Community Forum
To: Parents of Farmersville School Students RE: Community Forum The Farmersville Unified School District is asking for your help in selecting our next superintendent. Leadership Associates, the search firm contracted to assist with the search, will host the virtual community forum for the public to provide input about the desired personal and professional qualities of the next superintendent. The virtual community forum will be held on Thursday, June 16, 2022, at 5:30 p.m. at Farmersville Unified School District Board Room, 571 E. Citrus, Farmersville, CA.
Wednesday, Jun 15 2022
2021-22 End of Year Updates
Dear FUSD Family, We hope that you are safe and well! As we prepare to close out the 2021-2022 school year, we want to thank you for your continued support of our schools. Together we did an amazing job of navigating the COVID-19 pandemic while keeping our students safe and keeping student learning as our highest priority. We would like to share a couple of important updates with you below. Collection of Technology – students who are transitioning to new school sites (grades 1, 3, 6, and 8) will need to turn-in their Chromebooks to their school. Your child’s school will contact you regarding check-in dates and times. Independent Study – students enrolled in Independent Study will need to turn-in textbooks and Chromebooks issued by the school. Your child’s school will contact you regarding check-in dates and times. Graduation – the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) currently has no COVID-19 restrictions on large outdoor events. Each school will send out specific information regarding graduation events in the near future. FUSD graduation ceremonies will occur with no COVID-19 restrictions on the following dates and times: Farmersville Junior High School – May 31st (7:30 p.m.) @ Farmersville High School Deep Creek Academy – May 27th (9:30 a.m.) @ Deep Creek Academy Farmersville High School – June 1st (7:30 p.m.) @ Farmersville High School Summer Programs: Summer School – the district will again offer 2 three-week summer school sessions (in-person) for students who need to remediate English and math skills and enrichment program to prepare students for Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) classes for the upcoming school year. Summer school dates are Session I June 6 - June 24 and Session II June 27 - July 15. Please contact your child’s school for additional information regarding summer school registration. Summer Science Technology Engineering Arts and Math (STEAM) Program – the district will offer 2 three-week summer STEAM programs for students in grades TK-6. STEAM programs dates are Session I June 6- June 24 and Session II June 27 – July 15. Registration will be May 17 (4 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.) @ Hester or contact Alma Espinoza at the District Office. Summer Swim Program – Farmersville Unified School District in partnership with the City of Farmersville will offer a summer community swim program at the Jim Wiley Aquatic Center Farmersville High School from June 6 – July 29. Registrations for Swimming Lessons (TK-12) will be May 27 (4 p.m. – 5 p.m.) @ District Office. Please continue to visit the FUSD website for additional information regarding additional school updates. Respectfully, Dr. Paul Sevillano, Superintendent
Monday, May 16 2022
New FUSD Mask Guidelines
Hello FUSD Families, As you are aware Governor Newsom announced his executive order to end the mask mandate for schools effective March 12, 2022. Last night, the Board of Education agreed with the mask recommendations provided by the district after an extensive review of Tulare County Health and Human Services Mask Advisory, parent/student/staff mask survey data, and consultation with various stakeholder groups and health agencies. These new FUSD mask guidelines are effective March 14, 2022, for students and staff and include the following: Provide students and staff with the option to wear masks at school, but strongly recommended Continue to make masks available for students and staff When an outbreak occurs in a classroom (3 or more), masks will be required in the classroom for students and staff for 10 days from when the outbreak occurs Health Staff will continue to wear masks when working with positive student and staff COVID-19 cases Provide anti-bullying information for students and staff to ensure students can wear masks without reprisal. Dr. Paul Sevillano, Superintendent
Thursday, Mar 10 2022
Mask Mandate Survey
Dear FUSD Parents, We would like your opinion regarding the announcement of the statewide mask mandate expiring on March 11th. Please click on the link below to complete the 2 question survey. https://bit.ly/MaskSurvey22 Thank you, CALPADS & SIS Coordinator
Monday, Mar 07 2022
2021-2022 School Year Reopening (Parent Letter#19) -...
Dr. Paul Sevillano, Superintendent 571 East Citrus Drive, Farmersville CA 93223 Ph: 559-592-2010 June 11, 2021 Dear Farmersville Unified School District Family, As you know, this past school year has brought forth so many challenges, and by choosing to work together we have been able to successfully navigate each of them. On behalf of the Board of Education, and our entire leadership team, thank you for everything that you do to support teaching and learning in FUSD. With so many things changing at the state level, we want to share some of the most current information with you regarding our return to in-person instruction for the 2021-2022 school year. Update on return to In-Person Instruction for the 2021-2022 school year: The district is preparing for all students to return to full-time classroom instruction for the 2021-2022 school year for all schools. Update on Distance Learning for the 2021-2022 School Year: Governor Newsom announced that distance learning will end on June 30,2021. All school districts will need to administer distance learning or virtual programs through what is called Independent Study. The proposed Independent Study requirements include the following: only for students who have health risks, capped at 10% of the district total population, includes live student-to-teacher instruction, and Independent Study agreements. The district will closely monitor all state updates regarding Independent Study and provide additional information once the state education budget is approved in late June,2021. School COVID-19 changes after June 15th: The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) will release updated guidance for K-12 schools and childcare. Although we do not know the details related to this new school guidance, we do anticipate minor changes to many of the safety measures (physical distancing, face coverings, lunch service, sports, instrumental music, etc.) that are currently in place for our in-person summer school program. We will share these very important updates as they become available. Online Registration for the 2021-2022 School Year : Online registration for all returning students and new student enrollment will begin on July 19,2021. Additional information regarding online registration and access links will be sent out to all parents over the summer. We are committed to keeping you informed about our actions and any changes in guidance for public schools. Please refer to the updates on our district webpage or download the Parent Square App to receive additional district information. Sincerely, Dr. Paul Sevillano, Superintendent [Monday, Jul 19 at 1:06 PM] UPDATE! The online registration scheduled to open today is not available. Please login to Aeries Parent Portal on or after July 22nd to complete the Data Confirmation. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Friday, Jun 11 2021
Want to get Vaccinated for COVID-19?
Tulare County's mobile vaccine clinic will be at Farmersville High School this Sunday, April 18th, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. No appointment necessary but are available. This is a Pfizer clinic therefore individuals 16-17-year-olds will be eligible for the vaccine with parent/guardian consent. To make an appointment or for more information call (559) 685-2260.
Wednesday, Apr 14 2021