Community Message: Week of September 1, 2024
Week of September 1, 2024 Happenings Around Campus This last week La Tercera, we hosted our Back to School Night. It was a wonderful event with our community partners. We are so happy that we are able to work with your families to ensure our students academic success. School Wide Information Campus Safety Thank you for your partnership in keeping our campus safe. Please review the reminders sent out earlier this week. No School: Monday, September 2, 2024 There is no school on Monday, September 2, 2024. We hope that you enjoy your three day weekend with your family. SAVE THE DATE: School Pictures School Pictures for La Tercera will be on Tuesday, October 8th and Wednesday, October 9th. SAVE THE DATE: Lawrence Hall of Science We have our first school Science event on Wednesday, September 25th. We are excited to partner with Lawrence Hall of Science to provide you with an evening of amazing activities. More details to come. La Tercera Spirit Wear Shop the La Tercera Back-To-School Wear Sale! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days! You’ll save 30% off the entire site! Shop at Spirit Wear Shop . Independent Study We strongly encourage families to plan extended vacations during the thirteen full weeks of the year when school is not in session. However, if a family does need an independent study contract it is important to complete the paperwork with the front office as early as possible and at least five full school days before the first day of the independent study contract. Independent study is only for students who will be missing three or more days of school, not to exceed fourteen total days. These contracts need to be signed at the front office, not by going to the classroom teachers. Volunteers We already have a lot of parents who are signing up to volunteer! Please remember that to volunteer there are three things to complete. 1) Fill out the volunteer form, 2) Provide verification of a negative tuberculosis (TB) test, 3) Provide a copy of your identification/driver’s license. I highly encourage anyone who may volunteer in the classroom, chaperoning a field trip, or any other form of volunteering to complete these three steps as soon as possible! Please see the link for parent volunteer forms ( ENG / SPAN ). LT Family Handbook/ As our school year is underway, it is a good time to review La Tercera’s Family Handbook. This is a wonderful resource for families when looking for information. It is always available on our school’s website. Family Handbook linked here . La Tercera PTA Update La Tercera PTA Committee & Help for 2024-2024 School Year The 2024-2025 School year is here. The LT PTA needs your help! Every litle helps. Take a look at some open PTA positions and committee groups. PTA can't run without volunteers. IF you have any questions about positions, please email us at latercerapta@gmail.com. Sign up here . Upcoming Events 09.02- Labor Day- No School 09.10- September PTA Meeting at 7pm 09.13 - Community Gathering 09.20 - LT Coffee Chat 09.25- Lawrence Hall of Science Night at 5:30 09.27 - Community Gathering 10.08 - Picture Day 10.09 - Picture Day
Monday, Sep 02 2024
Community Message: Week of August 25, 2024
Week of August 25, 2024 The Importance of Attending School! Attendance Matters! Attending school has a huge impact on student success and is critical to each child’s success in school. Late arrivals and absences cause children to miss learning time, can cause children to fall behind academically and can affect their social skills. We need your help. Did You Know? Many absences, even in kindergarten, can cause children to fall behind in school. Missing just a day or two every month can make it harder to learn to read by the third grade. Students with too many absences struggle to catch up, even with take-home assignments. Students who come in late are entering classrooms that are already in session and are automatically behind because they’ve missed instruction and important directions. All families have hopes and dreams for their children. Being in school every day will enable children to do well in school, and graduate from high school ready for work or college. What Can You Do? Develop a regular bedtime and morning routine. Help your child lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before. Avoid missing school unless a child is truly sick and seek help if chronic illness is a challenge. Arrange medical appointments when school is not in session. Avoid extended vacations when school is in session. Reach out to a family member, a neighbor, or another parent if you are having trouble getting your child to school. We’re here to help! If your child seems anxious about going to school, talk to me or your child’s teacher for support on how to make your child feel comfortable and excited about learning. Check with our school nurse