Restricted Movement Lifted
Good morning, A screenshot of a snapchat post was shared with a elementary student this morning at a bus stop. It was shared with our administration at the beginning of the school day. There was no indication of any threat to any of our schools, but we needed to share with law enforcement. The Liberty County Sheriff's Office has been working with the District to verify the source of the post. We wanted to make sure it was not about any of our schools, students, or staff. While we did that, we issued the restricted movement order. I am now lifting that restricted movement order as the post does NOT involve our schools. We will ALWAYS do our due diligence in keeping our students and staff safe! Sincerely, Kyle Peddie Liberty County Superintendent of Schools
Tuesday, Sep 10 2024
Restricted movement
Good morning, We have all schools with restricted movement at this time. All students and staff are safe. There have been no threats made to any of our schools. I will update as soon as possible. Sincerely, Kyle Peddie Liberty County Superintendent of Schools
Tuesday, Sep 10 2024
LCHS Football Game Incident
Good morning, Last night in the 3rd quarter, Chance Gainer, a Port St Joe football player collapsed on the field during the LCHS Football game against Port St Joe. He was taken by ambulance to the Calhoun Liberty Hospital where he later died. After the game, our LC players were told of the death. Jennifer Kever, our Mental Health Coordinator, has counselors lined up for Monday morning to assist our students who need encouragement and/or assistance. We will provide extra support this week to our students as needed. We lift in our thoughts and prayers the Gainer Family, Port St Joe High School, and Gulf County as they go through this most difficult time. Sincerely, Kyle Peddie Liberty County Superintendent of Schools
Saturday, Sep 07 2024
Free Breakfast and Lunch for school year 2024-2025
The Liberty County School District is pleased to announce that there will be no changes in its policy for serving free meals to students under the School Breakfast Program and National School Lunch Program during the 24-25 school year. All students will be served breakfast and lunch at no charge at the sites listed below. Liberty County High School, 12852 NW County Road 12, Bristol, FL 32321 W.R. Tolar K-8 School, 14745 NW County Road 12, Bristol, FL 32321 Hosford Elementary and Junior High School, 16864 NE State Road 65, Hosford, FL 32334 Bristol Pre-School Site, 11051 NW SR 20, Bristol, Florida 32321 For additional information, please contact Stacie Fant, Director of Food Service for the Liberty County School District, at 850-643-2275, ext. 11259 or Stacie.fant@lcsb.org. In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from a public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 7202600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 8778339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at How to File a Program Discrimination Complaint and at any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: (1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; (2) fax: (202) 690-7442; or (3) email: program.intake@usda.gov . USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.
Wednesday, Sep 04 2024
F.A.S.T. Assessments (PM1): 2024-2025 School Year
Greetings Parent/Guardian- The Florida Assessment of Student Thinking (F.A.S.T.) is a state assessment for ELA/Reading & Math that is administered three times a year. These assessments are given to track your child's progress in mastering the Benchmarks of Excellent Student Thinking (B.E.S.T.) Standards throughout the school year. This message is to inform you that your child will participate in the first administration of F.A.S.T. (PM1) for grades KDG-10th grades in English/Language Arts (ELA) and KDG-8th grades in Mathematics beginning next week. PM1 and PM2 (given in December) are for informational purposes only and are used to track progress and drive instruction in the classroom. The third administration (PM3) is given at the end of the school year and is for accoutability purposes. The F.A.S.T. PM1 assessment dates for specific grades and subjects are listed below: ENGLISH/ LANGUAGE ARTS 6th - 8th Grades >>> Monday; August 26th KDG - 2nd Grade >>> Tuesday; August 27th 3rd - 5th Grades >>> Wednesday; August 28th 9th & 10th Grades >>> Thursday; August 29th MATHEMATICS KDG - 2nd Grade >>> Thursday; August 29th 6th - 8th Grades >>> Wednesday; September 4th 3rd - 5th Grades >>> Thursday; September 5th * Dates and times regarding VPK will be sent out in a separate communication. * For full assessment details, you can visit our website to view the Liberty County Schoool District Assessment Calendar . The results of these assessments can be shared by your child's school, or be accessed via the F.A.S.T. Family Portal . Resources and Information (including practice tests), can be assessed in the Students & Families Page of the F.A.S.T. Portal. If you have any questions related to this test administration, please contact the guidance office of your child's school: Liberty County High School: Lisa O'Bryan (850) 643-2241 W.R. Tolar (K-8) School: Bess Revell or Brenda Green (850) 643-2426 Hosford Elem. & Jr. High School: Beckie Black or Jessica Peddie (850) 379-8480 Thank you for supporting your child(ren) and encouraging them to do their best during this test administration. Our partnership is vital to their success and we look forward to working with you during the 2024-2025 school year. Regards, Jeff Sewell Assistant Superintendent Liberty County School District
Monday, Aug 19 2024
Cross Country Try Outs
Hey everyone, Hope everyone had a great summer! Attached is a flyer for this year's cross country try outs. Please spread the word for anyone you know that may be interested. Look forward to another great season!
