Support Our Students & School! Please Donate Today by clicking the blue donate button. 💙🐧
Please be sure to select "Serve-A-Thon" from the online payment dropdown menu.
Please be sure to select "Serve-A-Thon" from the online payment dropdown menu.
How does SERVE-A-THON work?
Our SERVE-A-THON is a Service & FUNDraising effort. Students will be seeking & reaching out to family and friends asking them for pledges and donations to help our school. During the month of October, each class will be participating in 30-Days of Random Acts of Kindness and completing daily service opportunities. In addition, students will be collecting items and filling bags for our St. Jude Blessing Box, an on-going service project for our Church and School. On October 27th, all classes will be “sharing their month of blessings” out in the community. Our Penguin Power Will Be Shining Bright!
Do we have a FUNdraising goal and where does the money go?
We would love to raise $15,000 for our service and for our school. Please keep in mind that donations can be made on-line, in person, or through the mail. Payments of cash, check, charge, or stock are welcome. Please ask if your employer offers an employer donation match program. The money will go toward tuition assistance and items on the school wish list. This year we are working toward sport uniforms and additional equipment.
Our SERVE-A-THON Service Event Day will take place on Friday, October 27, 2023.
School Families: Please find the Blessing Bag Items Donation Wishlist in the 2023 SERVE-A-THON BOOKLET.