or office staff if you are not sure about when to keep your child at home due to illness. Contact me if you are struggling to get your child to school due to transportation or other challenges. If your child will be gone for more than 3 days, you may be eligible for short-term independent study. Please ask me about independent study. Happenings Around Campus This last week La Tercera, we hosted our first community event K-2nd Literacy Night. This was a wonderful evening of families coming to learn about different activities and things that they can do at home to support their students learning of the foundational literacy skills. School Wide Information Back to School Night: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 La Tercera will host our Back to School Night on Wednesday, Aug 28th from 5:30 to 7:00. This event is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about what your student will be learning this upcoming year, and ways to support your student's growth this school year. Please reference the Back to School Night Post for more information . Fire Drill La Tercera will be having our first Fire Drill this week. The drill will happen on Tuesday morning. This drill will look a little different than the rest of our fire drills throughout the year. The drill be narrated through the intercom for the student to learn the procedures, and be familiar with the actual sound. We will have fire drills more or less on a monthly basis throughout the school year. PTA Spirit Day: Beach Day! This Friday is our first Spirit Day: Beach Day! All students who dress up and participate in our Spirit Day will be entered into a raffle for a SMORE kit. There will be a raffle for students in TK-2 and 3rd - 6th. Please check out the Beach Day Vibe Check . La Tercera Spirit Wear Shop the La Tercera Back-To-School Wear Sale! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days! You’ll save 30% off the entire site! Shop at Spirit Wear Shop . Independent Study We strongly encourage families to plan extended vacations during the thirteen full weeks of the year when school is not in session. However, if a family does need an independent study contract it is important to complete the paperwork with the front office as early as possible and at least five full school days before the first day of the independent study contract. Independent study is only for students who will be missing three or more days of school, not to exceed fourteen total days. These contracts need to be signed at the front office, not by going to the classroom teachers. Volunteers We already have a lot of parents who are signing up to volunteer! Please remember that to volunteer there are three things to complete. 1) Fill out the volunteer form, 2) Provide verification of a negative tuberculosis (TB) test, 3) Provide a copy of your identification/driver’s license. I highly encourage anyone who may volunteer in the classroom, chaperoning a field trip, or any other form of volunteering to complete these three steps as soon as possible! Please see the link for parent volunteer forms ( ENG / SPAN ). LT Family Handbook/ As our school year is underway, it is a good time to review La Tercera’s Family Handbook. This is a wonderful resource for families when looking for information. It is always available on our school’s website. Family Handbook linked here . Medication at School If your student has any medication that they need to have at school, please remember that we need to have medical authorization from the doctor, along with the medication in the original packaging provided to the front office. La Tercera PTA Update La Tercera PTA Committee & Help for 2024-2024 School Year The 2024-2025 School year is here. The LT PTA needs your help! Every litle helps. Take a look at some open PTA positions and committee groups. PTA can't run without volunteers. IF you have any questions about positions, please email us at latercerapta@gmail.com. Sign up here . Upcoming Events 08.28- Back to School Night at 5:30 08.30- PTA Spirit Day: BEACH DAY 09.02- Labor Day- No School 09.10- September PTA Meeting at 7pm 09.25- Lawrence Hall of Science Night at 5:30
Monday, Aug 26 2024
Community Message: Week of August 18, 2024
