Shining Stars
This month, we're celebrating two outstanding Shining Stars in the Romoland School District community: Speech Language Pathologist Marshall Murrow and Human Resources Administrative Secretary Sandra Sanchez! 🌟✨ Visit our website to read their inspiring stories and learn more about the incredible work they do for our students and staff: www.romoland.net
Wednesday, Sep 18 2024
Constitution Day
📜🇺🇸 Happy Constitution Day and Citizenship Day! 🇺🇸📜 Today, we celebrate the signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1787 and honor all those who have become U.S. citizens. This day reminds us of the rights and responsibilities that come with citizenship and the importance of our nation's founding document. Today we take a moment to reflect on the values of freedom, justice, and democracy that unite us all!
Tuesday, Sep 17 2024
Hispanic Heritage Month
As we transition into the colorful and culturally rich month of September, we are excited to recognize and celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. This observance, which runs from September 15th to October 15th, provides us with a valuable opportunity to honor the remarkable contributions of Hispanic and Latin Americans to our community and the nation as a whole. It is a time to reflect upon the remarkable history, traditions, and accomplishments of this vibrant community. This month-long celebration is not just an opportunity to learn about Hispanic heritage; it's also a time to promote unity and inclusion within our school district. We firmly believe that by understanding and embracing the diverse backgrounds of our students, staff, and families, we can create a stronger, more vibrant community.
Monday, Sep 16 2024
Expanded Learning Examiner- September 2024
For more information: romoland.net/expandedlearning To join the Expanded Learning team: edjoin.org/romoland  (Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Aide)
Saturday, Sep 14 2024
September Board Brief
This month’s Board Brief is available now! The Board Brief is a summary of actions taken by the RSD Board of Trustees at the board meeting on September 10, 2024. View all Board Briefs on our website here: www.romoland.net/boardbriefs
Friday, Sep 13 2024
Update on School Status
Dear Romoland School District Families and Staff, Thank you for your patience and understanding during today’s school closure. At 4:30 PM today, Cal Fire, RivCounty Public Health, and other county health and safety agencies will meet with school district representatives from across Riverside County to discuss the wildfire conditions and their impact on our schools. We will provide an update on the status of schools for tomorrow following that meeting. Please continue to check ParentSquare, your email, and our district website this evening for further information.
Wednesday, Sep 11 2024
School Closure Announcement for Wednesday, September 11
Dear Romoland School District Families and Staff, Due to worsening air quality conditions from the nearby wildfires, all Romoland School District schools and offices will be closed tomorrow, Wednesday, September 11, 2024, to ensure the safety of our students and staff. All school services and programs, including expanded learning programs and nutrition services, will be suspended until schools reopen. We will continue to monitor conditions and provide further updates about the potential for additional school closure days this week. Please check your email, text messages, and our district website for the latest information. Thank you for your understanding and stay safe.
Tuesday, Sep 10 2024
Schools Open on Inclement Weather Schedule
Dear Romoland School District Families, Good morning. After carefully monitoring air quality and heat conditions overnight, we are pleased to inform you that it is safe to hold school today. While the air quality predictions for the day are in a safe range, due to the ongoing heat and air particulate concerns, all schools will be operating on an inclement weather schedule. This schedule includes adjustments to outdoor activities, such as limiting recess and physical education to indoor settings, to ensure the health and safety of all students. We will continue to monitor the conditions throughout the day and make further adjustments if necessary. If your student has sensitive health requirements and you feel the need to keep them home, we encourage you to do what you feel is best. Missed school for medical reasons will be marked as an excused absence. Please notify the school of the absence. Thank you for your patience and understanding. We look forward to welcoming your children to school today under these adjusted conditions.
Tuesday, Sep 10 2024
Regional Fires and Air Quality
Dear Romoland School District Families, Due to the ongoing regional wildfires, we are closely monitoring air quality conditions in our area, which can change by the hour depending on wind conditions. The safety and well-being of our students and staff are our top priorities. At this time, we are assessing the situation to determine if it will be safe to hold school tomorrow. We will continue to track air quality overnight and will send a follow-up message early tomorrow morning with an update on the status of our schools. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation during this time. Please stay safe, and we will provide further information as it becomes available.
Tuesday, Sep 10 2024
Power Restored
Dear Romoland Elementary Families and Staff, Good morning! We received an update from Southern California Edison at 12:15 AM that power has been restored at Romoland Elementary School. All schools will be open and operating under normal conditions. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked through this situation. We look forward to seeing everyone today!
Monday, Sep 09 2024