student about their e-bike safe usage...and please remind that me to ALWAYS wear a helmet! Thank you for your partnership in keeping our students and community members safe. E-BIKE INFORMATION FOR PARENTS/CAREGIVERS FROM SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL Contact Information Superintendent Dr. Tara Taupier ttaupier@tamdistrict.org 415-945-1020 Assistant Superintendent Educational Services Kelly Lara klara@tamdistrict.org 415-945-1012 Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Wes Cedros wcedros@tamdistrict.org 415-945-1027 Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations Corbett Elsen celsen@tamdistrict.org 415-945-1043 REMINDERS Monday, September 25th is a school holiday ____________ Upcoming Board of Trustees meetings: September 19th, 6pm October 10th, 6pm October 24th, 6pm Kreps Conference Center Redwood Campus 395 Doherty Drive Larkspur, CA ____________ Resources for Talking to Teens About Safety: Conversations About Consent Conversations About Drug Use and Dangers Conversations About Healthy Relationships _ ________________________ VALUABLE READS Accountable: The True Story of a Racist Media Account and the Teenagers Whose Lives it Changed. Dashka Slater Never Enough: When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic and What We Can Do About It . Jennifer Breheny Wallace
Monday, Sep 18 2023
Welcome to the 2023-2024 School Year
WELCOME TO THE 2023-24 SCHOOL YEAR Dear Tam District Families, We are looking forward to a new school year and to seeing all our students on Wednesday, August 23rd for the first day of classes. Our primary goal as a district is improve the learning environment and learning outcomes for all students, most specifically our BIPOC youth. We want excellence for all. In order to do this, we must ensure all students have a true sense of belonging and connectedness at school. Our request of the Tam District families is that you make attendance a top priority for your student. Being present everyday will help build a sense of belonging and connection to school. For our part, we will work tirelessly to make our schools places where students want to attend, where they feel a sense of belonging. Attendance is strongly correlated to student achievement and feeling connected to school and the learning community. " [B]y ninth grade, attendance was shown to be a key indicator significantly correlated with high school graduation" (Allensworth, E., and Easton, J.Q. (2005)) ( Every School Day Counts ) . Please reach out to your school site administration team if you have questions or would like support around attendance for your student. For information on the Tam District attendance policy, please click here . It takes the whole community to ensure student success. We know that it takes all of us to support our students to be successful and we are here to partner with our families to promote student wellbeing and progress. We are looking forward to a joyful and productive year of learning ahead. Please be on the lookout for communications from your school sites regarding procedures for the start of the school year. REPORTING FORMS We all know that in order for students to learn and for staff to be at their best, all must feel safe. The District has several means of confidentially reporting incidents such as: 1. The Safety Concern Form, linked here , will alert administrators of potential safety concerns. 2 . R acial Incident Reporting Form, linked here , will alert administrators of racial incidents on campus or at school related events and functions. 3. Sexual Harassment/Sexual Assault-Title IX Reporting Form, linked here , will alert administrators of reports of sexual assault, sexual harassment or sexually based misconduct that occurred at school, at a school related event or function or either the victim or the perpetrator is a member of the school community. All of these forms are confidential and submissions can be made anonymously. However, please be aware that while we look into every submission, an anonymous submission may make it more difficult for us to respond. The forms are monitored by staff, who respond as quickly as possible, but they are not monitored 24/7. If you have an emergency please call 911. If you are in need of immediate assistance but it is not an emergency, please see the resources listed below. Suicide prevention lifeline: 988 Confidential National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 or Message at online.rainn.org We will have posters with QR codes for the forms posted around each school site. Please take a moment to review the forms. As a reminder, we have confidential tip lines at each school site as well: Confidential tip lines: Archie Williams : 415-458-3416 Redwood: 415.945.3693 San Andreas: 415-945-3775 Tamiscal: 415-945-3765 Tam High: 415-380-3507 FACILITIES MODERNIZATION UPDATE The Tam District is currently exploring a bond measure in order to implement necessary updates to our existing classroom buildings and infrastructure. Our schools are aging and require improvements for ADA compliance, classroom modernization and temporary classroom replacement, and improved student spaces. During the 2021-22 school year, TUHSD engaged in a 10-month Facilities Master Plan (FMP) community engagement process in which we spoke with students, staff, parents/guardians and community members to identify priorities for updates and improvements to our facilities. As we did during this past Spring, we will continue to engage with and solicit feedback from the school and broader community in a series of communications this Fall. To see details of the FMP and updates on current projects, please visit the TUHSD Facilities Modernization Website, linked here. PARENT VUE INFORMATION ParentVUE stores your student's academic information, such as class schedules, course grades, attendance, etc. At the start of every school year, we ask that all returning families visit their ParentVUE account to verify emergency contacts and other information. Please login to ParentVUE, click on “Online Registration”, then click on “Returning Student Registration”. This will help the district to keep our records up-to-date. If you haven’t yet signed up for ParentVUE, please click this link to sign up. Once there, click on “I am a Parent”, and then click on “Request Account Activation”. Contact Information Superintendent Dr. Tara Taupier ttaupier@tamdistrict.org 415-945-1020 Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Kelly Lara klara@tamdistrict.org 415-945-1012 Assistant Superintendent Human Resources Wes Cedros wcedros@tamdistrict.org 415-945-1027 Assistant Superintendent of Business and Operations Corbett Elsen celsen@tamdistrict.org 415-945-1043 ___________________________ National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988 _______________ Confidential tip lines: Archie Williams: 415-458-3416 Redwood: 415-945-3693 San Andreas: 415-945-3775 Tamiscal: 415-945-3765 Tam High: 415-380-3507 TUHSD WELLNESS SITE WELLNESS MISSION The TUHSD Wellness Center support the health, well-being, self-advocacy, and educational outcomes of all students. Our mission is to enhance the delivery of coordinated physical, mental and sexual health care and substance misuse services through a continuum of prevention and intervention programming and services. RJTF/LCAP Committee Information: Please see the information linked here if you would like to participate in our Racial Justice Task Force/LCAP committee this school year. All are welcome.
Friday, Aug 18 2023