Week of August 18, 2024 What an incredible first week of school! Thank you to everyone for such a wonderful week. The energy and joy that we have felt on campus this week has been palpable. We are looking forward to seeing this carry into the rest of the school year. Week 2 This past week our classrooms have been prioritizing building classroom communities, getting to know one another, learning procedures and routines for the different areas of the classroom and school. As we head into week two classrooms will continue focusing on building classroom communities, launching curriculum, and a few of our specials will begin this week. Students will begin to have PE this week. On PE days, please work with your child to ensure what they are wearing clothing will work for PE. Second Step All grades at La Tercera Elementary School use Second Step, our District’s Social Emotional Learning (SEL) program! Lessons will begin this coming week. Our teachers provide at least one Second Step lesson each week as part of four units completed through the year. Units are based on the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) standards and units focus on Growth Mindset & Goal-Setting, Emotion Management, Empathy & Kindness and Problem-Solving. In this first unit the learning focuses on the development of skills for goals setting and a growth mindset. Lessons are tailored for each grade level and over the next few weeks students will engage in lessons about how to pay attention and manage distractions, develop a growth mindset, and apply goal-setting strategies to their social and academic lives. Our sixth grade lessons focus on using empathy skills and supporting one another through relationships. While most of our week is spent on academic instruction, Second Step lessons are an important part of our program and important for student success. Social emotional skills including problem-solving, self-regulation and impulse control help improve academics, reduce negative social behaviors, and create positive school climates. Be sure to ask your kiddo what they are learning in Second Step! I hope that you everyone has a restful weekend. Warmly Ms. Catherine Larkin, Principal Happenings Around Campus This last week, we welcomed our students back onto campus. It was wonderful week of our school community coming back together, and our students getting to know one another and their teachers. School Wide Information K-2 Literacy Night La Tercera will be hosting a literacy night on Tuesday, August 20th. This will be a wonderful opportunity to learn about different activities to support learning to read and write at home. Community Gathering La Tercera will host school wide community gatherings twice a month this school year. The intention of these community gatherings are for our school to come together and build our school community and have a little fun. Our first community gathering is this Friday at 8:30 in the school's multi. La Tercera Spirit Wear Shop the La Tercera Back-To-School Wear Sale! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days! You’ll save 30% off the entire site! Shop at Spirit Wear Shop . Medication at School If your student has any medication that they need to have at school, please remember that we need to have medical authorization from the doctor, along with the medication in the original packaging provided to the front office. Volunteer Paperwork We are very excited to have our parent volunteers on campus. Every year, if parents would like to volunteer, OAUSD requires volunteer paperwork to be completed. Additional paperwork for driving on field trips are required. Please see the link for parent volunteer forms ( ENG / SPAN ). Parent Square La Tercera would like to encourage all parents to download the Parent Square application on your iPhone or android device as it is the main “hub” of information. Parent Square provides a simple and safe way for families to connect with the school. With Parent Square you’ll be able to receive all school and classroom communication via email, text, voice alerts and notices; view the school/classroom calendars, RSVP for events and much more. Back to School Night: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 La Tercera will host our Back to School Night on Wednesday, Aug 28th from 5:30 to 7:00. This event is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about what your student will be learning this upcoming year, and ways to support your student's growth this school year. La Tercera PTA Updates Thank you to everyone who joined us for our first PTA meeting of the school year. We were very excited to see a number of new faces. We hope to continue to see new people joining our amazing community. La Tercera PTA Committee & Help for 2024-2024 School Year The 2024-2025 School year is here. The LT PTA needs your help! Every litle helps. Take a look at some open PTA positions and committee groups. PTA can't run without volunteers. IF you have any questions about positions, please email us at latercerapta@gmail.com. Sign up here . Upcoming Events 08.20 - K-2nd Grade Literacy Night 08.23- School Wide Community Gathering 08.28- Back to School Night at 5:30 09.02- Labor Day- No School 09.10- September PTA Meeting at 7pm 09.25- Lawrence Hall of Science Night at 5:30
Monday, Aug 19 2024
Community Message: Week of August 11, 2024