Wednesday, Aug 14 2024
WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL LIBERTY COUNTY!! Go Panthers and Go Dawgs! Sincerely, Kyle Peddie Liberty County Superintendent of Schools
Wednesday, Aug 14 2024
SCHOOL STARTS TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14th Good morning! Tomorrow is one of the biggest days of the year in Liberty County as our students return to school for the 24-25 School Year. It has been an extremely busy summer preparing for tomorrow! I would like to share a few items in preparation for the new school year. 1. School Safety is the #1 priority for us. We have tightened all security protocols to ensure our students and staff are safe. Again, we are proud to continue the Guardian Program this year at all our schools for added support and safety. We have 11 trained and armed staff members in the District assisting our School Resource Officers. All school sites are provided this extra level of security. 2. Please do NOT make school optional for your child. Missed days have a direct effect on instructional time. We understand kids and staff get sick during the year, and they need to stay home to heal. If your child is healthy, send them to school. Their grades are better when they are in school. REMEMBER...EVERY DAY COUNTS! 3. The first few days of school are always tough when it comes to traffic flow in the mornings and afternoons. Please be patient with our staff and school resource officers as they adjust as well. A more normal traffic pattern kicks in after a few days...it always does! 4. Please be patient with our transportation personnel. It is their first day too. If there are any bus problems, we will get them solved. Again, your patience and grace are much appreciated. Please ensure your children are safely off the highway while waiting on the bus. We don't want any children getting hit while waiting on the bus. 5. Please be patient with the school leadership. They are learning new student's names, new parents, and new staff. First days are ALWAYS tough for them...but it will get better! 6. Please observe ALL SCHOOL ZONES and PLEASE DON'T SPEED AROUND OUR SCHOOLS. Law enforcement will enforce speed limits in our school zones. Please DO NOT pass school buses in traffic when they have the stop signals activated. This is very important for the safety of our students! 7. Make sure your children leave home "DRESSED FOR SUCCESS" with clothes that are appropriate, modest, and acceptable. 8. We are anticipating another great year of INSTRUCTIONAL EXCELLENCE and EXTRA CURRICULAR EXCELLENCE in our schools this year, and we are so proud and thankful you have chosen us to do the job! I am looking forward to seeing our kids learning this fall along with volleyball, football, band, JROTC, FFA, cross country, and cheerleading, and soon...cooler weather! We continue to be an "A" school district...5 STRAIGHT YEARS! This success is not without your support, participation, and guidance. Praying for a wonderful school year! Let's get after it!! May God bless our schools! Sincerely, Kyle Peddie Liberty County Superintendent of Schools
Tuesday, Aug 13 2024
"Every Day Counts" REMINDER
Good morning! School districts nationwide have been grappling with chronic student absenteeism in recent years. The Covid pandemic has intensified school absences, establishing a new norm for attendance. Chronic absenteeism is characterized by missing two or more days of school per month, which can accumulate to at least 18-20 days annually. This equates to an entire month of lost instructional time! The pandemic has led to a perception of school attendance as somewhat "optional" for some. Liberty County is no exception to this mindset. Consider these statistics regarding chronic absenteeism: * In the US, over seven million students, which is 16% of the student body, missed 15 or more days of school. * Several school districts have reported more than 30% of their students missed at least three weeks of school. * The highest rates of chronic absenteeism are found in high schools, where approximately 20% of students are chronically absent. * 14% of all public school students in the United States are chronically absent, missing 15 or more days annually. * There is a correlation between chronic absenteeism and negative outcomes such as poor academic performance, low school engagement, and increased dropout rates. "EVERY DAY COUNTS" is an initiative designed to motivate parents to ensure their children attend school daily. While illness and unforeseen events are understandable, it's crucial to prepare your children for school each day. Here are some tips to support this goal: 1. SLEEP - Establish a regular bedtime that provides 8 hours of sleep. Children continue to grow and develop until the age of 21 and require adequate rest. Enough sleep contributes to a productive learning day at school. 