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The Best School Leadership Podcasts for Administrators: 5 Podcasts to Listen to This Summer

summer podcasts

For school leaders, summer break is a great time to recharge and reflect—and reinvigorate your leadership strategies. When the demands of the academic year are on pause for a few months, setting aside some time for professional development can help you make sure you’re rested and ready when school starts back up again.

If you’re looking for a way to add some professional learning to your summer but aren’t sure you can commit to something more formal, consider giving podcasts a try. Podcasts can be a valuable resource for discovering fresh ideas and strategies, and they often provide a blend of expert advice, real-world perspectives, and practical tips for enhancing school leadership. 

Whether you’re sitting by the pool, running errands, or just having your morning coffee, listening to a podcast can make any activity more enriching—and you can get your learning in while you’re going about your day. 

Here are five of the best school leadership podcasts to listen to this summer.

1. Transformative Principal

In this podcast, host Jethro Jones encourages school leaders to change their schools in ways that better serve their students. Between conversations with other experts and deep dives into leadership challenges, this podcast offers helpful insights and strategies for administrators.

2. Leader of Learning

This podcast explores transformational leadership in education, providing educators and administrators with inspiration to grow their impact as leaders. Hosted by Dr. Dan Kreiness, this podcast covers topics ranging from educational equity to technology to the emotional aspects of leadership.

3. The Learning Leader Show

This podcast, labeled “the most dynamic leadership podcast” by Forbes, features conversations between leadership advisor Ryan Hawk and some of the most thoughtful leaders in the space as they talk about their experiences and insights. 

4. Better Leaders Better Schools 

Hosted by Daniel Bauer and ranked in the top 0.5% of the most downloaded podcasts in the world, this podcast is created by educational leadership community Better Leaders Better School and features weekly  conversations exploring education and leadership in depth.

5. EduTechGuys

Hosted by David Henderson and Jeff Madlock, EduTechGuys is a self-proclaimed “high-intensity rollercoaster ride of super fun” that features rich discussions about the current state of technology in schools with edtech leaders and creators across the industry. Check out ParentSquare’s recent feature episode about education communication!

During your summer break, these educational leadership podcasts can be a source of inspiration and practical strategies alike—enhancing your own approach to leadership and helping you make a lasting impact on your students and school community. Enjoy your summer break, and happy listening!

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