Week of August 11, 2024 Happenings Around Campus Thank you to everyone who was able to come and join us for our first community event! It was wonderful to see so many smiling faces. Huge appreciation to our PTA for hosting the ice cream party and to our teachers who were able to come and help. The energy and joy was contagious. We are very excited for the new school year! School Wide Information First day of School Our first day of school is Wednesday, August 14th, 2024. Please remember to give yourself extra time on the first day of school to ensure that you have to arrive on time. Gates open at 8:15 am, and school starts at 8:25 am. Please review the Parent Square Post for First Day Logistics sent last week.. August PTA Meeting La Tercera's PTA will host our first PTA meeting on Tuesday, August 13 at 7pm in the La Tercera Library. This is the initial meeting where events for the school year will be planned, budget will be approved, and initial committees will be made. Zoom Link to the Meeting here . Dine and Donate- Yogurtland PTA is hosting its first dine and donate at Yogurtland on Tuesday, August 13. A certain amount of proceeds come back to LT's PTA. Medication at School If your student has any medication that they need to have at school, please remember that we need to have medical authorization from the doctor, along with the medication in the original packaging provided to the front office. Class Supply List Class supply lists can be found on our school website ( linked here ). Printed copies are also available in the office. K-2 Literacy Night La Tercera will be hosting a literacy night on Tuesday, August 20th. This will be a wonderful opportunity to learn about practices to support learning to read and write at hone. Community Coffee La Tercera will be hosting a community coffee on Friday, August 16th at 8:30 am in the Quad. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other families on campus, and chat with the principal. Volunteer Paperwork We are very excited to have our parent volunteers on campus. Every year, if parents would like to volunteer, OAUSD requires volunteer paperwork to be completed. Additional paperwork for driving on field trips are required. Please see the link for parent volunteer forms ( ENG / SPAN ). Parent Square La Tercera would like to encourage all parents to download the Parent Square application on your iPhone or android device as it is the main “hub” of information. Parent Square provides a simple and safe way for families to connect with the school. With Parent Square you’ll be able to receive all school and classroom communication via email, text, voice alerts and notices; view the school/classroom calendars, RSVP for events and much more. Back to School Night: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 La Tercera will host our Back to School Night on Wednesday, Aug 28th from 5:30 to 7:00. This event is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about what your student will be learning this upcoming year, and ways to support your student's growth this school year. Upcoming Events 08.13- Dine & Donate- Yogurtland, August PTA Meeting at 7pm 08.14- First Day of School 08.16 - Community Coffee at 8:30am 08.20 - K-2nd Grade Literacy Night 08.16- School Wide Community Gathering 08.28- Back to School Night at 5:30 09.02- Labor Day- No School 09.10- September PTA Meeting at 7pm 09.25- Lawrence Hall of Science Night at 5:30
Monday, Aug 12 2024
First Day of School Logistics: Arrival & Dismissal
FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL LOGISTICS: Arrival & Dismissal We are so excited to welcome our students back to school on Wednesday, August 14th! It is important to note that the first day falls on a Wednesday, which means an early release dismissal time of 1:45 pm. Bell Schedule Please see 2024-2025 Bell Schedule for this coming school year. Morning Drop Off & Arrival Information Campus supervision begins out in front of school at 7:50 am Breakfast is served in our Multipurpose room starting at 7:45am, Gates to the campus open at 8:15. Families are welcome to walk their students to their classrooms and be with then until the beginning of instruction. Classes begin at 8:25. As a reminder, playgrounds are closed both before school and after school. We ask that you please ensure your students remember that before school and after is not the time to play. Thank you for helping to keep our students safe! Car Morning Drop Off Logistics If you are dropping off your student in the drop off area on Albin ( indicated above in orange), we ask for your partnership i n order to facilitate a safe and smooth morning drop off using the following procedures: Parents will stay in the car at all times while dropping their student off. Students will independently exit the car on the passenger side. Students will walk to the cross walk and enter onto campus using the cross walk. In order to keep a flow of traffic moving for our school community, please make sure that once your child exits the vehicle, you safely pull out, making space