Homer High School Water Testing
Dear Homer Schools Community, The Homer Central School District is in the process of completing regularly scheduled testing of its drinking water in accordance with updated, more stringent New York State standards for Lead in Water. We recently completed Lead Testing of School Drinking Water at Homer High School. According to the law, all school districts and BOCES must conduct testing of school potable water sources in occupied buildings. When the law was updated in 2021, testing standards for public schools became some of the strictest in the country. Consequently, districts and BOCES are expecting to find some outlets with levels that require remediation. Safe and healthy school environments can foster healthy and successful children. To protect public health, the Public Health Law and New York State Health Department (NYS DOH) regulations require that all public schools and boards of cooperative educational services (BOCES) test lead levels in water from every outlet that is being used, or could potentially be used, for drinking or cooking. If lead is found at any water outlet at levels above 5 parts per billion (ppb), which is equal to 5 micrograms per liter (µg/L), the NYS DOH requires that the school take action to reduce the exposure to lead. The district began its current round of testing in November 2024 and as part of updated state requirements, the district will be sending correspondence to families and community members and posting results online each time new test results are received. Blue Pride! Click Here to Get Involved New to ParentSquare or need help? Click Here
Thursday, Feb 13 2025
Alternative Transportation Model Due to a Staff Shor...
Dear Homer Schools Community, In the event that we are not able to run our typical bus routes, we will implement the Alternative Transportation Model . This model consolidates bus routes, requiring fewer runs while ensuring student capacity remains well below the 66-passenger limit. It is our intent for this model to alleviate the need for a virtual day due to a staff shortage. We will notify families via ParentSquare as soon as we confirm a driver shortage. Later today, families whose children are affected will receive specific details regarding pickup and drop-off times for days when this model is in use. If you do not receive a communication later today, your child is unaffected by the change. Please contact our transportation department at 607.749.1221 if you have any questions regarding the Alternative Transportation Model. We appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to maintain safe and reliable transportation for our students. Blue Pride! Click Here to Get Involved New to ParentSquare or need help? Click Here
Wednesday, Feb 05 2025
Virtual Learning Day Preparation & Planning
Dear Homer Schools Community, We are experiencing some staffing absences due to illness that may result in the scheduling of virtual learning days. Due to staffing shortages in our transportation department, we came dangerously close to not being able to hold school today. As we prepare for the possibility of a virtual learning day due to staffing shortages, please see the information below: Until further notice, students in grades 3-12 will take home their Chromebooks each night and have access to instructional materials via Google Classroom. Students in Pre K-2 will have packets of work available for at-home learning. If a virtual learning day due to staffing shortages occurs, all practices for all activities will be cancelled as will modified sports. JV and Varsity games, concerts, plays, etc. will go on as planned. If a virtual learning day is declared for tomorrow (2/4/25), instructional materials will be available at the following times: Grades 6-12: 10:00 a.m. Grades 3-5: 11:00 a.m. Building principals will provide additional information to families about the specifics surrounding a virtual learning day. I appreciate the challenges that a virtual learning day presents for families and will only schedule one if it is absolutely necessary. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding as it relates to these circumstances. Tom Blue Pride! Click Here to Get Involved New to ParentSquare or need help? Click Here
Monday, Feb 03 2025
Homer Schools Closed Today
Dear Homer Schools Community, Homer Schools are now closed for today, January 28, 2025. All evening and afterschool student related activities are cancelled. The Board of Education meeting will go on as scheduled. Take care and have a great day. Blue Pride! Click Here to Get Involved New to ParentSquare or need help? Click Here
Tuesday, Jan 28 2025
Two hour delay
Dear Homer Schools Community, Homer Schools is operating on a two-hour delay today. There will not be any A.M. BOCES. Take care and have a great day. Blue Pride! Click Here to Get Involved New to ParentSquare or need help? Click Here
Tuesday, Jan 28 2025
Superintendent Search Profile Survey
Dear Homer Schools Community, With my retirement set for the end of the school year, the district is conducting a search for a new superintendent to begin on July 1, 2025. It is critically important that we have community input as to the attributes you are looking for in our next district leader. Please take time to complete the survey below. The deadline to complete the survey is January 31, 2025. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/QR8L2ZS Take care and have a great day. Blue Pride! Click Here to Get Involved New to ParentSquare or need help? Click Here
Wednesday, Jan 22 2025
Homer Schools now closed
Dear Homer Schools Community, The continuing snow will not allow us to clear roads in parts of the district this morning. We will need to close for the day today. Homer Schools is now closed for Friday, December 5, 2024. All activities and events are cancelled as well. Take care and have a great day. Blue Pride! Click Here to Get Involved New to ParentSquare or need help? Click Here
Friday, Dec 06 2024
2-hour delay
Dear Homer Schools Community, Due to the inclement weather and a desire to let the snow plows work their magic, Homer Schools is operating on a 2-hour delay today, Friday, December 5, 2024. All schools will operate on a 2-hour delay and their will be no A.M. BOCES programs. Take care, drive safe and have a great day. Blue Pride! Click Here to Get Involved New to ParentSquare or need help? Click Here
Friday, Dec 06 2024