LCAP Community Meeting on Monday, March 4
The LCAP (Local Control and Accountability Plan is a 3-year plan that describes goals and actions to support positive student outcomes. The proposal offers an opportunity for school districts to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs. We invite our educational partners to an LCAP community meeting next Monday, March 4, at the Beverly Holt Boardroom. The Boardroom is located at 6225 N. Harrisburg Place, Suite C. To discuss the LCAP with us, you may attend a meeting at either 11:30 am or 5:30 pm. Spanish translation will be provided.
Friday, Mar 01 2024
Paraprofessional Testing at EDJOIN Clinic This Satur...
Our next EDJOIN Clinic is two days away! We can help you apply for a variety of open positions with our district this Saturday, March 2, at our District Office at 2010 West Swain Road. Available teaching jobs include K-8, secondary school, special education, arts and music. In addition to job application assistance, we will provide paraprofessional tests starting at 9 am. For a list of all jobs available in our district, you may visit https://www.edjoin.org/lincolnunified .
Thursday, Feb 29 2024