for other families to drop off. Cars will not block the driveways or entrance to the school site. The school loop inside the drop offs zone is reserved for our students with mobility challenges, school busses, and staff parking. La Tercera strongly encourages students to park in the neighborhoods around school, and walk and ride to campus. Dismissal Procedures Gates open at 2:35 pm for families to pick up their students from their classrooms. Please reference the bell schedules above for dismissal times by grade level. If you have students in both upper and lower grades, please have your primary grade student wait in the main quad for their sibling. If you plan to walk onto campus for pickup, then please be mindful of the dismissal times. Once you have picked up primary students, please wait in the main quad quietly until upper grade dismissal. As a reminder, playgrounds are closed both before school and after school. We ask that you please ensure your students remember that before school and after is not the time to play. Thank you for helping to keep our students safe! Car Afternoon Pick Up Logistics in Pick Up Zone Parents must stay in their car. There is no parking and leaving your car unattended. Please follow the varying time zones so that we can attempt or moderate traffic flow. MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY Dismissal Time from Class Pick Up between: TK - 3rd Graders (primary) 2:50 pm 2:52 pm - 3:00 pm 4th - 6th Graders (upper) 3:00 pm 3:03 pm - 3:10 pm Families w/Primary & Upper Students 2:45 pm and 3:00 pm 3:03 pm - 3:10 pm Bus Transportation There is no charge for Bus Transportation this school year. Parents must still complete paperwork and receive a bus pass for this student. This is so we have record of who is riding the bus. If your student rides the bus, please remind them to head right in front of school at dismissal as the bus leaves 3 minutes after dismissal. Kidscare If your child is enrolled in our Kidscare program and are in the following grade levels: TK & Kindergarten: students are walked by staff directly to the KidsCare Room at dismissal 1st-6th Grade: students are to walk directly to the KidsCare room after dismissal. Other Information The safety of our students and families is our top priority. As you travel near the school during drop-off and pick-up times, please remember to: Abide by speed limits Keep a vigilant eye out for students and families crossing the street Be mindful of our surrounding community Your cooperation helps ensure a safe environment for everyone. Thank you for your attention and care! [Tuesday, Aug 13 at 12:18 PM] We are very excited for our first day of school tomorrow. Please make sure to review our Logistics for the first day of school. Thank you!
Tuesday, Aug 06 2024
Community Message: Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year Good Afternoon La Tercera Families, Welcome to the 24-25 school year! Everyone at La Tercera has been thinking of you and hope that you are having a wonderful summer where you are spending time in the sunshine and sharing special memories with loved ones. We are looking forward to another wonderful school year at La Tercera. We have had a lot happening on campus over the summer to prepare for the new school year. Teachers have been either working on campus, and/or moving and setting up their classrooms. We will have a number of new faces on campus this year that we are excited for you to meet! Daily Acts, in partnership with Old Adobe Union School District, began the process of working with transitioning our campus to being drought resistant, and a more environmentally conscientious campus. Over the summer, a majority of our interior campus where we had grass has been transitioned to weed barrier and mulch. In the coming fall, we will have planting days, where California native plants and pollinator gardens will be added. More information about this process will be shared at our Back to School Night. Additionally, Daily Acts will be working in partnership with our student body and staff for what of plants will be used in the landscaping, and the use of different areas. We additionally have begun the process of meeting with ReLeaf to do a planting project of trees on our campus. We are thankful to our community partners for their collaboration and work over the summer. To our students, I cannot wait to continue to see you all again soon. I have missed seeing your bright smiling faces on campus. I hope that you are excited for this coming school year and that you are enjoying your final days of summer. It is going to be a wonderful year learning together. As we embark on this new school year together, I look forward to working in collaboration with all of our partners. Please know that my door is always open. I heartily welcome your conversation and input throughout this year. I am excited to