Mass Notifications
Mass Notifications
Secure Document Delivery For Schools
Use Secure Document Delivery to not only safeguard sensitive information but also save significant time, thousands of dollars, and an extensive amount of paper. Gain valuable insights into delivery statistics, providing visibility into recipients who haven’t received these important documents and might need additional follow-up.

Securely deliver important documents to parents electronically:
- Save thousands of dollars in printing, mailing, employee, equipment & facilities costs
- Free up time spent stuffing envelopes
- Help your office go green
All you have to do is upload a master file of all student documents, and our smart technology will split up each document by Student ID, even for documents of varying length. Minimal work, major benefits!
ParentSquare’s Secure Document Delivery is the only existing technology that:
- Allows variable length documents in the master file
- Lets you define your own templates
- Includes text, app and email notifications – reaching families in their preferred modality and language
- Generates a separate PDF file of documents for parents who did not receive them
- Lets you print & mail these “missed” documents yourself – ensuring 100% deliverability and equity

How It Works:
- Create your own template*, or let us do it for you
*allows transparent student ID - Write your own message* to accompany the documents, or use a canned message
*supports multiple languages - Upload a file of student documents
- Send or schedule your document blast!
What Parents See:
- Parents receive an email, text or app notification with a secure link to their individual document
- Upon clicking their link, parents are prompted to enter their ParentSquare password or use Touch ID or Face ID
- Now parents have their student’s document. It’s that easy!