2. DEVICES - It's common for children to use devices late into the night. Set bedtime rules for device usage. 3. PLANNING - Prepare for school the previous evening. A simple act like setting out clothes can make mornings more efficient. 4. ROUTINE - Humans are habitual beings. A steady morning routine of waking up, having breakfast (which is always free at school), and dressing can start the day smoothly. Involve your children in creating a fun morning schedule and ensure they stick to it. 5. TRANSPORTATION - Liberty County Schools provides bus transportation for all students. Ensure they're ready for the bus each day. If you drive your child, leave at a consistent time as part of your routine. Let's make a concerted effort in Liberty County for students to ATTEND SCHOOL DAILY throughout the 24-25 school year! Remember, in terms of your child's education, EVERY DAY COUNTS! School Starts back in Liberty County on August 14th . Go Panthers and Go Dawgs! Sincerely, Kyle Peddie Liberty County Superintendent of Schools
Thursday, Aug 08 2024
Good morning! School districts nationwide have been grappling with chronic student absenteeism in recent years. The Covid pandemic has intensified school absences, establishing a new norm for attendance. Chronic absenteeism is characterized by missing two or more days of school per month, which can accumulate to at least 18-20 days annually. This equates to an entire month of lost instructional time! The pandemic has led to a perception of school attendance as somewhat "optional" for some. Liberty County is no exception to this mindset. Consider these statistics regarding chronic absenteeism: * In the US, over seven million students, which is 16% of the student body, missed 15 or more days of school. * Several school districts have reported more than 30% of their students missed at least three weeks of school. * The highest rates of chronic absenteeism are found in high schools, where approximately 20% of students are chronically absent. * 14% of all public school students in the United States are chronically absent, missing 15 or more days annually. * There is a correlation between chronic absenteeism and negative outcomes such as poor academic performance, low school engagement, and increased dropout rates. "EVERY DAY COUNTS" is an initiative designed to motivate parents to ensure their children attend school daily. While illness and unforeseen events are understandable, it's crucial to prepare your children for school each day. Here are some tips to support this goal: 1. SLEEP - Establish a regular bedtime that provides 8 hours of sleep. Children continue to grow and develop until the age of 21 and require adequate rest. Enough sleep contributes to a productive learning day at school. 2. DEVICES - It's common for children to use devices late into the night. Set bedtime rules for device usage. 3. PLANNING - Prepare for school the previous evening. A simple act like setting out clothes can make mornings more efficient. 4. ROUTINE - Humans are habitual beings. A steady morning routine of waking up, having breakfast (which is always free at school), and dressing can start the day smoothly. Involve your children in creating a fun morning schedule and ensure they stick to it. 5. TRANSPORTATION - Liberty County Schools provides bus transportation for all students. Ensure they're ready for the bus each day. If you drive your child, leave at a consistent time as part of your routine. Let's make a concerted effort in Liberty County for students to ATTEND SCHOOL DAILY throughout the 24-25 school year! Remember, in terms of your child's education, EVERY DAY COUNTS! School Starts back in Liberty County on August 14th . Go Panthers and Go Dawgs! Sincerely, Kyle Peddie Liberty County Superintendent of Schools .
Thursday, Aug 01 2024