celebrate our collective successes during the 2024-205 school year. Enjoy the remaining days of summer! Warmly, Catherine Larkin School Wide Announcements We hope that you are able to come and join us for our official welcome to the 24-25 school year. We will be posting class lists at 4pm. Please come and join us in seeing who your teacher will be, have some ice cream and fun. La Tercera's PTA will host our first PTA meeting on Tuesday, August 13 at 7pm in the La Tercera Library. This is the initial meeting where events for the school year will be planned, budget will be approved, and initial committees will be made. La Tercera will host our Back to School Night on Wednesday, Aug 28th from 5:30 to 7:00. This event is a wonderful opportunity to learn more about what your student will be learning this upcoming year, and ways to support your student's growth this school year. PTA Information /Updates The La Tercera Parent Teacher Association (PTA) would like to extend a warm welcome to the 2024-25 school year! The LA Tercera PTA is a non-profit, volunteer organization made up of parents and teachers, with the goal of enriching the school experience for all of our La Tercera students. We host several exciting events throughout the year, including fundraisers to help support field trips and programs on campus. Example of our annual events are the Read-a-Thon fundraiser, Harvest Festival Dine and Donate events, Fall Carnival, Field Day and our Gala! All events were a lot of for our students and families, but also money towards programs at the school. As a volunteer organization, our success as a PTA depends on parent participation. We invite you to participate in the PTA this school year. Please join us for our first monthly meeting of the year on Tuesday, August 13th at 7pm in the La Tercera Library. For those interested in joining virtually, a Zoom link will be provided. Sincerely, The La Tercera PTA La Tercera PTA 2024-25 FAQ Who can join the PTA? The PTA is open to all parents/guardians of current La Tercera students, and to La Tercera teachers and staff! Why join the PTO? Get involved in planning fun events for the students and families, help fundraise for the school, and get to know other La Tercera parents and families! When does the PTA meet and what is the time commitment? The PTA holds monthly meetings, 2nd Tuesday of the month. We meet at 7pm on the La Tercera campus. We love to see members in person, but a Zoom link is always provided. Additional meetings are held as needed for event committees. Participate as much or as little as you are able! Help plan one or more events, or just volunteer for a shift at an event. How do I join? Attend our first meeting and sign-up, talk to PTA members in person at upcoming school events, or email. School Wide Reminders First day of School Our first day of school is Wednesday, August 14th, 2024. Please remember to give yourself extra time on the first day of school to ensure that you have to arrive to school on time. Gates open at 8:15 am, and school starts at 8:25 am. Community Coffee La Tercera will be hosting a community coffee on Friday, August 16th at 8:30 am. This is a wonderful opportunity to connect with other families on campus, and chat with the principal. Parent Square La Tercera would like to encourage all parents to download the Parent Square application on your iPhone or android device as it is the main “hub” of information. Parent Square provides a simple and safe way for families to connect with the school. With Parent Square you’ll be able to receive all school and classroom communication via email, text, voice alerts and notices; view the school/classroom calendars, RSVP for events and much more. Medication at School If your student has any medication that they need to have at school, please remember that we need to have medical authorization from the doctor, along with the medication in the original packaging. Upcoming Events 08.13- August PTA Meeting at 7pm 08.14- First Day of School 08.16 - Community Coffee at 8:30am 08.20 - TK-2nd Grade Literacy Night 08.23- School Wide Community Gathering 08.28- Back to School Night at 5:30 09.02- Labor Day- No School 09.10- September PTA Meeting at 7pm 09.25- Lawrence Hall of Science Night at 5:30
Monday, Aug 05 2024
La Tercera Newsletter: Week of June 2, 2024
