Earlier this year, we shared a little more about what our acquisition of Remind means for ParentSquare users. While Hub and Chat will continue operating as separate services, work is underway to add some of Remind’s best-loved features to the ParentSquare platform—and we’re excited to share that two of them are already live for you to access.
Personalize direct messages with voice clips
If you’ve ever wished you could send a voice recording on ParentSquare, this feature is for you. Users with direct messages enabled for their organization now have the ability to add voice clips to the DMs they send, bringing more convenience, accessibility, and personalization to communication on ParentSquare.
Adding voice clips to your messages is quick and easy. Users logged in online or on the app can record a voice clip of up to two minutes and send it as an attachment to a direct message, and recipients can listen to the recording directly in ParentSquare or through a link if they’re getting text notifications.
Voice clips are perfect for adding a personal touch to a written message, connecting with families that prefer verbal communication, or sharing instructional supplements. The options are endless—once you have a chance to try out voice clips, let us know how you’re using them with your community!

Streamline group management with new ways to join
This spring, we’re also adding a set of features to make it easier to manage groups on ParentSquare, including more ways for people to join groups.
Now, you can enable join codes for groups in your organization to simplify group management and access. With join codes, each group can have a customizable code of up to 10 characters (like “artclub” or “busroute1”) that allows registered ParentSquare users to join via QR code or group invitation link.

Join codes work hand in hand with the new group manager role, which lets users manage groups without having full access to the roster and other permissions. Now, instead of requiring group owners to add people manually, group managers can save time by sharing the QR code or link so people can join on their own.
Group managers also have the ability to enable approvals for a group and approve requests to join, so you and your team can make sure each of your groups has the right participants.
What’s next: Two-way texting, DMs, and more
Voice clips and join codes are just the first of the core Remind features we’re bringing on to the ParentSquare platform. Up next are two-way SMS text messaging (with translation!) and the ability to direct message groups and classes—both especially popular with teachers, staff, and coaches.
To be the first to get a preview of these features, current customers can sign up for our monthly What’s New Review webinar. Or, you can sign up right here for a demo with our team. We can’t wait to show you what we’re working on!