Weekly Newsletter: Week of June 2 2024 **Please note that the voice message system is not working this evening. There is no robocall attached to this newsletter. Happenings Around Campus 5th and 6th grade had their Spring Band Concert. 2nd Grade hosted their Geology Rocks Play L a Tercera's PTA hosted our School Wide Talent Show. Huge appreciation to Suellen Maniscalco and Jackie Pointer for their time and dedication for putting on such an amazing event for our school site . End of School Year Dear La Tercera Community, I cannot believe that the last week of school is upon us. It has been a wonderful year here at La Tercera full of memories that will last a lifetime. I want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for such an amazing first year. I have learned so much about what makes our school site such an amazing place. We carried on La Tercera traditions, revived some that had been lost, and created new ones. I appreciate the relationships and partnerships that were formed this school year, and I cannot wait to see what next year holds in store for us. While we all look forward to summer break, I am very excited to return in August and create a whole new year of great memories at La Tercera. Have a great summer, stay safe, and I look forward to seeing you all again soon. Warmly, Catherine Larkin School Wide Updates Last Day of School Our last day of the school year is Thursday, June 6th. Please remember that school is out at 11:50. Lost & Found Please make sure to check Lost and Found over the next week. Any clothing is that not picke dup on or before June 6th will be donated. Medication at School If there are any medications at school for your child, please make sure to pick them up before the last day of school. Medications that are not picked up on or before June 6 will be discarded. June Community Gathering We have our final community gathering of the school year, Monday June 3rd at 8:30 in the morning. If you are able- you are welcome to come and join us. Disney Day! We have our final spirit day tomorrow, Monday, June 3rd.. Our Spirit theme is Disney Day. Please encourage your child to dress up in anything and everything Disney! La Tercera Field Day We have our field day Monday, June 3rd from 1:00 to 3:00 tomorrow afternoon being hosted by PTA. It is going to be warm out, so please make sure that your student dresses appropriately. 6th Grade Promotion We have 6th grade promotion on Wednesday at 11:00am. LT is very excited celebrate all of our amazing 6th graders. Please note that promotion will impact the school lunch menu for the day. Students will have bagged lunches for the day. Upcoming Events 06.03- Student Council Community Gathering & Field Day 06.05- 6th grade promotion at 11am 06.06- Last Day of School. School is out 11:50am
Monday, Jun 03 2024
La Tercera Newsletter: Week of May 26, 2024
Weekly Newsletter: Week of May 26, 2024 Volunteer Appreciation We had a great volunteer luncheon on Friday afternoon and many of our volunteers were able to attend. Unfortunately, some of our volunteers could not make it. We want to take a moment to thank all of our volunteers both personally and on behalf of the rest of the La Tercera staff. With the support of our volunteers and with funding from our PTA, we are able to provide many opportunities for students both inside and outside of the classroom. Some family members are able to volunteer almost daily, others once a week, some occasionally or on field trips. Others serve roles on PTA with hours of dedicated work to support our students. Whether you have been able to volunteer for one event or one hundred, we sincerely appreciate your volunteering. The strength of our school community is rooted in our partnerships with our families. Thank you volunteers for all that you do to make the jobs of our staff a little bit easier and for all of your support of our amazing students and our school as a whole. School Wide Updates No School- Monday, May 27th Please remember that school is closed on Monday, May 26th in observance of Memorial Day. 5th & 6th Grade Band Performances- Wed, May 29th Our 5th and 6th Grade Bands will be performing for our parents on Wednesday, May 29th at 8:45 am. We hope that you are able to come and join us in the multi for our students to showcase all they have learned this year! La Tercera Talent Show- Fri. May 31st The talent show is this Friday at 6pm. We hope that you are able to join us for this wonderful student centered event! Practices for the Talent Show this wee: Wednesday, May 29th (1:50 to 3:30) - NEW DATE and TIME Thursday, May 30th (3:00-4:30) Eagle Drawing Contest We are excited to share that PTA is hosting the Draw-An-Eagle Contest again this year! Please see the attached flyer. Upcoming Events 05.27- No School- Memorial Day 05.29 - 5th & 6th Grade Band Performance at 8:45am 05.31- Spring Talent Show at 6pm 06.03- Student Council Community Gathering & Field Day 06.05- 6th grade promotion at 11am
Monday, May 27 2024
La Tercera Newsletter: Week of May 12, 2024
Weekly Newsletter: Week of May 12, 2024 CAASPP Testing Update Our students in 3rd through 6th grade have been focused and working extremely hard over the last week. As I have visited classrooms, and had conversations with our teachers, all have been very impressed with our students and their engagement in the assessment. We will continue this coming week with the the main testing periods on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday and Friday will serve as make-up sessions for students who need additional time to complete the assessment. Friendly reminder that parents can help us! Please continue to: Ensure that your student is to school on time. Your student is well rested with a good nights sleep. Your student has eaten a breakfast with high protein content Remind your child that you and their teacher want them to try their best and are there to help, every step of the way. School Wide Updates Spring Music/Band Performances Our amazing music and band program will be hosting Spring Performances for students in K-3rd Grade and 4th Grade this week! All performances will happen in the school's multi. Please see the following dates: K-3rd Grade Performance- Monday, May 13th at 6pm 4th Grade Recorder Performance- Tuesday, May 14th at 6pm Open House this Week! La Tercera's Open House is this Wednesday, May 15th at 6pm. We look forward to showcasing all of the amazing learn that has happened this school year. PTA Meeting this week We have our last meeting of the school year on Tuesday, May 14th in the Library. Please note that our PTA meeting will happen at 8pm this month. We have Daily Acts coming to present. This group is working with our site on campus beautification and making our campus more environmentally sustainable. If you are not able to join us in person, please see the ZOOM LINK HERE . La Tercera Talent Show We are excited to share that we are hosting our Spring Talent Show on Friday, May 31st at 6pm. The following are the practice dates for the talent show: Friday, May 17th Thursday, May 23rd Tuesday, May 28th Thursday, May 30th All practice show practices will happen directly after school from 3pm to 5pm. Yearbooks for Sale! The deadline for yearbooks is swiftly approaching. While you may have missed the early ordering window, yearbooks are still available to order! https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=1015530105764027 Upcoming Events 05.13- K-3 Spring Music Performance at 6pm 05.14 - 4th Grade Recorder Performance at 6pm PTA Meeting at 8pm (new time) 05.15 - Open House at 6pm 05.22 - LCAP Meeting at 6pm 05.24- Minimum Day- School is out 11:50 05.29 - 5th & 6th Grade Band Performance at 8:45am 05.31- Spring Talent Show at 6pm
Monday, May 13 2024
La Tercera Newsletter: Week of April 28, 2024
Weekly Newsletter: Week of April 28, 2024 On Wednesday, 4th and 5th grade students attended the SF Giants STEM Day and stayed for the day baseball game. Thank you to the teachers and parents who were able to chaperone and provide our students with this wonderful opportunity. School Wide Updates Student Council Community Gathering & Spirit Day We have our April Spirit Day and Student Council ran Community Gathering on Monday, April 29th. We are excited to see all of our students dressed in mismatched clothing and what the student council has decided to do this month for our 6th grade competition. SALUTE TO STEM- Friday May 3rd We hope that you are able to join us for our School Wide Science Event- SALUTE TO STEM on Friday, May 3rd. This is a wonderful event that is ideal for all grade levels. Please see the attached flyer for additional information. La Tercera Talent Show We are excited to share that we are hosting our Spring Talent Show on Friday, May 31st 6pm. Please see the attached flyer for more information. LCAP Meeting Our next LCAP meeting has been rescheduled for Wednesday, May 22nd at 6pm in the library. CAASPP Testing Window La Tercera's testing window for the CAASPP assessment will be from Monday, May 6th through Friday, May 17th. All students in 3rd through 6th grade will be taking this assessment, more information to come in the coming weeks. Open House La Tercera's Open House will be on Wednesday, May 15th at 6pm. We look forward to showcasing all of the amazing learn that has happened this school year. Spring Music/Band Performances Our amazing music and band program will be hosting Spring Performances for students in K-6th Grade. These performances will occur throughout the month of May. Please see the following dates: K-3rd Grade Performance- Monday, May 13th at 6pm 4th Grade Recorder Performance- Tuesday, May 14th at 6pm 5th & 6th Grade Band Performance- Wednesday, May 29th at 8:45am Yearbooks for Sale! The deadline for yearbooks is swiftly approaching. While you may have missed the early ordering window, yearbooks are still available to order! https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=1015530105764027 Upcoming Events 05.03 - Salute to STEM 05.13- K-3 Spring Music Performance at 6pm 05.14 - 4th Grade Recorder Performance at 6pm PTA Meeting at 7pm 05.15 - Open House at 6pm 05.22 - LCAP Meeting at 6pm (new date) 05.29 - 5th & 6th Grade Band Performance at 8:45am Lawrence Hall of Science Night at 6:00pm 05.31- Spring Talent Show at 6pm
Monday, Apr 29 2024